Friday, April 14, 2017

Belt & Road to play crucial role for globalization

Belt & Road to play crucial role for globalization By Francis C W Fung, Ph.D., Director General of the World Harmony Organization, based in San Francisco, CA, US An historic moment was witnessed on Dec. 25 last year, since China, along with 56 other founding members, launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to support the Belt & Road (B&R) Initiative that is expected to provide greater connectivity on a global scale. The initiative was proposed by President Xi Jingping to demonstrate his modern vision for a community of common destiny for world prosperity. The Belt refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt that connects China to Europe through Central Asia. The Road is the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road connecting China through South East Asia to the Arab world. The initiative maintains a spirit of the ancient Chinese teachings of "Tien Xia Wei Kung (The world is for all.)" and "Tien Xia Da Tong (Great harmony over all the world)," which serve as Chinese cherished dreams for the world’s mutual commerce connectivity, prosperity, cultural respect and harmony. It’s natural for Beijing to launch the initiative for historical, technological, financial capable and infrastructure building experience reasons. In the last 39 years since China’s reform and opening-up policy, China has constructed over 20 trillion US dollars worth of highways, railroads, high speed railroads, bridges, tunnels, internet and high voltage electric transmission infrastructure covering the nation’s 1.3 billion population. Such super scale of construction in a short time has no historical precedence. China has the largest highway and high speed train networks in the world. By 2020, the 100th anniversary of the founding of Chinese Communist Party, all major Chinese cities are scheduled to be connected by high speed railroad. The B &R would establish infrastructure, communication and cultural connectivity for the nations and regions adjoined along the route. All New Silk Road infrastructures completed will be connected to China, such as during the Ancient Silk Road Era. China’s rejuvenation will make it one of the major powers of the world yet again. China seeks to become a driving force for the second round of globalization, which is likely grow larger and more inclusive than the first round of globalization led by the United States in the 20th century. The US will remain the dominant military power but not the largest economic power, which means the US will no longer dominate the globe as Washington had done in the 20th century. The 21st Century globalization favors inclusivity, equality, mutual respect, win-win prosperity and world harmony. China’s middle class will soon become the largest in the world. On account of Silk Road connectivity prosperity, the nation will be the hub market for globalization. Developing countries will continue to rise economically and culturally and the Belt and Road can benefit all humanity. The Belt & Road Initiative endorses mutual consultations, cooperation and benefits for all countries, serving as a symphony for our world to become all inclusive that welcomes progress together with China!

China’s Belt & Road to drive 2nd-generation Globalization

China’s Belt & Road to drive 2nd-generation Globalization By Francis C W Fung, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame; Director General of the World Harmony Organization, based in San Francisco, CA, US America initiated the 20th Century world trade globalization. But the 2008 world financial crisis caused by the U.S. toxic asset collapse and its worldwide devastating spread signaled the end of the good days of world trade globalization of the 20th Century. Seven years later world major economies in the world are still mired in great recession with the exception of China. The whole world is looking for new economic or technology breakthroughs to bail the world economy out of its quagmire. China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, which includes the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road came at the right time. The Belt and Road Initiative, according to President Xi, is all about win-win cooperation and community of common destiny. Xi emphasized the Initiative is not just for China, but it is a world symphony. It will be built by mutual consultation, mutual cooperation and for mutual benefit. This Intiative might be seen as the driving force for the wave of the second globalization, which might bring about the 21st century infrastructure revolution and transportation revolution. The initiative is to launch modern transportation and communication infrastructure to connect Asia through Central Asia to Europe and from South East Asia through Indian Ocean to Middle East and finally Africa. This vast “Belt and Road” initiative can advance commerce, communication, cultural and technology exchange, people-to-people contact all over the world to benefit human progress in the brave 21st century. The resulting world connectivity will bring trade globalization to another height far exceeding the 20th century because this time the connectivity expands to a far greater world. This time we may experience mutual development and prosperity like no other time in history before. It will not only connect transportation, communication, culture, etc., but most of all, it will connect the hearts and minds of the people along the Belt and Road, and even beyond, and might lead to world harmony in the long run. Finally the ancient Chinese dream of “Shi Jie Da Tong (Great harmony over all the world)” might become a reality in the 21st century.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


WHAT BEST TO EXPECT FROM XI AND TRUMP FIRST MEETING-PROMISING FUTURE OF U.S., CHINA RELATION? BY FRANCIS C W FUNG, PH.D. Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Donald Trump will have a historical meeting on April 7, 2017. It will define the future of U.S. China relation. What can we expect? To predict the outcome, first let us take a good look at both Presidents governing style, philosophy and vision. There are much we can glimpse from what is already well known in the media and available literature. Their governing philosophy and style cannot be farther apart. Donald Trump has little or no governing experience. His career experience can best be summed up as a real estate developer and host of the talk show, known more as “You are fired”. His governing style reflects his background as a shrew developer and talk show host. He is inclined to tweet messages to surprise his opponent to gain negotiation advantages. What he really says does not matter as long as he wins. This tactic was well exhibited during his presidential election campaign. Xi Jinping on the opposite is a leader with many years of governing experience and man with integrity and conviction. Through his political career he performed as governor or mayor for many important Chinese cities or provinces such as Fujian, Zhejiang and Xian, Shanghai and more. What impressed most was his own written youth guidance which started out with “The future of China belongs to people with positive knowledge, ideas and energy. The real crises are not financial crises but moral and belief crises…… Think of all humanity with love that knows no boundary” He has upheld his divine guidance throughout his governance of China such as poverty relief, rejuvenation of China and “Belt and Road” initiative to spread harmony, win -win mutual development and community of common destiny along the New Silkroad. For more details of Belt and Road initiative please refer to papers published by CCTV Forum. Additionally, because of the huge differences between Trump’s short term objective and Xi’s long tern vision, their first meeting will certainly not go well without a specific agenda that will channel their discussions in the right direction. Fortunately, from opinions of both governments, one may conclude that both sides agree confrontations mean both will loose and cooperation is the only way to move forward. According to some key Trump advisors, U.S. needs badly to renew its outdated infrastructures. This can be just the right common ground to cooperate. After 30 some years of comprehensive infrastructures building China has accumulated tremendous advantages and advanced technologies in bridges, railroads and electric network building. There are unlimited spaces for cooperation both in the U.S. and internationally. Trump will accept Xi’s offer of infrastructure help and presents the offer as his “Art of the deal”. China will help to rebuild many of the U.S. outdated bridges, airport terminals, transmission network as well as badly needed electric cars and buses. This can create many U.S. jobs to please Trump that he can claim to be his credit. With the momentum of Belt and Road growing rapidly, China can use U.S. consulting firm experience for engineering services and contract negotiations on the New Silkroad. With win-win comprehensive infrastructures cooperation fully on agenda the coming Xi -Trump first meeting may yet open a new era of cooperation between U.S. and China. China’s ancient teaching of world harmony and community of common destiny (Sai Jia Da Tong and Tien Hsia Wei Kung) as practiced by Xi, will finally happen to the world by the future cooperation of U.S. and China. Francis C W Fung, PH.D. Director General World Harmony Organization San Francisco, CA.