Saturday, September 5, 2009



World Harmony Organization proudly announces our Global Harmony Award (GHA). The award will be conferred to a distinguished world citizen who has made significant contributions to world harmony for the year. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony is the operating principle of the Universe. The universe cannot be eternal without harmony. There is no higher order of unity to unite mankind under one faith. Harmony Renaissance is the inevitable tide that will unite all mankind under the banner of unity in diversity.

Our Award Review Committee will base our selection criteria on the Twelve Harmony Renaissance Virtues. They are: TOLERANCE, ACCEPTANCE, RESPECT, KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS, HUMILITY, GENTLENESS, PATIENCE, EQUITY, NONVIOLENCE, GREEN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION. The award will be given every year beginning 2008.

World Harmony Organization (WHO) will initiate the Global Harmony Award this year. We welcome that U.N. will take over as agreed and carry on the Global Harmony Award tradition to the future. In subsequent years we will initiate Global Harmony Literature, Visual Arts and Music Awards. The Global Harmony Award will remain the crown jewel award of the highest Harmony Renaissance Honor.

The award statue will take the shape of a Harmony Renaissance (HR) Gate. By nature, human come to this earth through our own sacred birth gate. This HR Gate symbolizes that mankind will enter the World of Harmony in 21st Century. The final design of the HR Gate will be selected from worldwide submissions. Currently we envision a high tech design that will extol the Twelve Harmony Virtues in a lively and meaningful manner. We welcome design submissions by distinguished international artists. Kindly submit your design to

World Harmony Organization

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