Contrary to American myth, China can surpass America in soft power. Look at her attractive ancient culture, her huge internet market and innovation, her national and international market deployment. Her harmony diplomacy is heralding her vision as cultural shaper. China has strong affinity with Asian nations. 21st Century is Asian century. She is leading the world out of the current financial crisis. Her position as a developing nation will enhance her participation in the growth of BRIC and Central Asia markets through silk road past grandeur. Western liberal capitalism has been blemished by the current financial crisis. Future developing model for the developing world is a combination of state and marketing economy with individual characteristics unique to each national condition.
We must forgive past trespasses committed by Western Imperialism and Colonialism. Without forgiveness there will be no new beginning. Nations practicing harmony must practice respect and equity towards each other. Citizens of a harmonious world, be proud you are citizens of the world, not just citizens of one great nation.
In China and America, civil rights are improving. However, Americans sometimes forget prejudices are not just black and white. Besides racial prejudices there are also cultural and historical prejudices.
We must forgive American media "China bashing": China and America represent two contrasting East and West culture. The positive is that the ideology difference between America and China are rapidly disappearing. In China state and market economy are merging into socialism with Chinese characteristics. Harmony society in China is Socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must also be tolerant and accepting. Let us forget past colonialism, slavery and labor exploitation. Let us hope by cooperating for mutual win-win development China and America will reach Harmony Consensus.
Harmony Diplomacy will work. America is the most powerful developed nation. China and India, the two largest developing nations are reemerging. The world is awakening to Harmony Renaissance. There are promises. The 2009 World Media Summit Declaration in Beijing is an indication that world major media see the necessity for more diverse, fair and accurate world news reporting. The necessity for green revolution will bring the developed and developing nations together. Harmony will overcome racial, ideology, religion and cultural differences.
The 12 Virtues of Harmony Renaissance are: "TOLERANCE, ACCEPTANCE, RESPECT, KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS, HUMILITY, GENTLENESS, PATIENCE, EQUITY, NONVIOLENCE, GREEN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION". Practicing Harmony Virtues will lead to Harmony Consensus among nations.
Harmony Renaissance is by necessity and inevitable. Harmony Believers in America and China will have to continue to work. Harmony is an ancient universal cultural value. It has been neglected, not non existent. No nation can claim harmony as her own. We can all advocate Harmony Renaissance. The universe is expanding and not self destruct, because dynamic Harmony Balance is the fundamental law of growth. Without Yin Yang balance in nature the world and the universe will not grow.
The West is strong in hard ideology and hard sciences (Yang). The East is strong in soft energy, religion and philosophy (Yin). All major religions of the world originated from Middle East and Greater Asia. These include Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Baha'i Faith. But in Yin there is Yang and vice verse. Laozi said in all things, Yin contains Yang (according to modern physics, in the universe invisible energy envelops the visible matters, which is only 20% of the universe). Yin and Yang in dynamic balance creates harmony (Dao De Jing). Western Yang energy has been on the rise for the past 200 years. It is time to balance East and West contribution to humanity. The reemergence of China and India as emerging developing major countries is also inevitable. That will in itself be conducive to world harmony and world democracy. Unity in diversity is the best way for world civilization to grow.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Will America win in an all out confrontation with China? The reality is both sides will lose. How much each side will loose? Which nation will recover more readily from the loss suffered from such an unwise and unthinkable confrontation? Will our over reach into another unnecessary cold war be productive? How essential is it for both nations to reach harmony consensus for win- win development instead of confrontation? America should have a public debate on this very urgent and important subject so we are better prepared for the consequence of our confrontational actions should we decide to embark on it.
Leaders of both nations are fully aware of the severe consequences of an avoidable all out confrontation. But a public debate in America is needed so President Obama will not be subjected to undue pressure from the public to provoke China to the point of no return. American media is still mired in the past Cold War mentality as to have not done the necessary task to educate American public about China development. We are uninformed and under disillusion about how China can progress so fast economically during the past three decades.
Despite the fact that the 2008 global financial crises was caused by America, there was rarely any complain from China. Chinese culture is not known to be critical of others. Fortunately Chinese leaders also read Sun Zi and follow Deng Xiaoping foreign policy teaching for China “Observe developments soberly, maintain our position, meet challenges calmly, hide our capacities and bide our time, remain free of ambition, never claim leadership” and avoid serious confrontations. American leaders are under pressure from the public to confront China for the last half century ever since the founding of the new Chinese Peoples Republic. Our citizens are constantly reminded by the media that we have the best political system and China must follow us to develop (See Martin Jacques, “When China Rules the World”, 2010).
American media has vowed with confidence that China today is more dependent on our market. This is a misinformation by the American media to build up confidence to please the public. This misconception of the public can be dangerous as to force our leaders hands on too many unnecessary confrontations with China as witnessed by our superior than thou attitude on Internet Freedom, sales of arms to Taiwan and Obama’s meeting with Dalai Lama despite repeated warning from China. On further analysis it is easy to show that America is actually more dependent on China as our banker to support out twin deficits (See Appendix, Message to President Obama, Who is More Dependent on Whom, America or China, by Francis C W Fung, ).
Ever since we think we won the Cold War because of our superior ideology we have convinced our self that we are invincible. We also are very proud that our military power is supreme and we are a creative nation that we lead in world technology. The truth is that our business enterprise is competitive because we are ahead in industrial revolution and our most endowed land attracts vast number of talents who seek opportunities. Ideology is very fickle. A nation can change her ideology on a dime as we witness China’s transformation. During the last three decades of reform and opening up she has proved that her hybrid system of combined state economy with market economy can work quite well. Many foreign talents that used to come from Europe, Japan, China and India are now returning home because economic opportunities in their homeland are growing because of increased prosperity. This phenomenon is well known as we saw Japanese and Taiwanese scientists and entrepreneurs returning home during the later part of the last Century and recently some Chinese and Indian talent are doing the same.
If current American provocation is unchecked there may come a point China will be forced to retaliate in action by discontinuing to subsidize our twin deficits. This reaction will most likely to lead to all out confrontation. The first to suffer is American consumers who will need to pay higher prices for essential goods to maintain our living standard. Next will be American and Chinese businesses because 70 % of imports from China are under joint venture management with foreign companies make more profit than that of Chinese business. It may not be fun to watch the domino effects of worldwide trade protectionism and stock markets crash, but it will happen like the 1929 world depression. When this does occur there is no telling who will be the bigger loser.
Luckily the world will recover from the next depression if it should occur despite our efforts to prevent it. The question is who will be more likely to recover from it fastest? America has never had a major calamity that took place in our home land other than the Civil War. China, however on the other hand, during the last Century, experienced the devastation of numerous imperial aggression wars, the Japanese occupation, two major civil wars, the Cultural Revolution and the recent devastating Szechuan earth quakes. She showed remarkable resilience in recovering from all those calamities. In addition, as an ancient culture, she is the one showed continuous unity for a long uninterrupted history of five thousand years.
As a dynamic young nation, America does not have a deep rooted ancient civilization as bounding force. China is a cultural state and not a political state as discussed in essay 3 in following Appendix. China is more centralized and cohesive as demonstrated by her developing pattern during the last three decades and her fast recovery from the last global economic crisis. (See Martin Jacques, “When China Rules the World”, 2010). As world’s manufacturing center, China certainly will be the first to have the get up and go to export consumer goods to the rest of the developing world. Remember in any depression, when the stock market crashed, cash is king. Whereas America is currently heavily in debt, China has two trillion dollars of foreign currency reserve, adding the 700 billion from Hong Kong, this will make 2.7 trillion. She and other cash rich nations in Asia will certainly recover that much faster during this potential depression than the America, even if they are not targeted to rise already.
History has ample documentation of the 1929 global depression. It is sufficient to conclude that at this time of crises, caution is the best part of velour for both America and China not to tempt fate. The most advisable course of action is for America and China both to continue cooperation and reach Harmony Consensus. A joint effort between the most powerful developed nation and the fastest growing developing country, America and China both will fulfill the manifested destination of greatness, bringing lasting peace and harmony to the world. Harmony is the most common value of human civilization and Harmony Renaissance is the next creative wave of energy mankind is waiting for to lead us to the next level of accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
Will America win in an all out confrontation with China? The reality is both sides will lose. How much each side will loose? Which nation will recover more readily from the loss suffered from such an unwise and unthinkable confrontation? Will our over reach into another unnecessary cold war be productive? How essential is it for both nations to reach harmony consensus for win- win development instead of confrontation? America should have a public debate on this very urgent and important subject so we are better prepared for the consequence of our confrontational actions should we decide to embark on it.
Leaders of both nations are fully aware of the severe consequences of an avoidable all out confrontation. But a public debate in America is needed so President Obama will not be subjected to undue pressure from the public to provoke China to the point of no return. American media is still mired in the past Cold War mentality as to have not done the necessary task to educate American public about China development. We are uninformed and under disillusion about how China can progress so fast economically during the past three decades.
Despite the fact that the 2008 global financial crises was caused by America, there was rarely any complain from China. Chinese culture is not known to be critical of others. Fortunately Chinese leaders also read Sun Zi and follow Deng Xiaoping foreign policy teaching for China “Observe developments soberly, maintain our position, meet challenges calmly, hide our capacities and bide our time, remain free of ambition, never claim leadership” and avoid serious confrontations. American leaders are under pressure from the public to confront China for the last half century ever since the founding of the new Chinese Peoples Republic. Our citizens are constantly reminded by the media that we have the best political system and China must follow us to develop (See Martin Jacques, “When China Rules the World”, 2010).
American media has vowed with confidence that China today is more dependent on our market. This is a misinformation by the American media to build up confidence to please the public. This misconception of the public can be dangerous as to force our leaders hands on too many unnecessary confrontations with China as witnessed by our superior than thou attitude on Internet Freedom, sales of arms to Taiwan and Obama’s meeting with Dalai Lama despite repeated warning from China. On further analysis it is easy to show that America is actually more dependent on China as our banker to support out twin deficits (See Appendix, Message to President Obama, Who is More Dependent on Whom, America or China, by Francis C W Fung, ).
Ever since we think we won the Cold War because of our superior ideology we have convinced our self that we are invincible. We also are very proud that our military power is supreme and we are a creative nation that we lead in world technology. The truth is that our business enterprise is competitive because we are ahead in industrial revolution and our most endowed land attracts vast number of talents who seek opportunities. Ideology is very fickle. A nation can change her ideology on a dime as we witness China’s transformation. During the last three decades of reform and opening up she has proved that her hybrid system of combined state economy with market economy can work quite well. Many foreign talents that used to come from Europe, Japan, China and India are now returning home because economic opportunities in their homeland are growing because of increased prosperity. This phenomenon is well known as we saw Japanese and Taiwanese scientists and entrepreneurs returning home during the later part of the last Century and recently some Chinese and Indian talent are doing the same.
If current American provocation is unchecked there may come a point China will be forced to retaliate in action by discontinuing to subsidize our twin deficits. This reaction will most likely to lead to all out confrontation. The first to suffer is American consumers who will need to pay higher prices for essential goods to maintain our living standard. Next will be American and Chinese businesses because 70 % of imports from China are under joint venture management with foreign companies make more profit than that of Chinese business. It may not be fun to watch the domino effects of worldwide trade protectionism and stock markets crash, but it will happen like the 1929 world depression. When this does occur there is no telling who will be the bigger loser.
Luckily the world will recover from the next depression if it should occur despite our efforts to prevent it. The question is who will be more likely to recover from it fastest? America has never had a major calamity that took place in our home land other than the Civil War. China, however on the other hand, during the last Century, experienced the devastation of numerous imperial aggression wars, the Japanese occupation, two major civil wars, the Cultural Revolution and the recent devastating Szechuan earth quakes. She showed remarkable resilience in recovering from all those calamities. In addition, as an ancient culture, she is the one showed continuous unity for a long uninterrupted history of five thousand years.
As a dynamic young nation, America does not have a deep rooted ancient civilization as bounding force. China is a cultural state and not a political state as discussed in essay 3 in following Appendix. China is more centralized and cohesive as demonstrated by her developing pattern during the last three decades and her fast recovery from the last global economic crisis. (See Martin Jacques, “When China Rules the World”, 2010). As world’s manufacturing center, China certainly will be the first to have the get up and go to export consumer goods to the rest of the developing world. Remember in any depression, when the stock market crashed, cash is king. Whereas America is currently heavily in debt, China has two trillion dollars of foreign currency reserve, adding the 700 billion from Hong Kong, this will make 2.7 trillion. She and other cash rich nations in Asia will certainly recover that much faster during this potential depression than the America, even if they are not targeted to rise already.
History has ample documentation of the 1929 global depression. It is sufficient to conclude that at this time of crises, caution is the best part of velour for both America and China not to tempt fate. The most advisable course of action is for America and China both to continue cooperation and reach Harmony Consensus. A joint effort between the most powerful developed nation and the fastest growing developing country, America and China both will fulfill the manifested destination of greatness, bringing lasting peace and harmony to the world. Harmony is the most common value of human civilization and Harmony Renaissance is the next creative wave of energy mankind is waiting for to lead us to the next level of accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, 4. December 2009, 16:33:36
Dear Friends,
As a humble student of Universal Harmony Culture and Civilization I have distilled Harmony Renaissance into Harmony Faith to unify science and religion. Through the concept of universal invisible energy the attached concept papers postulates scientific origin of creation and venture to suggest scientific definitions of our soul, conscience and love.
The titles of the attached concept papers are: "Harmony Faith Order of Universe. Unifier of Science and Religion" and "Harmony Faith Order of Universe, Our Soul, Conscience and Love". The intent of the proposed concepts are to give sufficient meaning to life as a universal philosophy and not necessary as a new institutionalized religion. We are born with an innate sense of universe creation by invisible energy. Rather believers are advised to accept all major world religions in the true spirit of Harmony Renaissance.
As a fellow believer of Harmony Philosophy I welcome your opinion on the proposed concepts. Kindly respond with your comment and opinion by return email.
In Service of Harmony Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Thursday, 3. December 2009, 17:03:29
World Harmony Organization states in our Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration:
“In the East, harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Humans in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.”
“Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.”
“Laotze said "At the beginning, Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Laotze’s harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.” All atoms carry Ying (electrons) and embrace Yang (protons).
“Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO. The existence of invisible energy as omnipresent and infinite is a theory advanced by modern physics.”
Modern physics postulates that the universe is 80% invisible energy and 20% physical matter. Einstein is known for his observation that energy and matter are convertible. Hence it is logical to conclude that the universe is created by the invisible energy. This supports Laotze’s assertion that the universe is created by Dao which can be interpreted as the invisible energy.
In the following concise dissertation we will explain how Harmony Faith can reconcile science and religion once and for all. On top of that we will give the meaning of life a very achievable goal. In this stage the door is also open for continuing human progressive inspiration from the omnipresent and all prevalent Dao, the invisible energy that created the universe. Together with modern science this concept makes a creator in a man made form unnecessary.Harmony is a universal common value; it is also a vision statement for all. It is the order of nature and the universe for all to emulate. Harmony is the dynamic balance that returns nature’s calamities to tranquility. Without harmony the universe cannot be eternal.
In harmony we can find true belief that transcends all cultures and religions. The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner self. Mankind is born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self fulfillment and self salvation. Our soul has a conscience that elevates us from total animal selfishness. As our soul grows to its maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the difference between hell and heaven.The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and belief. Our soul is an energy field that grows with our accomplishments on earth.
With differing strengths embedded in our DNA, humans are not created equal just as sure our souls will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are dynamic processes and must not be considered as static phenomena. Harmony renaissance is a dynamic process and calls for proactive action.There is a fine line between a believer and non believer of any religion. A true creator will accept all because all humans attest to harmony. Cultural differences are only in form and not in essence. Harmony is the salvation of mankind and the king of unity in diversity.
The universe and all living creations through evolution are created by the invisible energy and are sustained by energy. This theory without man made heavenly images does not contradict conventional religious beliefs. Furthermore it is a rational way of agreeing with modern sciences. Our soul is merely an energy field that contains our spirit, life time beliefs and experiences. It exists eternally and has a beginning and no end after our death. Each soul can accomplish harmony with itself but souls are not necessarily equal. We are here on earth to develop our own soul from its early immature conception.Religions begin with search of truth, goodness and beauty. This search will ultimately help us to reach harmony at death.
All religions preach harmony because harmony is the most common value and the greatest common denominator of mankind. Conflicts in religion are caused by human corruption. Belief in harmony, the universal truth, does not need a man made image of creator. The invisible energy as the creator of the universe does not contradict with modern science. This imaging of the creator does not contradict any religious beliefs and is not divisive. In time this imaging of the creator without man made figure will reconcile all religions as the true scientific belief. According to modern science the invisible energy of the universe is all powerful and omnipresent. It is part of the paradigm of Faith in Harmony. Many religions believe in brotherhood of mankind. What has kept us from achieving unity in diversity are the differences in religious culture and the cultural centric creator figures conjured by different religions.
A person who does not practice institutionalized religion can achieve inner peace through harmony practices. The universal belief in the invisible energy as the creator in the firmament reconciles all religions and faiths. Faith in Harmony is thus the most acceptable Faith that transcends mankind’s conflicts of fear and greed. Harmony on earth that promises unity in diversity is the promise of Kingdom on Earth and the Most Great Peace on earth by all sages and prophets. A person achieves self fulfillment has reached harmony in his own soul and his life is complete and his soul is eternal and everlasting without torment.Our search for harmony renaissance is multifaceted and all inclusive. Our perspectives include East and West culture, world civilization and history, harmony diplomacy, world religions, ancient philosophy and modern science.
For harmony to be a true universal faith it must reconcile with scientific observations. This is unity of science and religion.We believe in self salvation through Faith in Harmony practices. Our actions shall encompass all human activities such as world affairs, commerce, education, cultural activities and religious or non religious functions. Specifically at this moment in history our action should enhance peace, reduce conflict, harmonize world religions, and activate harmony culture, pursuit harmony education. United Nation is at a cross road. It is time to advocate U. N. harmony civilization so all 193 nations can converse and consult with universal Harmony common value. 21st century is the beginning of Harmony renaissance.
The world mission is to be ready for human's next creative wave to lead us to a higher level of common accomplishment. World Harmony Renaissance will bring the whole world into action for a new millennium of peace and prosperity with unfettered collective energy surpassing European Renaissance. Harmony Faith is self sufficient without the need to introduce a new religion. Believers are advised to accept all major world religions.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Friday, 4. December 2009, 15:18:53
1) World Harmony Organization states in our Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration:
“In the East, harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Humans in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.”
“Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.”
“Laotze said "At the beginning, Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Laotze’s harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.” All atoms carry Ying (electrons) and embrace Yang (protons).
“Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO. The existence of invisible energy as omnipresent and infinite is a theory advanced by modern physics.”
Modern physics postulates that the universe is 80% invisible energy and 20% physical matter. Einstein is known for his observation that energy and matter are convertible. Hence it is logical to conclude that the universe is created by the invisible energy. This supports Laotze’s assertion that the universe is created by Dao which can be interpreted as the invisible energy.
In the following concise dissertation we will summarize how Harmony Faith can reconcile science and religion. As continuing development, we will explain our concept of soul, conscience and love based on harmony and invisible energy. This will reinforce the meaning of life and give a very achievable goal for our existence.
The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and belief. Our souls are energy fields that grow with our accomplishments on earth. With differing strengths embedded in our DNA, humans are not created equal just as sure our souls will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are dynamic processes and must not be considered as static phenomena. Harmony renaissance is a dynamic process and calls for proactive action.
The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner selves. Mankind is born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self fulfillment and self salvation. Our souls have consciences that elevate us from total animal selfishness. As our souls grow to their maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the difference between hell and heaven.
The intent of the proposed concepts are to give sufficient meaning to life as a universal philosophy and not necessary as a new religion. Rather believers are advised to accept all major world religions in the true spirit of Harmony Renaissance.
The invisible energy that makes up our soul is in constant dynamic interaction with all that surround us. Our soul seeks harmony with the universe. That is called “Tien Ren He Yi” by Laotze. Our soul belongs to and is part of the invisible energy that fills the universe. Our desire to interact with and our sense of belonging to the universe is our conscience. Our conscience’s awareness starts from within ourselves and extends as far as we can reach. This is what distinguishes us from other animals. Our conscience is sublime and enables us to rise above our base and selfish instincts.
All humans are born “good”. We are corrupted by our own emotions of hate, greed and jealousy. There is no devil and angels and heaven and hell. How good we are depends on our own development. There is no judgment day but our own conscience that judges ourselves in our own way. That is why our soul needs to be at harmony with the universe when we depart. Without corruption our conscience has the innate desire to do good because our soul and conscience IS our invisible energy and is part of the community of invisible energy in the universe that created all the matters, living or mineral. Our conscience wants to be accepted by the greater community of invisible energy.
Humans and other animals are social animals. We all understand that our pets need us. Our consciences in their reaching out, express our love for our loved ones, to the society, our country, world community of nations and the planet. Our selfish nature wants to be loved. Many forms of love are selfless, most noticeable is a mother’s love for her off spring. At times our love for the society, our mother country and our faith can also be selfless. In no small part since our soul is part of the universal infinite energy, we naturally wish to extend our love to the world and universe as a whole.
Our physical bodies are full of sensors beginning with our hearts that can receive messages of love. Our brains through our whole person can also send love. How is love transmitted? Love propagates by invisible energy field and resonance. This is basic physics. Harmony and love propagates by wave and resonance like all forms of energy fields such as the force filed that bind orbiting electrons to the nucleus in an atom; gravity field that holds the solar system and other heavenly systems together. Other fields of energy such as magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields in the form of magnetic induction, radio and TY signals, light, heat and acoustic sound fill our life. Humans can apply all these energy fields to serve us but we are not capable to fully understand them. We also do not fully understand the invisible energy that fills the universe and how the universe was created at the beginning. Yet all these energy fields are miracles that make our life satisfying.
One of the most basic loves is between a man and woman, which are highly valued in the West. In other Eastern societies, besides romantic love, love for ancestors and mother country are highly valued traditionally. Of course greed and fear often dilutes our pure love. Love for the creator as in religions, from Harmony Faith perspective, can be considered as love for the infinite invisible energy. In the context of Harmony Faith we believe in love of mankind and the universe. Humans are capable of experiencing infinite forms of love and infinite love. Often the sense of fulfillment is a result of how much love we express. Just as our souls are different our propensity to express love are also different. All said and done, our love must also reach a dynamic balance within ourselves to avoid extremism. Both our souls and our consciences they contain, at the end of our journey, need to reach self harmony fulfillment within ourselves as discussed in the previous section, under self salvation. This is the essence of Harmony Faith. Harmony Faith is self sufficient without the need to introduce a new religion. Believers are advised to accept all major world religions.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.
San Francisco, CA
Friday, 4. December 2009, 16:33:36
Dear Friends,
As a humble student of Universal Harmony Culture and Civilization I have distilled Harmony Renaissance into Harmony Faith to unify science and religion. Through the concept of universal invisible energy the attached concept papers postulates scientific origin of creation and venture to suggest scientific definitions of our soul, conscience and love.
The titles of the attached concept papers are: "Harmony Faith Order of Universe. Unifier of Science and Religion" and "Harmony Faith Order of Universe, Our Soul, Conscience and Love". The intent of the proposed concepts are to give sufficient meaning to life as a universal philosophy and not necessary as a new institutionalized religion. We are born with an innate sense of universe creation by invisible energy. Rather believers are advised to accept all major world religions in the true spirit of Harmony Renaissance.
As a fellow believer of Harmony Philosophy I welcome your opinion on the proposed concepts. Kindly respond with your comment and opinion by return email.
In Service of Harmony Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Thursday, 3. December 2009, 17:03:29
World Harmony Organization states in our Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration:
“In the East, harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Humans in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.”
“Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.”
“Laotze said "At the beginning, Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Laotze’s harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.” All atoms carry Ying (electrons) and embrace Yang (protons).
“Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO. The existence of invisible energy as omnipresent and infinite is a theory advanced by modern physics.”
Modern physics postulates that the universe is 80% invisible energy and 20% physical matter. Einstein is known for his observation that energy and matter are convertible. Hence it is logical to conclude that the universe is created by the invisible energy. This supports Laotze’s assertion that the universe is created by Dao which can be interpreted as the invisible energy.
In the following concise dissertation we will explain how Harmony Faith can reconcile science and religion once and for all. On top of that we will give the meaning of life a very achievable goal. In this stage the door is also open for continuing human progressive inspiration from the omnipresent and all prevalent Dao, the invisible energy that created the universe. Together with modern science this concept makes a creator in a man made form unnecessary.Harmony is a universal common value; it is also a vision statement for all. It is the order of nature and the universe for all to emulate. Harmony is the dynamic balance that returns nature’s calamities to tranquility. Without harmony the universe cannot be eternal.
In harmony we can find true belief that transcends all cultures and religions. The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner self. Mankind is born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self fulfillment and self salvation. Our soul has a conscience that elevates us from total animal selfishness. As our soul grows to its maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the difference between hell and heaven.The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and belief. Our soul is an energy field that grows with our accomplishments on earth.
With differing strengths embedded in our DNA, humans are not created equal just as sure our souls will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are dynamic processes and must not be considered as static phenomena. Harmony renaissance is a dynamic process and calls for proactive action.There is a fine line between a believer and non believer of any religion. A true creator will accept all because all humans attest to harmony. Cultural differences are only in form and not in essence. Harmony is the salvation of mankind and the king of unity in diversity.
The universe and all living creations through evolution are created by the invisible energy and are sustained by energy. This theory without man made heavenly images does not contradict conventional religious beliefs. Furthermore it is a rational way of agreeing with modern sciences. Our soul is merely an energy field that contains our spirit, life time beliefs and experiences. It exists eternally and has a beginning and no end after our death. Each soul can accomplish harmony with itself but souls are not necessarily equal. We are here on earth to develop our own soul from its early immature conception.Religions begin with search of truth, goodness and beauty. This search will ultimately help us to reach harmony at death.
All religions preach harmony because harmony is the most common value and the greatest common denominator of mankind. Conflicts in religion are caused by human corruption. Belief in harmony, the universal truth, does not need a man made image of creator. The invisible energy as the creator of the universe does not contradict with modern science. This imaging of the creator does not contradict any religious beliefs and is not divisive. In time this imaging of the creator without man made figure will reconcile all religions as the true scientific belief. According to modern science the invisible energy of the universe is all powerful and omnipresent. It is part of the paradigm of Faith in Harmony. Many religions believe in brotherhood of mankind. What has kept us from achieving unity in diversity are the differences in religious culture and the cultural centric creator figures conjured by different religions.
A person who does not practice institutionalized religion can achieve inner peace through harmony practices. The universal belief in the invisible energy as the creator in the firmament reconciles all religions and faiths. Faith in Harmony is thus the most acceptable Faith that transcends mankind’s conflicts of fear and greed. Harmony on earth that promises unity in diversity is the promise of Kingdom on Earth and the Most Great Peace on earth by all sages and prophets. A person achieves self fulfillment has reached harmony in his own soul and his life is complete and his soul is eternal and everlasting without torment.Our search for harmony renaissance is multifaceted and all inclusive. Our perspectives include East and West culture, world civilization and history, harmony diplomacy, world religions, ancient philosophy and modern science.
For harmony to be a true universal faith it must reconcile with scientific observations. This is unity of science and religion.We believe in self salvation through Faith in Harmony practices. Our actions shall encompass all human activities such as world affairs, commerce, education, cultural activities and religious or non religious functions. Specifically at this moment in history our action should enhance peace, reduce conflict, harmonize world religions, and activate harmony culture, pursuit harmony education. United Nation is at a cross road. It is time to advocate U. N. harmony civilization so all 193 nations can converse and consult with universal Harmony common value. 21st century is the beginning of Harmony renaissance.
The world mission is to be ready for human's next creative wave to lead us to a higher level of common accomplishment. World Harmony Renaissance will bring the whole world into action for a new millennium of peace and prosperity with unfettered collective energy surpassing European Renaissance. Harmony Faith is self sufficient without the need to introduce a new religion. Believers are advised to accept all major world religions.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Friday, 4. December 2009, 15:18:53
1) World Harmony Organization states in our Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration:
“In the East, harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Humans in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.”
“Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.”
“Laotze said "At the beginning, Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Laotze’s harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.” All atoms carry Ying (electrons) and embrace Yang (protons).
“Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO. The existence of invisible energy as omnipresent and infinite is a theory advanced by modern physics.”
Modern physics postulates that the universe is 80% invisible energy and 20% physical matter. Einstein is known for his observation that energy and matter are convertible. Hence it is logical to conclude that the universe is created by the invisible energy. This supports Laotze’s assertion that the universe is created by Dao which can be interpreted as the invisible energy.
In the following concise dissertation we will summarize how Harmony Faith can reconcile science and religion. As continuing development, we will explain our concept of soul, conscience and love based on harmony and invisible energy. This will reinforce the meaning of life and give a very achievable goal for our existence.
The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and belief. Our souls are energy fields that grow with our accomplishments on earth. With differing strengths embedded in our DNA, humans are not created equal just as sure our souls will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are dynamic processes and must not be considered as static phenomena. Harmony renaissance is a dynamic process and calls for proactive action.
The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner selves. Mankind is born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self fulfillment and self salvation. Our souls have consciences that elevate us from total animal selfishness. As our souls grow to their maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the difference between hell and heaven.
The intent of the proposed concepts are to give sufficient meaning to life as a universal philosophy and not necessary as a new religion. Rather believers are advised to accept all major world religions in the true spirit of Harmony Renaissance.
The invisible energy that makes up our soul is in constant dynamic interaction with all that surround us. Our soul seeks harmony with the universe. That is called “Tien Ren He Yi” by Laotze. Our soul belongs to and is part of the invisible energy that fills the universe. Our desire to interact with and our sense of belonging to the universe is our conscience. Our conscience’s awareness starts from within ourselves and extends as far as we can reach. This is what distinguishes us from other animals. Our conscience is sublime and enables us to rise above our base and selfish instincts.
All humans are born “good”. We are corrupted by our own emotions of hate, greed and jealousy. There is no devil and angels and heaven and hell. How good we are depends on our own development. There is no judgment day but our own conscience that judges ourselves in our own way. That is why our soul needs to be at harmony with the universe when we depart. Without corruption our conscience has the innate desire to do good because our soul and conscience IS our invisible energy and is part of the community of invisible energy in the universe that created all the matters, living or mineral. Our conscience wants to be accepted by the greater community of invisible energy.
Humans and other animals are social animals. We all understand that our pets need us. Our consciences in their reaching out, express our love for our loved ones, to the society, our country, world community of nations and the planet. Our selfish nature wants to be loved. Many forms of love are selfless, most noticeable is a mother’s love for her off spring. At times our love for the society, our mother country and our faith can also be selfless. In no small part since our soul is part of the universal infinite energy, we naturally wish to extend our love to the world and universe as a whole.
Our physical bodies are full of sensors beginning with our hearts that can receive messages of love. Our brains through our whole person can also send love. How is love transmitted? Love propagates by invisible energy field and resonance. This is basic physics. Harmony and love propagates by wave and resonance like all forms of energy fields such as the force filed that bind orbiting electrons to the nucleus in an atom; gravity field that holds the solar system and other heavenly systems together. Other fields of energy such as magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields in the form of magnetic induction, radio and TY signals, light, heat and acoustic sound fill our life. Humans can apply all these energy fields to serve us but we are not capable to fully understand them. We also do not fully understand the invisible energy that fills the universe and how the universe was created at the beginning. Yet all these energy fields are miracles that make our life satisfying.
One of the most basic loves is between a man and woman, which are highly valued in the West. In other Eastern societies, besides romantic love, love for ancestors and mother country are highly valued traditionally. Of course greed and fear often dilutes our pure love. Love for the creator as in religions, from Harmony Faith perspective, can be considered as love for the infinite invisible energy. In the context of Harmony Faith we believe in love of mankind and the universe. Humans are capable of experiencing infinite forms of love and infinite love. Often the sense of fulfillment is a result of how much love we express. Just as our souls are different our propensity to express love are also different. All said and done, our love must also reach a dynamic balance within ourselves to avoid extremism. Both our souls and our consciences they contain, at the end of our journey, need to reach self harmony fulfillment within ourselves as discussed in the previous section, under self salvation. This is the essence of Harmony Faith. Harmony Faith is self sufficient without the need to introduce a new religion. Believers are advised to accept all major world religions.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.
San Francisco, CA
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Dear Rene and Norman,
I appreciate your efforts towards harmony on the World Day of Social Justice.
Harmony is the most embracing, inclusive, all encompassing and universal common value of mankind. Therefore, I suggest that we, and as many as will concur, propose Harmony Day to the United Nations to add to World Peace, World Tolerance, and Social Justice Days, etc. Harmony belongs to the universe. No one culture can claim harmony as its own. Without harmony the universe will not be eternal.
Social justice, in a broader sense, can also mean social rights along with human rights. Peace cannot last without harmony. Social rights and human rights are insufficient when the mankind has no harmony. Social rights can mean the rights to health care, livelihood, society security, and so on for the developing world. To the developed capitalist world these are assumed as opportunities, rather than rights. In the West we have taken upon ourselves to criticize the developing world for lack of the democracy and human rights that we hold dear, such as rights to legal and political representation and the right to freedom of speech. We maintain that the developing world must practice what we value now and forget that our democracy and human rights were also hard earned in the past.
The truth is that all cultures of the developing world must go through their stages of development at their own paces and in concert with their cultural heritages. For each of the developing nations, the most appropriate system is most likely its own distinct harmonious system. To the developing world during their rise in the 21st century, social rights may be more relevant and pressing than the Western version of democracy and human rights. Notwithstanding that fact, “We are the best because we have democracy” is the end-all statement to end all value debates by some Americans.
From a broad human prospective, the three main pillars of human civilization that are highly valued are harmony, major world religions, and democracy in that order. Harmony, as the most ancient culture as well as the most universal common value, is priceless. Confucius, Laotzi, and other like-minded world philosophers predate Christ, Buddha, and Mohammad. Harmony between the government and the governed is more desirable and more stable than any brand of democracy without harmony and likely will include grass-roots representation. Harmony with nature as taught by the ancients means mankind is part of nature, as in Laotzi’s “Tien Ren Ha Yi”.
The fact that China, as an ancient culture, did not create a national religion of her own, but adopted Buddhism from India and accepted Christianity and Islam, demonstrates that she is practicing harmony. Because of Western domination of the past 150 years, one cannot blame China for sensitivity to Western interference in her practice of religious freedom.
A world practicing harmony within oneself, within all nations, among the nations, and with nature will be most precious. The coming of Harmony Renaissance and Harmony Civilization are inevitable. They are the next wave of creative energy that mankind is waiting for to unshackle us from religious and ideological strife. Harmony faith is the ultimate self-salvation and the resurrection of mankind from global destruction caused by war and unsustainable development.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
Dear Rene and Norman,
I appreciate your efforts towards harmony on the World Day of Social Justice.
Harmony is the most embracing, inclusive, all encompassing and universal common value of mankind. Therefore, I suggest that we, and as many as will concur, propose Harmony Day to the United Nations to add to World Peace, World Tolerance, and Social Justice Days, etc. Harmony belongs to the universe. No one culture can claim harmony as its own. Without harmony the universe will not be eternal.
Social justice, in a broader sense, can also mean social rights along with human rights. Peace cannot last without harmony. Social rights and human rights are insufficient when the mankind has no harmony. Social rights can mean the rights to health care, livelihood, society security, and so on for the developing world. To the developed capitalist world these are assumed as opportunities, rather than rights. In the West we have taken upon ourselves to criticize the developing world for lack of the democracy and human rights that we hold dear, such as rights to legal and political representation and the right to freedom of speech. We maintain that the developing world must practice what we value now and forget that our democracy and human rights were also hard earned in the past.
The truth is that all cultures of the developing world must go through their stages of development at their own paces and in concert with their cultural heritages. For each of the developing nations, the most appropriate system is most likely its own distinct harmonious system. To the developing world during their rise in the 21st century, social rights may be more relevant and pressing than the Western version of democracy and human rights. Notwithstanding that fact, “We are the best because we have democracy” is the end-all statement to end all value debates by some Americans.
From a broad human prospective, the three main pillars of human civilization that are highly valued are harmony, major world religions, and democracy in that order. Harmony, as the most ancient culture as well as the most universal common value, is priceless. Confucius, Laotzi, and other like-minded world philosophers predate Christ, Buddha, and Mohammad. Harmony between the government and the governed is more desirable and more stable than any brand of democracy without harmony and likely will include grass-roots representation. Harmony with nature as taught by the ancients means mankind is part of nature, as in Laotzi’s “Tien Ren Ha Yi”.
The fact that China, as an ancient culture, did not create a national religion of her own, but adopted Buddhism from India and accepted Christianity and Islam, demonstrates that she is practicing harmony. Because of Western domination of the past 150 years, one cannot blame China for sensitivity to Western interference in her practice of religious freedom.
A world practicing harmony within oneself, within all nations, among the nations, and with nature will be most precious. The coming of Harmony Renaissance and Harmony Civilization are inevitable. They are the next wave of creative energy that mankind is waiting for to unshackle us from religious and ideological strife. Harmony faith is the ultimate self-salvation and the resurrection of mankind from global destruction caused by war and unsustainable development.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
Dear Rene and Norman,
I appreciate your efforts towards harmony on World Day of Social Justice.
Harmony is the most embracing, inclusive, all encompassing and universal common value of mankind. I suggest that we propose Harmony Day, as many will concur, to United Nations to add to World Peace, World Tolerance and Social Justice Day etc. Peace cannot last without harmony. Harmony belongs to the Universe. No one culture can claim harmony as its own. Without harmony the universe will not be eternal.
Social justice in a broader sense can also mean social rights along with human rights. Social rights and human rights are insufficient when mankind has no harmony. Social rights can mean the right to health care, livelihood and society security and so on for the developing world. To the developed capitalist world these are assumed as opportunities rather than rights. In the West we have taken upon ourselves to criticize the developing world for lack of demo0cracy and human rights that we hold dear, such as rights to legal and political representation and rights to freedom of speech. We maintain that the developing world must practice what we value now and forgetting that our democracy and human rights were also hard earned in the past.
The truth is that all cultures of developing world must go through their stage of development at their own pace and in concert with cultural heritage. For the developing nations the most appropriate system is more likely their appropriate harmonious systems. To the developing world during their rise in the 21st Century, social rights may be more relevant and pressing than the Western version of democracy and human rights. Notwithstanding, “We are the best because we have democracy” is the end all statement to end all value debates by Americans.
From a broad human prospective, the three main pillars of human civilization, that are highly valued, are harmony, world major religions and democracy in that order. Harmony as the most ancient culture as well as the most universal common value is priceless. Confucius, Laotzi and other world like minded philosophers predate Christ, Buddha and Mohamed. Harmony between the government and the governed is more desirable and stable than any brand of democracy and likely will include grass root representation. Harmony with nature as taught by the ancients mean mankind is part of nature as in Laotzi’s “Tien Ren Ha Yi”.
The fact that China as an ancient culture did not create a national religion of her own but adopted Buddhism from India and accepted Christianity and Islam demonstrates that she is practicing harmony. In her practice of religion freedom because of Western domination of the past 150 years, one cannot blame China for sensitive to Western interference.
A world in harmony with one self, within all nations, and among the nations and with nature will be most precious. The coming of Harmony Renaissance and Harmony Civilization are inevitable. They are the next wave of creative energy that mankind is waiting for to unshackle us from religious and ideological strife. Harmony Faith is the ultimate self salvation and the resurrection of mankind from global destruction from war and unsustainable development.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
Dear Francis, Thanks for the nice photos of the Chinese New Year Celebration. We have to hope that the Year of the Tiger will be one of harmony.
I am sending you here and as an attachment a short article on the 20 Feb World Day of Social Justice. Harmony is one of the goals set out in the UN General Assembly's designation of the World Day of Social Justice. Thus for our efforts for a harmony renaissance, we can use this World Day as an opportunity for reflection and planning.
I thought that you might be able to write a little introduction putting "Harmony" in the first line as I did above and send it to the bbc site where you had posted the review. It looks like an interesting site but it is not clear how one posts things. All best wishes, Rene
World Day of Social Justice: A Sense of Direction
Rene Wadlow*
On a proposal of the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstzan, the United Nations General Assembly has set 20 February as the World Day of Social Justice. It was observed for the first time in 2009, but is not widely known. As with other UN-designated “Days”, the World Day of Social Justice gives us an opportunity to take stock of how we can work together at the local, national and global level on policy and action to achieve the goals set out in the resolution designating the Day of “solidarity, harmony and equality within and among states.”
As the resolution states “Social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among nations and that, in turn, social development and social justice cannot be attained in the absence of peace and security or in the absence of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
The Preamble to the UN Charter makes social justice one of the chief aims of the organization, using the more common expression of that time “social progress”. The Preamble calls for efforts “to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. However, in the preparation of the Charter during the last days of the Second World War, there was no definition given of “social progress”. There was agreement that social justice was definitely more than law courts plus a social policy. It was easier to recognize social injustice than to define social justice.
The societies created by Nazi Germany and the military in Japan with slave labor and the abolition of workers’ rights were the models of social injustice that the drafters of the UN Charter had in mind along with the consequences in North America and Western Europe of the 1930s depression.
Ideas concerning international efforts for social progress were drawn largely from the experience of the League of Nations and especially the International Labour Organization (ILO), which had been created in 1919. The representatives from the USA and Great Britain were most influential in the preliminary work on the UN Charter, other European states being occupied by Germany or still in the middle of fighting. Thus US representatives were strongly influenced in their views of social progress by the “New Deal” legislation of President Roosevelt and the British by the outlines of the 1942 Beveridge Plan, named after its main author, Lord Beveridge, which led to the setting up of the first unified social security system. By 1944, with the tide of war turning, the ILO met in Philadelphia, USA, and set out its aims of post-war world employment policies, freedom of association for workers and the extension of social security measures.
Thus from the start in 1945, the emphasis in the UN system had been on social justice as related to conditions of employment and the right to organize which was made manifest in the 1948 ILO Convention number 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize. Progressively, education was included as an aspect of social justice, in part because education is closely linked to employment. Later, health was added as an element, again because of a close link to employment.
It took much longer but ultimately, gender equality has been included in the aims of social justice as fair employment practices, good education, and adequate health services could often still overlook the existence of women. Even today, can education be the only measure of women’s empowerment? Does reproductive health and rights come under adequate health care?
It is likely that employment, education, health with equality between women and men is as far as government representatives are willing to go collectively in discussing policies and programs of social justice. Further advances will have to come from the non-governmental sector, though representatives from some governments at times can take a lead. Today, we can still see injustices due to social class, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, age, sexual orientation and disabilities. There is a reluctance on the part of governments to deal with these issues nationally and an even greater reluctance to deal with them collectively within the UN system.
However, it is too easy to throw back on others responsibilities for injustices, if at the same time one does not realize how each of us shares personally in the benefits of injustice. Thus, we can use the World Day of Social Justice not only to celebrate the advances made but to get a sense of direction for the road to be yet taken.
* Rene Wadlow, Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
Dear Leo, Rene, and Francis,I salute each of you in our common quest for harmony and peace for all global citizens as we approach the second UN World Day of Social Justice.Is Social Justice critical to our common goals? What is "Social Justice"? In the year 2000 our Center for Economic and Social Justice participated in a conference at the UN at which we presented a "Declaration of Social Development through Personal Empowerment," a document we prepared together with the Population Research Institute.'ll see in paragraphs 20-42 a discussion of fundamental human rights centering around the dignity of every human person to which all social technologies, including every nation-state and the UN itself should be subordinate. In these paragraphs we discuss "Social Justice" not in terms of social problems but as a set of social virtues essential for transforming unjust social structures, laws and constitutions, which in the final analysis lie at the root of most human conflicts and wars. We have re-published a pamphlet of Rev. William Ferree, one of our co-founders, that deepened my understanding of the nature of "Social Justice." While written from a Catholic perspective, I think you, just as non-Christians like me, will appreciate the universal moral power of this expansion of moral philosophy.Your comments would be greatly appreciated as we celebrate this World Day of Social Justice.In Peace, Prosperity and Freedom for every world citizen, only through Harmony and Justice,Norman KurlandCenter for Economic and Social Justice
Dear Rene and Norman,
I appreciate your efforts towards harmony on World Day of Social Justice.
Harmony is the most embracing, inclusive, all encompassing and universal common value of mankind. I suggest that we propose Harmony Day, as many will concur, to United Nations to add to World Peace, World Tolerance and Social Justice Day etc. Peace cannot last without harmony. Harmony belongs to the Universe. No one culture can claim harmony as its own. Without harmony the universe will not be eternal.
Social justice in a broader sense can also mean social rights along with human rights. Social rights and human rights are insufficient when mankind has no harmony. Social rights can mean the right to health care, livelihood and society security and so on for the developing world. To the developed capitalist world these are assumed as opportunities rather than rights. In the West we have taken upon ourselves to criticize the developing world for lack of demo0cracy and human rights that we hold dear, such as rights to legal and political representation and rights to freedom of speech. We maintain that the developing world must practice what we value now and forgetting that our democracy and human rights were also hard earned in the past.
The truth is that all cultures of developing world must go through their stage of development at their own pace and in concert with cultural heritage. For the developing nations the most appropriate system is more likely their appropriate harmonious systems. To the developing world during their rise in the 21st Century, social rights may be more relevant and pressing than the Western version of democracy and human rights. Notwithstanding, “We are the best because we have democracy” is the end all statement to end all value debates by Americans.
From a broad human prospective, the three main pillars of human civilization, that are highly valued, are harmony, world major religions and democracy in that order. Harmony as the most ancient culture as well as the most universal common value is priceless. Confucius, Laotzi and other world like minded philosophers predate Christ, Buddha and Mohamed. Harmony between the government and the governed is more desirable and stable than any brand of democracy and likely will include grass root representation. Harmony with nature as taught by the ancients mean mankind is part of nature as in Laotzi’s “Tien Ren Ha Yi”.
The fact that China as an ancient culture did not create a national religion of her own but adopted Buddhism from India and accepted Christianity and Islam demonstrates that she is practicing harmony. In her practice of religion freedom because of Western domination of the past 150 years, one cannot blame China for sensitive to Western interference.
A world in harmony with one self, within all nations, and among the nations and with nature will be most precious. The coming of Harmony Renaissance and Harmony Civilization are inevitable. They are the next wave of creative energy that mankind is waiting for to unshackle us from religious and ideological strife. Harmony Faith is the ultimate self salvation and the resurrection of mankind from global destruction from war and unsustainable development.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
Dear Francis, Thanks for the nice photos of the Chinese New Year Celebration. We have to hope that the Year of the Tiger will be one of harmony.
I am sending you here and as an attachment a short article on the 20 Feb World Day of Social Justice. Harmony is one of the goals set out in the UN General Assembly's designation of the World Day of Social Justice. Thus for our efforts for a harmony renaissance, we can use this World Day as an opportunity for reflection and planning.
I thought that you might be able to write a little introduction putting "Harmony" in the first line as I did above and send it to the bbc site where you had posted the review. It looks like an interesting site but it is not clear how one posts things. All best wishes, Rene
World Day of Social Justice: A Sense of Direction
Rene Wadlow*
On a proposal of the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstzan, the United Nations General Assembly has set 20 February as the World Day of Social Justice. It was observed for the first time in 2009, but is not widely known. As with other UN-designated “Days”, the World Day of Social Justice gives us an opportunity to take stock of how we can work together at the local, national and global level on policy and action to achieve the goals set out in the resolution designating the Day of “solidarity, harmony and equality within and among states.”
As the resolution states “Social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among nations and that, in turn, social development and social justice cannot be attained in the absence of peace and security or in the absence of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
The Preamble to the UN Charter makes social justice one of the chief aims of the organization, using the more common expression of that time “social progress”. The Preamble calls for efforts “to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. However, in the preparation of the Charter during the last days of the Second World War, there was no definition given of “social progress”. There was agreement that social justice was definitely more than law courts plus a social policy. It was easier to recognize social injustice than to define social justice.
The societies created by Nazi Germany and the military in Japan with slave labor and the abolition of workers’ rights were the models of social injustice that the drafters of the UN Charter had in mind along with the consequences in North America and Western Europe of the 1930s depression.
Ideas concerning international efforts for social progress were drawn largely from the experience of the League of Nations and especially the International Labour Organization (ILO), which had been created in 1919. The representatives from the USA and Great Britain were most influential in the preliminary work on the UN Charter, other European states being occupied by Germany or still in the middle of fighting. Thus US representatives were strongly influenced in their views of social progress by the “New Deal” legislation of President Roosevelt and the British by the outlines of the 1942 Beveridge Plan, named after its main author, Lord Beveridge, which led to the setting up of the first unified social security system. By 1944, with the tide of war turning, the ILO met in Philadelphia, USA, and set out its aims of post-war world employment policies, freedom of association for workers and the extension of social security measures.
Thus from the start in 1945, the emphasis in the UN system had been on social justice as related to conditions of employment and the right to organize which was made manifest in the 1948 ILO Convention number 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize. Progressively, education was included as an aspect of social justice, in part because education is closely linked to employment. Later, health was added as an element, again because of a close link to employment.
It took much longer but ultimately, gender equality has been included in the aims of social justice as fair employment practices, good education, and adequate health services could often still overlook the existence of women. Even today, can education be the only measure of women’s empowerment? Does reproductive health and rights come under adequate health care?
It is likely that employment, education, health with equality between women and men is as far as government representatives are willing to go collectively in discussing policies and programs of social justice. Further advances will have to come from the non-governmental sector, though representatives from some governments at times can take a lead. Today, we can still see injustices due to social class, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, age, sexual orientation and disabilities. There is a reluctance on the part of governments to deal with these issues nationally and an even greater reluctance to deal with them collectively within the UN system.
However, it is too easy to throw back on others responsibilities for injustices, if at the same time one does not realize how each of us shares personally in the benefits of injustice. Thus, we can use the World Day of Social Justice not only to celebrate the advances made but to get a sense of direction for the road to be yet taken.
* Rene Wadlow, Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
Dear Leo, Rene, and Francis,I salute each of you in our common quest for harmony and peace for all global citizens as we approach the second UN World Day of Social Justice.Is Social Justice critical to our common goals? What is "Social Justice"? In the year 2000 our Center for Economic and Social Justice participated in a conference at the UN at which we presented a "Declaration of Social Development through Personal Empowerment," a document we prepared together with the Population Research Institute.'ll see in paragraphs 20-42 a discussion of fundamental human rights centering around the dignity of every human person to which all social technologies, including every nation-state and the UN itself should be subordinate. In these paragraphs we discuss "Social Justice" not in terms of social problems but as a set of social virtues essential for transforming unjust social structures, laws and constitutions, which in the final analysis lie at the root of most human conflicts and wars. We have re-published a pamphlet of Rev. William Ferree, one of our co-founders, that deepened my understanding of the nature of "Social Justice." While written from a Catholic perspective, I think you, just as non-Christians like me, will appreciate the universal moral power of this expansion of moral philosophy.Your comments would be greatly appreciated as we celebrate this World Day of Social Justice.In Peace, Prosperity and Freedom for every world citizen, only through Harmony and Justice,Norman KurlandCenter for Economic and Social Justice
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
It does not matter whether the future prediction of Orville Schell (1) or Martin Jacques (2) is on target about U.S. China relation. In fact the future prospect may be some where in between. Our concern should be how to avoid another cold war that is looming by our unnecessary confrontation of China in arm sales to Taiwan, critical of China by siding with Google Internet dispute with China and your coming meeting with Dalai Lama. American public needs to be in formed about these anatomizing tactics through public debates.
Orville Schell is singing a familiar tune of China and U.S. will only get closer. Martin Jacques is predicting a likely scenario that Chinese culture may dominate the future world. Though nobody can be sure of the future, Jacques is closer to the target on the following counts. Contrary to U.S. media reports,
1) Chinese Harmony cultural values have more universal values than our proclaimed democracy values.
2) Chinese people and government is getting enough information through the Internet to move towards modernity for now. Her current success in economics and modernization are good indications.
3) China is a cultural state and not a political state (3). Her government will continue to have the mandate to govern if her performances justify the government has public confidence. Political reform must be accomplished according to her own move towards modernity.
Grid lock or not, U.S. government must focus on the important issues to promote harmony between the two great nations. The world cannot afford another avoidable cold war. America by continuing the present path of confrontation, will benefit neither country nor the world. We need a public debate, but our press must better prepare our citizens. Your leadership is very essential to guide our nation in the direction towards world harmony.
The America media overwhelmingly agrees that China is more dependent on us because of our large market. In reality, the American public needs to be better informed. Our media 20th century mentality is not doing America any favor. Have it occurred to us, ultimately Chinese market is capable to be four times bigger than ours? The developing world is awakening; their combined market will be 10 times ours. We are the most powerful nation in the world because we are ahead of developing nations in technology and modern management not because of our superior cultural values. All ancient cultures have laudable cultural values that is why they developed. Larry Summers, your eminent economic adviser said, “The most momentous 21st Century development will be the rise of the developing world catching up with our technology and modern management”
We are the greatest military power because we have invested consistently more than the whole world combined in our military industrial complex. We are successful in economics because our business corporations are competitive not because we have the exclusive rights to technology and innovations. Deng Xiaoping said “It does not matter whether it is black or white cat as long as it catches mouse”. Economic success does not depend on political ideology, success is more a factor of appropriate management. Now that modernization of the developing world is out of the bag, we will face competition whether it is Brazilian, Russian Indian or Chinese cats.
In the transition to a multilateral world, China as a developing and consumer product manufacturing country has more to offer to the developing world in the consumer products that we all want. Our sales of superior armament have a limited and smaller market. Barring instability in China which we are eager to agitate, China has a long way to grow in her own and the friendly developing market. Japan and the four little tigers caught up with us in the last Century because they focused on consumer products and not arms sales. With similar culture and in the same way, China and South East Asia will also catch up with us in time. So soon we will be more dependent on China and Asia in the 21st Century.
1) Why China and the U.S. Will Only Get Closer
By Orville Schell NEWSWEEK
Published Dec 30, 2009
Issues 2010
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It looks, at first, like a classic story of imperial rise and fall: the West's confidence in its institutions and economies has been badly shaken by the financial crisis, while China has increased its global role and basked in the vindication of its more state-dominated development model. Having grown accustomed to dominance, many Americans now find China's boom unsettling. After all, two states like this are historically expected to clash.
Yet that clash is not guaranteed. What happens next will depend in large part on how Washington leads. China and the United States could easily become antagonistic. But things could unfold much more positively—if leaders on both sides recognize how many interests they share.
That's not to say it will be easy. The two countries share a lot of historical baggage. For a century and a half, China smarted over its domination by the West, leaving it with a deep sense of humiliation. But for years now, China's economic miracle has been easing its insecurity. As confidence has grown, China has begun abandoning its tendency to define itself as oppressed and exploited. Beijing has also begun working hard to reassure the planet that its debut on the world stage will be harmonious. As a result, China is now in the right frame of mind to begin fashioning a new sort of partnership with the West.
Creating such a relationship will still take enormous forbearance. For China, it will mean vaulting over its revolutionary ideology and resisting the temptations of hypernationalism. And for the United States, it will mean recognizing that, even though its supremacy is waning, China need not become an adversary. Americans must come to terms with the reality that their own vaunted democratic system has often failed them—by letting the economy run off a cliff, for example—and that China's one-party system, which is able to gather information, formulate policies, and then effect them quickly—clearly has its advantages.
China and America also have plenty to build on. The two countries have an unusually strong sentimental and historical bond. Thanks to a century of U.S. missionary activity in China, many Chinese admire America's generosity, entrepreneurialism, and fair--mindedness—even if they often resent U.S. power and self-righteousness.
More important, the two countries now face, and must work together to solve, two critical questions: how to construct a new financial architecture and how to solve climate change. Take the economy: the U.S. relies on China to fund its debt, and China relies on the U.S. to buy its goods. While Americans have started to save more and Chinese to consume more, this codependency is not about to end. So without China participating in the rebuilding of a new post-crisis economic architecture, both countries could run into serious trouble. And they know it.
Climate change is even more urgent. The U.S. and China together produce almost 50 percent of the world's -greenhouse-gas emissions. Unless they find a way to stop hiding behind each other and start dealing with this problem, it will not matter what all the other well-intentioned states do. Everyone will suffer.
So the challenge is not whether the U.S. and China can draw closer, but how to get them to recognize that they already are intimately intertwined. Fate has bound them together, and they must find effective ways to collaborate. Fortunately, this is the very definition of common interest. And there is nothing like common interest—and a looming sense of common threat—to form the basis of a strong, productive relationship.
Schell is Arthur Ross director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society.
© 2009
2) No Chance Against China
Google's defeat foretells the day when Beijing rules the world.
By Martin Jacques NEWSWEEK
Published Jan 16, 2010
From the magazine issue dated Jan 25, 2010
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The blunt truth is tthat most Western forecasters have been wrong about China for the past 30 years. They have claimed that Chinese economic growth was exaggerated, that a big crisis was imminent, that state controls would fade away, and that exposure to global media, notably the Internet, would steadily undermine the Communist Party's authority. The reason why China forecasting has such a poor track record is that Westerners constantly invoke the model and experience of the West to explain China, and it is a false prophet. Until we start trying to understand China on its own terms, rather than as a Western-style nation in the making, we will continue to get it wrong.
The Google affair tells us much about what China is and what it will be like. The Internet has been seen in the West as the quintessential expression of the free exchange of ideas and information, untrammeled by government interference and increasingly global in reach. But the Chinese government has shown that the Internet can be successfully filtered and controlled. Google's mission, "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," has clashed with the age-old presumption of Chinese rulers of the need and responsibility to control. In this battle, there will be only one winner: China. Google will be obliged either to accept Chinese regulations or exit the world's largest Internet market, with serious consequences for its long-term global ambitions. This is a metaphor for our times: America's most dynamic company cannot take on the Chinese government—even on an issue like free and open information—and win.
Moreover, as China becomes increasingly important as a market and player, what happens to the Internet in China will have profound consequences for the Internet globally. It is already clear that the Google model of a free and open Internet, an exemplar of the American idea of the future, cannot and will not prevail. China's Internet will continue to be policed and controlled, information filtered, sites prohibited, noncompliant search engines excluded, and sensitive search words disallowed. And where China goes, others, also informed by different values, are already and will follow. The Internet, far from being a great big unified global space, will be fragmented and segmented. Another Western shibboleth about the future will thereby fall. It will not signal the end of the free flow of information—notwithstanding all the controls, the Internet has transformed the volume and quality of information available to Chinese citizens—but it will take place more on Chinese than Western terms.
If we want to understand the future, we need to go back to the drawing board. China—as we can see with increasing clarity—is destined to become the world's largest economy and is likely in time to far outdistance the U.S. This process will remorselessly shift the balance of power in China's favor. Just as once a large share of the American market was a precondition for a firm being a major global player, this mantle will increasingly be assumed instead by the Chinese market, except to a far greater extent because its population is four times the size. Furthermore, China's expanding economic clout means that its government is enjoying rapidly growing global authority. It can even take on Google and be sure of victory.
Facing up to the fact that China is very different from the West, that it simply does not work or think like us, is proving far more difficult. A classic illustration is the West's failure to understand the strength and durability of the Chinese state, which defies all predictions of its demise, remains omnipresent in Chinese lives, still owns most major firms, and proves remarkably adept at finding new ways to counter the influence of the U.S. global media. Western observers typically explain the intrusiveness of the Chinese government in terms of paranoia—and in a huge and diverse country the rulers have always seen instability as an ever-present danger—but there is a deeper reason why the state enjoys such a high-profile role in Chinese society.
It is seen by the Chinese not as an alien presence to be constantly pruned back, as in the West, especially the U.S., but as the embodiment and guardian of society. Rather than alien, it is seen as an intimate, in the manner of the head of the household. It might seem an extraordinary proposition, but the Chinese state enjoys a remarkable legitimacy among its people, greater than in Western societies. And the reason lies deep in China's history. China may call itself a nation-state (although only for the past century), but in essence it is a civilization-state dating back at least two millennia. Maintaining the unity of Chinese civilization is regarded as the most important political priority and seen as the sacred task of the state, hence its unique role: there is no Western parallel.
Chinese modernity will not resemble Western modernity, and a world dominated by China will not resemble our own. One consequence is already apparent in the developing world: the state is back in fashion; the Washington Consensus has been eclipsed. In this new world, Chinese ways of thinking—from Confucian values and their notion of the state to the family and parenting—will become increasingly influential. Google's fate is a sign of the world to come, and the sooner we come to appreciate the nature of a world run by China, the better we will be able to deal with it.
Jacques is the author of When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.
© 2010
China is an ancient country with 5000 years of continuous history and tradition bound. This is unique among modern nation states. Notwithstanding the present Chinese government has made changes on the political scene, the Chinese remain cultural bound and strongly influenced by Confucius teaching. The idea of mandate from heaven, there is always a central authority, only weakened by outside influence is still alive today. Most Chinese basically are not political activists as long as the government is doing a good job in performance. Chinese people appear to be less politically active wherever they are. This appears o be true in China as well as most Chinese overseas communities including San Francisco, where the Chinese population is 40% or more.
However the mandate of heaven is not irrevocable. This is evident as we witness the rise of peasant revolts to overthrow the Emperors in the changing of non performing emperors in history. This right to overthrow the non performing authority was also taught by Mencius the most renowned Confucius disciple. In Chinese the word country has the dual meaning of nation and family. So the connection of the concepts of family and country is strong. An authority establishing social and family order is acceptable based on performance. As a cultural state China can accept different religious and political entities to exist in different parts of China.
That is why Deng Xiaoping’s proposal of one nation different systems for Hong Kong’s return went off without a hitch. This idea of multi religions and political systems can work in a cultural state and not necessary in a centralized political state. China as an ancient culture never created a national religion of her own, instead she accepted all outside religions. Most notably China merged Buddhism from India with Confucius and Daoism philosophy into various forms of coexisting Buddhism. In time China will develop her top down and bottom up converging democracy. It has to be in her way and on her own priority. It is already happening according to John and Doris Niasbitt in their book Megatrends of China. Outside pressure will only unite the Chinese people behind her government. This is witnessed by the incident of U.S. bombing of the Chinese Yugoslavia Embassy and the current dispute over U.S. arm sales to Taiwan. Millions of net citizens are writing in to support the government.
As a cultural state, China will move towards modernity in a very unique fashion. It will adopt western technology and modern management but she will retain her long traditional culture. Like manner, in the future, large developing nations will modernize within the context of their own ancient culture. The rise of China after the 2008 financial crises becomes that much more dramatic. We will find China reach out to the world with her traditional friendship and harmony. Her way of harmony diplomacy will stand in stark contrast to American aggressive Smart Diplomacy. The world watched our War on Terror, Neo Conservatism and other foreign policies during the last decade as obvious excessive use of military power. It is time to understand China as a cultural state and not a political state and turn a softer side in reaching out to China. We are the most powerful nation in the world we can afford to show our magnanimity without appearing weak. President Obama with his diverse background has a unique and final opportunity. Laotzu has said “The more powerful the more one should be humble”. Let us hope U.S. and China can reach harmony consensus through better understanding.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco
It does not matter whether the future prediction of Orville Schell (1) or Martin Jacques (2) is on target about U.S. China relation. In fact the future prospect may be some where in between. Our concern should be how to avoid another cold war that is looming by our unnecessary confrontation of China in arm sales to Taiwan, critical of China by siding with Google Internet dispute with China and your coming meeting with Dalai Lama. American public needs to be in formed about these anatomizing tactics through public debates.
Orville Schell is singing a familiar tune of China and U.S. will only get closer. Martin Jacques is predicting a likely scenario that Chinese culture may dominate the future world. Though nobody can be sure of the future, Jacques is closer to the target on the following counts. Contrary to U.S. media reports,
1) Chinese Harmony cultural values have more universal values than our proclaimed democracy values.
2) Chinese people and government is getting enough information through the Internet to move towards modernity for now. Her current success in economics and modernization are good indications.
3) China is a cultural state and not a political state (3). Her government will continue to have the mandate to govern if her performances justify the government has public confidence. Political reform must be accomplished according to her own move towards modernity.
Grid lock or not, U.S. government must focus on the important issues to promote harmony between the two great nations. The world cannot afford another avoidable cold war. America by continuing the present path of confrontation, will benefit neither country nor the world. We need a public debate, but our press must better prepare our citizens. Your leadership is very essential to guide our nation in the direction towards world harmony.
The America media overwhelmingly agrees that China is more dependent on us because of our large market. In reality, the American public needs to be better informed. Our media 20th century mentality is not doing America any favor. Have it occurred to us, ultimately Chinese market is capable to be four times bigger than ours? The developing world is awakening; their combined market will be 10 times ours. We are the most powerful nation in the world because we are ahead of developing nations in technology and modern management not because of our superior cultural values. All ancient cultures have laudable cultural values that is why they developed. Larry Summers, your eminent economic adviser said, “The most momentous 21st Century development will be the rise of the developing world catching up with our technology and modern management”
We are the greatest military power because we have invested consistently more than the whole world combined in our military industrial complex. We are successful in economics because our business corporations are competitive not because we have the exclusive rights to technology and innovations. Deng Xiaoping said “It does not matter whether it is black or white cat as long as it catches mouse”. Economic success does not depend on political ideology, success is more a factor of appropriate management. Now that modernization of the developing world is out of the bag, we will face competition whether it is Brazilian, Russian Indian or Chinese cats.
In the transition to a multilateral world, China as a developing and consumer product manufacturing country has more to offer to the developing world in the consumer products that we all want. Our sales of superior armament have a limited and smaller market. Barring instability in China which we are eager to agitate, China has a long way to grow in her own and the friendly developing market. Japan and the four little tigers caught up with us in the last Century because they focused on consumer products and not arms sales. With similar culture and in the same way, China and South East Asia will also catch up with us in time. So soon we will be more dependent on China and Asia in the 21st Century.
1) Why China and the U.S. Will Only Get Closer
By Orville Schell NEWSWEEK
Published Dec 30, 2009
Issues 2010
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It looks, at first, like a classic story of imperial rise and fall: the West's confidence in its institutions and economies has been badly shaken by the financial crisis, while China has increased its global role and basked in the vindication of its more state-dominated development model. Having grown accustomed to dominance, many Americans now find China's boom unsettling. After all, two states like this are historically expected to clash.
Yet that clash is not guaranteed. What happens next will depend in large part on how Washington leads. China and the United States could easily become antagonistic. But things could unfold much more positively—if leaders on both sides recognize how many interests they share.
That's not to say it will be easy. The two countries share a lot of historical baggage. For a century and a half, China smarted over its domination by the West, leaving it with a deep sense of humiliation. But for years now, China's economic miracle has been easing its insecurity. As confidence has grown, China has begun abandoning its tendency to define itself as oppressed and exploited. Beijing has also begun working hard to reassure the planet that its debut on the world stage will be harmonious. As a result, China is now in the right frame of mind to begin fashioning a new sort of partnership with the West.
Creating such a relationship will still take enormous forbearance. For China, it will mean vaulting over its revolutionary ideology and resisting the temptations of hypernationalism. And for the United States, it will mean recognizing that, even though its supremacy is waning, China need not become an adversary. Americans must come to terms with the reality that their own vaunted democratic system has often failed them—by letting the economy run off a cliff, for example—and that China's one-party system, which is able to gather information, formulate policies, and then effect them quickly—clearly has its advantages.
China and America also have plenty to build on. The two countries have an unusually strong sentimental and historical bond. Thanks to a century of U.S. missionary activity in China, many Chinese admire America's generosity, entrepreneurialism, and fair--mindedness—even if they often resent U.S. power and self-righteousness.
More important, the two countries now face, and must work together to solve, two critical questions: how to construct a new financial architecture and how to solve climate change. Take the economy: the U.S. relies on China to fund its debt, and China relies on the U.S. to buy its goods. While Americans have started to save more and Chinese to consume more, this codependency is not about to end. So without China participating in the rebuilding of a new post-crisis economic architecture, both countries could run into serious trouble. And they know it.
Climate change is even more urgent. The U.S. and China together produce almost 50 percent of the world's -greenhouse-gas emissions. Unless they find a way to stop hiding behind each other and start dealing with this problem, it will not matter what all the other well-intentioned states do. Everyone will suffer.
So the challenge is not whether the U.S. and China can draw closer, but how to get them to recognize that they already are intimately intertwined. Fate has bound them together, and they must find effective ways to collaborate. Fortunately, this is the very definition of common interest. And there is nothing like common interest—and a looming sense of common threat—to form the basis of a strong, productive relationship.
Schell is Arthur Ross director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society.
© 2009
2) No Chance Against China
Google's defeat foretells the day when Beijing rules the world.
By Martin Jacques NEWSWEEK
Published Jan 16, 2010
From the magazine issue dated Jan 25, 2010
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The blunt truth is tthat most Western forecasters have been wrong about China for the past 30 years. They have claimed that Chinese economic growth was exaggerated, that a big crisis was imminent, that state controls would fade away, and that exposure to global media, notably the Internet, would steadily undermine the Communist Party's authority. The reason why China forecasting has such a poor track record is that Westerners constantly invoke the model and experience of the West to explain China, and it is a false prophet. Until we start trying to understand China on its own terms, rather than as a Western-style nation in the making, we will continue to get it wrong.
The Google affair tells us much about what China is and what it will be like. The Internet has been seen in the West as the quintessential expression of the free exchange of ideas and information, untrammeled by government interference and increasingly global in reach. But the Chinese government has shown that the Internet can be successfully filtered and controlled. Google's mission, "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," has clashed with the age-old presumption of Chinese rulers of the need and responsibility to control. In this battle, there will be only one winner: China. Google will be obliged either to accept Chinese regulations or exit the world's largest Internet market, with serious consequences for its long-term global ambitions. This is a metaphor for our times: America's most dynamic company cannot take on the Chinese government—even on an issue like free and open information—and win.
Moreover, as China becomes increasingly important as a market and player, what happens to the Internet in China will have profound consequences for the Internet globally. It is already clear that the Google model of a free and open Internet, an exemplar of the American idea of the future, cannot and will not prevail. China's Internet will continue to be policed and controlled, information filtered, sites prohibited, noncompliant search engines excluded, and sensitive search words disallowed. And where China goes, others, also informed by different values, are already and will follow. The Internet, far from being a great big unified global space, will be fragmented and segmented. Another Western shibboleth about the future will thereby fall. It will not signal the end of the free flow of information—notwithstanding all the controls, the Internet has transformed the volume and quality of information available to Chinese citizens—but it will take place more on Chinese than Western terms.
If we want to understand the future, we need to go back to the drawing board. China—as we can see with increasing clarity—is destined to become the world's largest economy and is likely in time to far outdistance the U.S. This process will remorselessly shift the balance of power in China's favor. Just as once a large share of the American market was a precondition for a firm being a major global player, this mantle will increasingly be assumed instead by the Chinese market, except to a far greater extent because its population is four times the size. Furthermore, China's expanding economic clout means that its government is enjoying rapidly growing global authority. It can even take on Google and be sure of victory.
Facing up to the fact that China is very different from the West, that it simply does not work or think like us, is proving far more difficult. A classic illustration is the West's failure to understand the strength and durability of the Chinese state, which defies all predictions of its demise, remains omnipresent in Chinese lives, still owns most major firms, and proves remarkably adept at finding new ways to counter the influence of the U.S. global media. Western observers typically explain the intrusiveness of the Chinese government in terms of paranoia—and in a huge and diverse country the rulers have always seen instability as an ever-present danger—but there is a deeper reason why the state enjoys such a high-profile role in Chinese society.
It is seen by the Chinese not as an alien presence to be constantly pruned back, as in the West, especially the U.S., but as the embodiment and guardian of society. Rather than alien, it is seen as an intimate, in the manner of the head of the household. It might seem an extraordinary proposition, but the Chinese state enjoys a remarkable legitimacy among its people, greater than in Western societies. And the reason lies deep in China's history. China may call itself a nation-state (although only for the past century), but in essence it is a civilization-state dating back at least two millennia. Maintaining the unity of Chinese civilization is regarded as the most important political priority and seen as the sacred task of the state, hence its unique role: there is no Western parallel.
Chinese modernity will not resemble Western modernity, and a world dominated by China will not resemble our own. One consequence is already apparent in the developing world: the state is back in fashion; the Washington Consensus has been eclipsed. In this new world, Chinese ways of thinking—from Confucian values and their notion of the state to the family and parenting—will become increasingly influential. Google's fate is a sign of the world to come, and the sooner we come to appreciate the nature of a world run by China, the better we will be able to deal with it.
Jacques is the author of When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.
© 2010
China is an ancient country with 5000 years of continuous history and tradition bound. This is unique among modern nation states. Notwithstanding the present Chinese government has made changes on the political scene, the Chinese remain cultural bound and strongly influenced by Confucius teaching. The idea of mandate from heaven, there is always a central authority, only weakened by outside influence is still alive today. Most Chinese basically are not political activists as long as the government is doing a good job in performance. Chinese people appear to be less politically active wherever they are. This appears o be true in China as well as most Chinese overseas communities including San Francisco, where the Chinese population is 40% or more.
However the mandate of heaven is not irrevocable. This is evident as we witness the rise of peasant revolts to overthrow the Emperors in the changing of non performing emperors in history. This right to overthrow the non performing authority was also taught by Mencius the most renowned Confucius disciple. In Chinese the word country has the dual meaning of nation and family. So the connection of the concepts of family and country is strong. An authority establishing social and family order is acceptable based on performance. As a cultural state China can accept different religious and political entities to exist in different parts of China.
That is why Deng Xiaoping’s proposal of one nation different systems for Hong Kong’s return went off without a hitch. This idea of multi religions and political systems can work in a cultural state and not necessary in a centralized political state. China as an ancient culture never created a national religion of her own, instead she accepted all outside religions. Most notably China merged Buddhism from India with Confucius and Daoism philosophy into various forms of coexisting Buddhism. In time China will develop her top down and bottom up converging democracy. It has to be in her way and on her own priority. It is already happening according to John and Doris Niasbitt in their book Megatrends of China. Outside pressure will only unite the Chinese people behind her government. This is witnessed by the incident of U.S. bombing of the Chinese Yugoslavia Embassy and the current dispute over U.S. arm sales to Taiwan. Millions of net citizens are writing in to support the government.
As a cultural state, China will move towards modernity in a very unique fashion. It will adopt western technology and modern management but she will retain her long traditional culture. Like manner, in the future, large developing nations will modernize within the context of their own ancient culture. The rise of China after the 2008 financial crises becomes that much more dramatic. We will find China reach out to the world with her traditional friendship and harmony. Her way of harmony diplomacy will stand in stark contrast to American aggressive Smart Diplomacy. The world watched our War on Terror, Neo Conservatism and other foreign policies during the last decade as obvious excessive use of military power. It is time to understand China as a cultural state and not a political state and turn a softer side in reaching out to China. We are the most powerful nation in the world we can afford to show our magnanimity without appearing weak. President Obama with his diverse background has a unique and final opportunity. Laotzu has said “The more powerful the more one should be humble”. Let us hope U.S. and China can reach harmony consensus through better understanding.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco
Friday, February 12, 2010
Subject: A Harmony Renaissance [Print This Page]
Author: worldharmony Time: 2010-2-7 06:58 AM Subject: A Harmony RenaissanceA Harmony Renaissance Rene Wadlow*
At a time when humanity is increasingly working together to meet ecological challenges and to overcome ideologically-led strife, Dr Francis C.W. Fung has presented an important call for a cultural renaissance based on the concept of harmony. Rather than concentrating primarily on conflicts, struggles and suffering, Francis Fung suggests that the focus should be on cooperation, coexistence and visions of a better future. Harmony includes tolerance, acceptance, equality and forgiveness of past pains and conflicts. It leads to gentleness, patience, kindness, to inner peace and outward to relations based on respect. Fung draws his framework for a harmony-based renaissance from the classical philosophies of China: Confucianism, the teachings of ‘Master Kong’ (551-478 BCE) and Daoism, associated with Lao Zi who lived at the same time. Both put their emphasis on the Dao (the Way) and the working of the dynamic balance of Yin and Yang. (1).
As Fung stresses “Harmony is a universal common value. In harmony we can find true belief that transcends all cultures and religions. The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner self. Humans are born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self-fulfilment. Our soul has a conscience that elevates us. As our soul grows to its maturity, we achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life.” However harmony is not only a personal goal of inner peace but a guideline for political, social and world affairs. As Fung notes “Specifically at this moment in history, our action should enhance peace, reduce conflict and activate a harmony culture. The 21st century is the beginning of a Harmony Renaissance. Our world mission is to be ready for human’s next creative wave to lead us to a higher level of common accomplishment. The World Harmony Renaissance will bring the whole world into action for this new millennium of peace and prosperity with unfettered collective energy.” There was an earlier period in Chinese thought when there was an important Harmony Renaissance. This was during the Sung dynasty (960-1279) which reunited China after a period of division and confusion. This was a period of an interest in science — “the extension of knowledge through the investigation of things”. It was a period when there was a conscious effort to bring together into a harmonious framework currents of thought that existed in China but often as separate and sometimes hostile schools of thought: Confucianism, Buddhism, philosophical Daoism and religious Daoism. These efforts were called Tao hsuch — the Study of the Tao” — an effort later called by Westerns “Neo-Confucianism”. Chou Tun-yi (1017-1073), often better known as the Master of Lien-hsi, was a leading figure of this effort. He developed a philosophy based on the alternation of Yin and Yang, each becoming the source of the other. (2)
Thus today, after decades of conflict when the emphasis of the countries of the world both in policy and practice was upon competition, conflict and individual enrichment, there is a need for an emphasis on harmony, cooperation, mutual respect, and working for the welfare of the community with a respect for nature of which humans are a part. When one aspect, either Yin or Yang, becomes too dominant, then there needs to be a re-equilibrium. This Yin/Yang alternation is best represented by the double fish symbol, often used by Daoists. We see this shift most dramatically in the policy of the Chinese government. After decades when Marxist “class struggle” was the dominant internal policy and world politics was seen as a “class struggle” on a world scale, in 2006, Chinese President Hu Jintao adopted building a harmonious society at home and promoting a harmonious world abroad as the guiding State philosophy. Obviously it takes time for a harmonious society at home and a harmonious world abroad to be put into place. The re-equilibrium of the energies of Yin and Yang do not take place overnight. Nor is this re-equilibrium only the task of the Chinese. The cultivation of harmony must become the operational goal for many. As Mencius (372 – 289 BCE), a follower of Confucius said “ A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.” That is why Francis Fung’s call for a Harmony Renaissance is a call to each of us. (3)
1) See Arthur Waley. Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China (London: Allen & Unwin, 1939); 2) See Fung Yu-Lan A Short History of Chinese Philosophy (New York: The Macmillan Co. 1950).
3) See Francis C W Fung, China’s Harmony Renaissance, What the World Must Know (San Francisco: World Harmony Organization 2006, available at )
*Rene Wadlow, Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
PRAISE FOR FRANCIS C W FUNG, CHINA’S HARMONY RENAISSANCE Excerpt from “Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” 2008 by Jesus Sole-Farras “It has been asserted (Fung, 2006) that the 2006 Sixth CPC Plenum Session will be remembered as the most important milestone of China’s Harmony Renaissance,” since, “by discovering harmony culture, China is discovering its own rich ancient cultural harmony traditions. It is of similar in importance to Europe’s Renaissance after the rediscovery of ancient Greek culture” (p. 8). Jesus Sole-Farras
Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom: There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century
Morgan Steacy, York University, Department of East Asian Studies, Canada I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles on harmony renaissance, and have become completely enraptured by the hope of future possibility that they bring. My main area of study lies squarely within Dr. Fung’s realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your organization with great success.
Peter Neumann, Partner Faegre Benson, Shanghai, China It is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.
Eric Chipps, Chipps Management Consultants, San Francisco, CA, USA In today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’ premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing unifying force for unity in diversity. Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America, Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.
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Subject: A Harmony Renaissance [Print This Page]
Author: worldharmony Time: 2010-2-7 06:58 AM Subject: A Harmony RenaissanceA Harmony Renaissance Rene Wadlow*
At a time when humanity is increasingly working together to meet ecological challenges and to overcome ideologically-led strife, Dr Francis C.W. Fung has presented an important call for a cultural renaissance based on the concept of harmony. Rather than concentrating primarily on conflicts, struggles and suffering, Francis Fung suggests that the focus should be on cooperation, coexistence and visions of a better future. Harmony includes tolerance, acceptance, equality and forgiveness of past pains and conflicts. It leads to gentleness, patience, kindness, to inner peace and outward to relations based on respect. Fung draws his framework for a harmony-based renaissance from the classical philosophies of China: Confucianism, the teachings of ‘Master Kong’ (551-478 BCE) and Daoism, associated with Lao Zi who lived at the same time. Both put their emphasis on the Dao (the Way) and the working of the dynamic balance of Yin and Yang. (1).
As Fung stresses “Harmony is a universal common value. In harmony we can find true belief that transcends all cultures and religions. The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner self. Humans are born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self-fulfilment. Our soul has a conscience that elevates us. As our soul grows to its maturity, we achieve our own harmony. A person at the end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve harmony and peace of mind. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the meaning of life.” However harmony is not only a personal goal of inner peace but a guideline for political, social and world affairs. As Fung notes “Specifically at this moment in history, our action should enhance peace, reduce conflict and activate a harmony culture. The 21st century is the beginning of a Harmony Renaissance. Our world mission is to be ready for human’s next creative wave to lead us to a higher level of common accomplishment. The World Harmony Renaissance will bring the whole world into action for this new millennium of peace and prosperity with unfettered collective energy.” There was an earlier period in Chinese thought when there was an important Harmony Renaissance. This was during the Sung dynasty (960-1279) which reunited China after a period of division and confusion. This was a period of an interest in science — “the extension of knowledge through the investigation of things”. It was a period when there was a conscious effort to bring together into a harmonious framework currents of thought that existed in China but often as separate and sometimes hostile schools of thought: Confucianism, Buddhism, philosophical Daoism and religious Daoism. These efforts were called Tao hsuch — the Study of the Tao” — an effort later called by Westerns “Neo-Confucianism”. Chou Tun-yi (1017-1073), often better known as the Master of Lien-hsi, was a leading figure of this effort. He developed a philosophy based on the alternation of Yin and Yang, each becoming the source of the other. (2)
Thus today, after decades of conflict when the emphasis of the countries of the world both in policy and practice was upon competition, conflict and individual enrichment, there is a need for an emphasis on harmony, cooperation, mutual respect, and working for the welfare of the community with a respect for nature of which humans are a part. When one aspect, either Yin or Yang, becomes too dominant, then there needs to be a re-equilibrium. This Yin/Yang alternation is best represented by the double fish symbol, often used by Daoists. We see this shift most dramatically in the policy of the Chinese government. After decades when Marxist “class struggle” was the dominant internal policy and world politics was seen as a “class struggle” on a world scale, in 2006, Chinese President Hu Jintao adopted building a harmonious society at home and promoting a harmonious world abroad as the guiding State philosophy. Obviously it takes time for a harmonious society at home and a harmonious world abroad to be put into place. The re-equilibrium of the energies of Yin and Yang do not take place overnight. Nor is this re-equilibrium only the task of the Chinese. The cultivation of harmony must become the operational goal for many. As Mencius (372 – 289 BCE), a follower of Confucius said “ A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.” That is why Francis Fung’s call for a Harmony Renaissance is a call to each of us. (3)
1) See Arthur Waley. Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China (London: Allen & Unwin, 1939); 2) See Fung Yu-Lan A Short History of Chinese Philosophy (New York: The Macmillan Co. 1950).
3) See Francis C W Fung, China’s Harmony Renaissance, What the World Must Know (San Francisco: World Harmony Organization 2006, available at )
*Rene Wadlow, Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
PRAISE FOR FRANCIS C W FUNG, CHINA’S HARMONY RENAISSANCE Excerpt from “Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” 2008 by Jesus Sole-Farras “It has been asserted (Fung, 2006) that the 2006 Sixth CPC Plenum Session will be remembered as the most important milestone of China’s Harmony Renaissance,” since, “by discovering harmony culture, China is discovering its own rich ancient cultural harmony traditions. It is of similar in importance to Europe’s Renaissance after the rediscovery of ancient Greek culture” (p. 8). Jesus Sole-Farras
Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom: There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century
Morgan Steacy, York University, Department of East Asian Studies, Canada I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles on harmony renaissance, and have become completely enraptured by the hope of future possibility that they bring. My main area of study lies squarely within Dr. Fung’s realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your organization with great success.
Peter Neumann, Partner Faegre Benson, Shanghai, China It is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.
Eric Chipps, Chipps Management Consultants, San Francisco, CA, USA In today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’ premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing unifying force for unity in diversity. Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America, Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.
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