Tuesday, February 3, 2015

India Vs China revisited, which country has more advantages

INDIA VS CHINA REVISITED WHICH COUNTRY HAS THE ADVANTAGES FRANCIS C W FUNG, PH.D. Since Obama visited India twice U.S. media is full of articles extoling that India will surpass China soon. One of the major reason that is promoted is that India has similar political system as the U.S. That China’s multi party consultative democracy is doomed to fail. None the less, ironically China’s multi party consultative democracy has the support of more than 80% of the population and is fast catching up with U.S. economically. The other two major reasons given by the supporter of India are that India is more innovative and entrepreneur than China. The matter of fact is that both India and China have ample entrepreneurs as evidenced by the business startup activities in both countries. As to innovation both countries are innovative in their own way. This is supported by history that for most of history China and India were the no.1 and no. 2 trading nations of the world. However, the most striking part of these articles is that support of India superiority only mentions India advantages and not Chinese advantages. The fact is China has far more advantages, just to name a few: 1) China invests far more in education and R and D. Thus China has far more research institutes and university graduates. 2) Chinese women have far more participation in business than India women. China has far more women billionaire that started their own business that India. The top10 women billionaire starter mostly hailed from China. 3) The fact that China is factory of the world supports the conclusion that China is good a t manufacturing. India is only the back office of the world. The advantage of manufacturing over back office is the former employs far more workers. 4) The West and India is strong in business management and MBA education flourishes. Country development management (CDM). Most Chinese officials are given extensive training in CDM. The Chinese government’s success in managing her economic development in the last three decades speaks ample for their CDM training. China’s university CDM training will soon spread around the world. 5) The Chinese Confucian culture are conducive to self discipline and hard work. This explains the success of China,Japan and Asian Tigers fast success in modernization during the last half century. The above are definitive China advantages that will allow China to fast catch up with U.S. as no.1 world economy by 2020. For India to catch up with China’s economy it is easier said than done. Francis C W Fung,Ph.D. Director General. World hatrmony Organization San Francisco, CA

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