Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Harmony Renaissance Preamble & Declaration
Harmony Renaissance Preamble & Declaration
In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Lao-Tzu. Human in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.
Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.
Harmony is the highest common value. Renaissance is action. Together they have life. Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of the universe. Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO.
Lao-Tzu said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Lao-Tzu's harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics. Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural and social sciences. It is the break through that will take us to the next level of human creativity andaccomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
World Harmony Organization
Spring, 2006, San Francisco
In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Lao-Tzu. Human in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.
Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.
Harmony is the highest common value. Renaissance is action. Together they have life. Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of the universe. Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO.
Lao-Tzu said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Lao-Tzu's harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics. Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural and social sciences. It is the break through that will take us to the next level of human creativity andaccomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
World Harmony Organization
Spring, 2006, San Francisco
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
The “Rule of the Golden Mean” is a Western doctrine for balanced
living and proper handling of human contradictions. A comparable
System of Belief in the East is the “Way of the Golden Mean.” Contrary
to conventional wisdom, the philosophy of the Golden Mean is not
against progress. It is the highest value of progress through dialogue
and consultation. Its true essence is to prevent ideological extremism
from taking hold. It is definitely opposed to the current religious
confrontational strife. That is why it is the value of Golden Mean. This
broad East and West concept of balance, when earnestly applied
globally, can be the solution for resolving extreme disparity between
rich and poor, minimizing religious confrontations and restoring
ecological balance for sustainable development.
In the current desire for good global governance we must also begin
with Harmony Diplomacy. Harmony Diplomacy, as defined here, can be
the Golden Rule of Global Governance. Harmony Diplomacy can be
conceived as the common value of the most fluid-like, dynamic
balance; encompassing tolerance, mutual respect, acceptance, equity
and humility to achieve world harmony. Truth in world affairs, unlike
mathematics, often is the Golden Mean between two opposite sides.
When one powerful nation forcing its belief on other weak nations as
the only absolute truth, it ignores the reality of diversity and defies
reason. This is well documented by Al Gore in his most recent book,
“The Assault on Reason.”
The above theory, advancing human common aspirations in today’s
conflicted world, has been resonating worldwide. The author in
resonance with world harmony has also published widely articles
advocating Harmony Diplomacy. “Harmony Diplomacy Essential for
World Development”, “Power Diplomacy Must Evolve Towards Harmony
Diplomacy”, “Harmony Diplomacy in Work”, “Harmony Diplomacy:
China’s Commitment to World Harmony” and many other related
articles can be seen on Google, Yahoo search and Xinhua Net.
Good global governance is the foundation for a harmonious world. To
pursue world harmony is the common destiny for the human race.
Good global governance must include new world political and economic
order to build international democracy. We must promote global
cooperation through mutual win-win development and resolve conflicts
through dialogue and consultation. We must strengthen the United
Nation through needed reform to discourage unilateralism and
extremism. All these global undertakings can only begin when major
nations of the world start practicing Harmony Diplomacy.
A grand strategy of Harmony Diplomacy to build world harmony must
be able to face the challenges of today’s unilateralism, extremism, rich
and poor disparity and ecology unsustainability. The important
elements of a grand Harmony Diplomacy strategy must include
dialogue and consultation, win-win mutual development, unity in
diversity, tolerance and openness, equity and humility. Harmony
Diplomacy must act through equal, friendly and open dialogue and
consultation to achieve mutual understanding, trust and respect. This
is to accomplish the greatest possible harmony consensus among
nations of the world.
Harmony Diplomacy is to seek commonality and minimize
confrontational difference. In the desire to foster win-win common
development we must take a long strategic view.
The reality of the world is multi cultural and not all in sync of the path
and stage of development. We must accept and tolerate different
economic and political development. Old colonial mentality and big
power chauvinism will never be accepted again. By forcing our culture
and value on weak nations is counter productive to Harmony
Diplomacy. The best governance system is a nation’s own harmonious
system developed from within in active interaction with globalization.
The objective of Harmony Diplomacy is to pursue a higher level of
human accomplishment beyond European Renaissance through World
Harmony Renaissance. Harmony is an ideal; Renaissance gives it life.
The human race relieved of cultural conflicts, political infighting and
religious strife will be invigorated by new creative energy. This new
found vigor will bring humans to the next phase of true global
development that we are waiting for.
To be more specific, through greater Harmony Consensus we will
minimize the chances of war and bring about more lasting peace.
Without Harmony Consensus, peace can only be temporary. When
nations set their sights on win-win mutual development, common
world prosperity can be realized. In so doing, the rich and poor
disparity can be reduced and the North and South gap breached. The
world will be more level. All nations can finally enjoy the fruits of our
common cultural and economic accomplishments.
Harmony Consensus, encompassing harmony with nature is the order
of nature. It will rally world citizenship to be more conscious and
united to protect our common environment. For world sustainable
development we must at last move in lock step to strive to conserve
energy and resources and protect the environment. As severe as the
effects of climate change may be, the world will run out of precious
resources sooner because of the current wonton consumption.
Most of all, the current world order is far from democratic. Harmony
Diplomacy, through the essential principle of dialogue, consultation,
negotiation and harmony consensus, can pave the way for a more just
and democratic world order. In Harmony Renaissance, we can finally
rediscover the wisdom of tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect and
humility. The harmony universal common value will give the human
race the necessary true inner peace and strength, to face the diverse
and daunting challenges of a world in catastrophic disharmony and
extreme self- destruct- selfishness.
Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
The “Rule of the Golden Mean” is a Western doctrine for balanced
living and proper handling of human contradictions. A comparable
System of Belief in the East is the “Way of the Golden Mean.” Contrary
to conventional wisdom, the philosophy of the Golden Mean is not
against progress. It is the highest value of progress through dialogue
and consultation. Its true essence is to prevent ideological extremism
from taking hold. It is definitely opposed to the current religious
confrontational strife. That is why it is the value of Golden Mean. This
broad East and West concept of balance, when earnestly applied
globally, can be the solution for resolving extreme disparity between
rich and poor, minimizing religious confrontations and restoring
ecological balance for sustainable development.
In the current desire for good global governance we must also begin
with Harmony Diplomacy. Harmony Diplomacy, as defined here, can be
the Golden Rule of Global Governance. Harmony Diplomacy can be
conceived as the common value of the most fluid-like, dynamic
balance; encompassing tolerance, mutual respect, acceptance, equity
and humility to achieve world harmony. Truth in world affairs, unlike
mathematics, often is the Golden Mean between two opposite sides.
When one powerful nation forcing its belief on other weak nations as
the only absolute truth, it ignores the reality of diversity and defies
reason. This is well documented by Al Gore in his most recent book,
“The Assault on Reason.”
The above theory, advancing human common aspirations in today’s
conflicted world, has been resonating worldwide. The author in
resonance with world harmony has also published widely articles
advocating Harmony Diplomacy. “Harmony Diplomacy Essential for
World Development”, “Power Diplomacy Must Evolve Towards Harmony
Diplomacy”, “Harmony Diplomacy in Work”, “Harmony Diplomacy:
China’s Commitment to World Harmony” and many other related
articles can be seen on Google, Yahoo search and Xinhua Net.
Good global governance is the foundation for a harmonious world. To
pursue world harmony is the common destiny for the human race.
Good global governance must include new world political and economic
order to build international democracy. We must promote global
cooperation through mutual win-win development and resolve conflicts
through dialogue and consultation. We must strengthen the United
Nation through needed reform to discourage unilateralism and
extremism. All these global undertakings can only begin when major
nations of the world start practicing Harmony Diplomacy.
A grand strategy of Harmony Diplomacy to build world harmony must
be able to face the challenges of today’s unilateralism, extremism, rich
and poor disparity and ecology unsustainability. The important
elements of a grand Harmony Diplomacy strategy must include
dialogue and consultation, win-win mutual development, unity in
diversity, tolerance and openness, equity and humility. Harmony
Diplomacy must act through equal, friendly and open dialogue and
consultation to achieve mutual understanding, trust and respect. This
is to accomplish the greatest possible harmony consensus among
nations of the world.
Harmony Diplomacy is to seek commonality and minimize
confrontational difference. In the desire to foster win-win common
development we must take a long strategic view.
The reality of the world is multi cultural and not all in sync of the path
and stage of development. We must accept and tolerate different
economic and political development. Old colonial mentality and big
power chauvinism will never be accepted again. By forcing our culture
and value on weak nations is counter productive to Harmony
Diplomacy. The best governance system is a nation’s own harmonious
system developed from within in active interaction with globalization.
The objective of Harmony Diplomacy is to pursue a higher level of
human accomplishment beyond European Renaissance through World
Harmony Renaissance. Harmony is an ideal; Renaissance gives it life.
The human race relieved of cultural conflicts, political infighting and
religious strife will be invigorated by new creative energy. This new
found vigor will bring humans to the next phase of true global
development that we are waiting for.
To be more specific, through greater Harmony Consensus we will
minimize the chances of war and bring about more lasting peace.
Without Harmony Consensus, peace can only be temporary. When
nations set their sights on win-win mutual development, common
world prosperity can be realized. In so doing, the rich and poor
disparity can be reduced and the North and South gap breached. The
world will be more level. All nations can finally enjoy the fruits of our
common cultural and economic accomplishments.
Harmony Consensus, encompassing harmony with nature is the order
of nature. It will rally world citizenship to be more conscious and
united to protect our common environment. For world sustainable
development we must at last move in lock step to strive to conserve
energy and resources and protect the environment. As severe as the
effects of climate change may be, the world will run out of precious
resources sooner because of the current wonton consumption.
Most of all, the current world order is far from democratic. Harmony
Diplomacy, through the essential principle of dialogue, consultation,
negotiation and harmony consensus, can pave the way for a more just
and democratic world order. In Harmony Renaissance, we can finally
rediscover the wisdom of tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect and
humility. The harmony universal common value will give the human
race the necessary true inner peace and strength, to face the diverse
and daunting challenges of a world in catastrophic disharmony and
extreme self- destruct- selfishness.
Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
I) Current financial crisis and China economic miracle: Does modern China have soft power?
By all accounts, China is leading the world out of the current global financial crisis. According to China Daily, Oct 18, 2009, a professor of Economics and Head of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham in the UK wrote in part: “As celebrations of its achievements over the past 60 years subside, China can look forward to its next milestone: surpassing Japan as the world's second largest economy before the year is out. Another target reached ahead of schedule – and further evidence that China is emerging from the financial crisis as the big winner.
“Based on past records, and taking into account China's expected growth rate over the next two decades, China will overtake the United States to become the largest economy in the world within five years measured in purchasing power parity-terms, and within 20 years measured in nominal terms. It could be even sooner. These predictions are based on the assumption that the US economy will grow 3 percent per year and the Chinese economy 9 percent per year, assuming constant nominal exchange and inflation rates for both countries.
“But if the yuan continues to appreciate against the dollar as it has done in the past decade, and/or if China's domestic inflation rate is higher than that of the US, China will gain ground even quicker.”
China’s rise in economics apparently is not accompanied by the same measure of soft power rise in world influence. There is no lack of Western media and think tank reports on the subject. The overwhelming Western verdict is that China’s political and cultural influence as a world power on the world stage will be a long time coming. Although the lack of deserving recognition for China’s soft power is due to complex historical reasons, the simple verdict given has been that China does not have the “politically correct” ideology by Western standards. Will this prognosis persist? Most likely not, should one look back to the history of ancient China’s cultural influence.
II) How does China’s current soft power stacks up against world religion, Western democracy, and other soft power?
China is currently in no position to challenge Eastern religion or Western democracy and other world dominant soft power in cultural influences. However, all things will come in due course. In terms of soft power development, 60 years is a relative short time historically for new China. Instead of accepting the simple rationale of “politically incorrect” in a Western dominated media, let us examine the relevant developments revealing why China’s world influence is not in keeping with its size, population, long historical continuity, and its current economic rise. 2
The major reasons for China’s recent lack of progress in soft power are: Western influence is at its high, particularly coming after America’s post World War II and cold war economic and ideology triumph; although China has disentangled herself from the cold war ideological struggle, she nevertheless suffered setbacks in relation to American successes; due to years of humiliation by Western powers as a semi-colonial state, China has yet to regain confidence; and through her own growing pains of experimentation, she has lost confidence in not coming to grips with her long continuous history. Finally, in her eagerness to learn from the West, she has not given enough emphasis to the importance of her own cultural heritage and innovativeness. All these and other historical factors have hindered China in rightfully regaining her world influence, despite her rise in economic power.
III) Harmony, China’s ancient cultural essence and soft power
From the perspective of harmony, human civilization is the progress in resolving relationship conflicts between:
1) Human and nature (birth of religions, etc.)
2) Human and human (philosophic, religious, and moral teachings)
3) Members of a group (family, tribes’ and nomads’ morals, and codes and standards)
4) Citizens and society at large (philosophy, values teaching, and imposition of laws)
5) Rulers and the ruled (hierarchical social structure, elite values and government propaganda, democracy development, freedom and responsibility)
6) Clashes between religions (such as the current clash between Muslim and western religious beliefs)
7) Ideology contests (socialism vs. capitalism, democracy vs. broader harmony)
8) Dependence and Independence development between national blocks (developed, underdeveloped, developing, poor and rich)
Above is a list indicating, by way of illustration, only some of the major outstanding issues in conflict resolution and achieving harmony. In the interest of leading toward a current universal harmony exposition in the following, only major world harmony development movements will be summarized. These are also past global harmony movements that have by far the major repercussions on human civilization.
The three major harmony movements of human civilization as listed in above conflict resolutions are religion, democracy, and harmony. Today’s world is in great disharmony, with religion conflicts, international inequity, and the disparity between North and South. To lead us out of this convulsion, we must look beyond religion and democracy to harmony as the basis of equality, mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. Harmony as the universal value envelops democracy; but, as a basic human longing, it is not institutionalized. The spread of harmony has been uniquely peaceful compared to religion and democracy. Will harmony bring a more moderate future world? American democracy faces the challenge of Chinese harmony as the leading global philosophy in the 21st century. Teaching harmony in the U.S. is paramount. For more details, please see China’s Harmony Renaissance: What the world must know by Francis C W Fung, published by World Harmony Organization. 3
IV) China’s harmony renaissance, can the world ignore it?
Democracy grew out of the 17th century Enlightenment movement as a resolution of the conflicts between the ruler and the ruled. But, the movement as a tradition had inspired many national revolutions. The notable ones for this discussion were the French revolution, American independence war, and the Chinese 1911 revolution extending to the 1949 revolution led by Mao Zedong. However, three hundred years is very short for human history. Throughout Chinese history, every 300 years or so peasants would rise up to overthrow the emperor. However, the ancient philosophies of harmony and moderation were always able to restore stability, prosperity, and a loosely united empire. Even after foreign Mongolian and Manchu invasions, stability was restored with the invaders being converted by Chinese culture. The resilience of the Chinese nation lies in its deep-rooted harmony philosophies coupled with prosperity at the beginning of each successful dynasty. This typically goes on in every 300 years or so for two millennium. Then China, after two hundred years of Western and Japanese humiliation and invasion, had lost its direction for a while. Today, with relative prosperity returning, demands for harmony as a way to resolve conflicts in a complex modern society are returning in force. This is how China has rediscovered itself from the roots of its ancient culture. This may prove to be like the European renaissance after the Dark Ages in rediscovering the ancient Greek culture.
Democracy as a movement for the most part is universally accepted in the world today. One needs only to look at how many new countries or changing countries are calling themselves democracies. However, the US has its own definition. This mostly means that countries agreeing with the US are democracies. Democracy as a system of government needs to take hold and grow in the fertile soil of developing countries and countries evolving from their old cultures. This ideal of anti-corruption and anti-dictatorship is changing traditional order by reform. Harmony advises renunciation of force. In time, democracy will grow and produce its fruits in the global modern environment. In the 1980’s, the Soviet planned economy dissolved due mostly to its own non-competitiveness with the Western market economy. In cold war rhetoric, it was called “US capitalism triumphs over communism”. Communism thus had a bad name. But, the bad connotation mainly comes from the cold war mentality that “communism means enslavement”. It is not the intent of the present paper on harmony to take sides. It is important to point out for those who did not grew up during the cold war era that the US media divided the world into the free world and the communist world. Today so-called Communist countries can be very capitalistic and materially very successful. The dividing line is very blurred today.
Due to the rapid expansion of economic and industrial activities in China during the last twenty some years, China has developed from an egalitarian society to a society of unbalanced wealth distribution and from a self-sufficient society to one that depends heavily on energy and outside material resources like all developed nations. The Scientific Development Concept was thus conceived by the Chinese leaders to provide a blueprint for a long-term sustainable development. In time, this blueprint has expanded to include old and new conflict resolution in China’s grand modernization. Harmony being China’s dominant philosophy for 2500 years, it is no surprise, despite the onslaught of Western culture for the last two hundred years, that China rediscovered its ancient heritage. This is not unlike the return of harmony philosophy to the golden Han dynasty after the Spring and Autumn Warring States period. There were thousands of battles 4
fought between feudal states at the time, but finally peace and stability was restored through the institution of Confucius’ teaching.
In the fertile soil of the Chinese harmony garden after Chinese leaders called for Harmony Society development, ideas of harmony spread like spring bamboo shoots after the rain. Creative ideas of Harmony Society from government officials, intellectuals, think tanks, academicians, and the general public are currently sweeping through the country. We may once again witness a major new harmony movement excelling the ancient teachings of ancient harmony that has guided China for the last 2500 years. A true period of “let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools contend” may be in the making, surpassing the Spring and Autumn period debates in scope and magnitude. If this social harmony movement takes hold, the Chinese culture may take a leap into the future World of Harmony.
Today’s China is in disharmony. The current modernizing and opening and reform have created a degree of regional prosperity. But, with the impact of materialism and lower moral values there are conflicts due to disparity of wealth and privilege and to difference of the new and the old. In the traumatic changes that are required for modernizing, there is extreme thinking in China that forgets the old teachings. Today there are Chinese who feel lost and passively admit cultural inadequacy, under the incessant criticism by U.S. media. Fortunately, the current government, to deal with the multitude of contradictions, came up with the Concept of Scientific Development for modernization.
This Concept of Scientific development is widely discussed and covered by the media. However, the major stroke of luck is that this scientific development concept brought China back in touch with the forefathers’ teaching of harmony. Harmony as a way of life is deeply founded in Chinese family unity and is the essence of Chinese ancient teaching. On the current path, China will transition through the current adjustment and reach a modern society with Chinese characteristics. This may very well be a socialistic society with harmony. Its development remains to be seen. In the process, China’s harmony development can only bring harmony to the rest of the world. The ultimate patience of harmony will work its way by resonance. The often-used phrase “Socialist Society with Chinese Characteristics” is ultimately the Socialist Society with Chinese Harmony.
V) China’s cultural renaissance must include harmony renaissance
Throughout China’s long history as an ancient culture, unlike the Middle East, it did not produce a religion of world importance, and unlike the West, it did not produce a comprehensive homegrown democracy system to resolve conflicts between the ruler and the ruled. China obviously, however, had notions of religion and democracy when Confucius admonished his followers to respect God but keep a distance, and Mencius advocated good government and put citizens above the rulers. Instead, through considerable debate and evolution, China settled on the Confucius philosophies of ZHONG YONG, HE XIE (moderation, harmony) and hierarchy social structures. Family and social order were promoted by emphasizing SAN GANG WU CHANG, REN, YI , LI , ZHI, XIN (the three important relations in the order of: ruler and the ruled, father and children, husband and wife and five basic societal moral values) and LUN LI DAO DE (family and moral values) 5
This system of profuse teaching was drilled into students from Day One and all through a scholar’s life. Youngsters’ first standard reading text was SAN ZI JING (a simple rhyme of Confucius teaching). This simple moral text is to be recited by students word for word (my children still cut their teeth on Chinese characters, and Chinese words with this text during the 1990’s in Taiwan). The moderation and harmony philosophy reinforced by morals and values as a social system was very different from the Western democracy concepts of citizen rights and duties enforced by law and order.
Ancient China did practice laws, but only sparsely when compared to the comprehensive European laws and the complex and voluminous US case study system. The strength of US modern culture lies in the implementation of government and law practices (the so-called “rule of law”), and not merely in its democratic ideology.
The ideal of democracy, as harmony between government, society, and citizens, is universally accepted by today’s world. It will take time for the developing countries to grow their own appropriate democratic systems in their own soil. Harmony, as seen from ancient Chinese philosophy, included the practices of acceptance, tolerance, mutual respect, equality, and patience, but not the use of heavy penal correction. Harmony thus is the essence of Chinese ancient culture. Thus, the Chinese Cultural Renaissance must include Harmony Renaissance.
VI) The world will benefit from China’s harmony renaissance. Harmony is a universal common value
Let us examine the World Media Summit held in Beijing Oct 8 to 10, 2009. This is a significant step towards a more harmonious world by bringing all the world media together for the first time of modern history. Some called it the Olympics of Media. 170 world media and over 300 delegates attended. These included the eight biggest world media house presidents, CEO’s from Xinhua, AP, Reuters, Time Warner, BBC, Newsgroup, Tass News, Japanese United Press, and Google. The concluding joint statement emphasized increased win–win cooperation in expanding world multicultural reporting and also specifically called for more diverse, accurate, fair, and impartial reporting.
The World Media Summit was hosted by Xinhua News and sponsored by the big eight media. This is Harmony Renaissance as advocated by China. The Summit and the joint statement historically herald the beginning of a more harmonious world.
We at World Harmony Organization (WHO) work for Harmony Renaissance to bring back harmony, a universal value. Harmony is being neglected because world is driven by racial, religious, and ideological strife. Harmony Renaissance is needed as the ultimate resolution to unshackle us and to reverse the tide of human self-destruction and environmental degradation. Harmony with mankind and with nature is necessary for our sustainable development and survival. 6
VII) World Harmony: is it achievable? What promises lie ahead?
World Harmony is achievable because the cycle of self-destruction and deception is reversing. We can see it coming. The world is heading towards mutual win–win development. We are beginning to be aware that world development is not a zero-sum game. World Harmony can be simply defined as a multilateral world set on the course of win–win development. This will release the energy for mankind to work for common prosperity.
Harmony as a guiding faith is very broad. It includes peace within oneself, in relations between people, within family, between citizens and nations, harmony among nations, and between man and nature. Democracy is nothing but harmony between citizen and their government. Environmental ecology is simply harmony of man with nature.
The practice of harmony can be simply defined as the following twelve virtues: Tolerance, Acceptance, Respect, Equality, Gentleness, Forgiveness, Patience, Humility, Conservation, Ecology, Unity with Nature, and Unity of Mankind. With these practices firmly in mind, World Harmony is on the way to be achievable.
What promises lie in the future? In the future, we will see further growth of developing countries and multilateralism. This will lead to a more harmonious balance of East and West, North and South dialogues and cultural exchange. The world is poised for win–win mutual development. World development is not a zero sum game as some might think. The best way to develop is openness and learning from the best of each culture so as to move towards common prosperity.
The big media houses and others have come together because of new challenges from the marching of the developing world and changes of technology and market orientation. Powerful world media, working for more harmonious reporting, is a major breakthrough for the cause of World Harmony. The Western powers have dominated the world stage and news reporting for the last two centuries. By conceding to cooperation and win–win development in world news reporting, the stage is set for inevitable improvement of East West and North South relations. This is the important single step the world must take to avoid self-destruction and deception. We are seeing the coming of a brave new world. We are very hopeful that world harmony undertakings will flourish.
Harmony is universal. It embraces all human relations and our relation with the universe. Harmony is the underlying operating principle of the universe. Without harmony mankind will self-destruct and the universe will not be eternal. "Harmony Renaissance will release us from the bondage of human strife. It is the next wave of creative energy that mankind is waiting for. Harmony Renaissance will bring East and West convergence so mankind will reach higher accomplishments beyond European Renaissance."
In Service of Harmony Renaissance
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.
I) Current financial crisis and China economic miracle: Does modern China have soft power?
By all accounts, China is leading the world out of the current global financial crisis. According to China Daily, Oct 18, 2009, a professor of Economics and Head of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham in the UK wrote in part: “As celebrations of its achievements over the past 60 years subside, China can look forward to its next milestone: surpassing Japan as the world's second largest economy before the year is out. Another target reached ahead of schedule – and further evidence that China is emerging from the financial crisis as the big winner.
“Based on past records, and taking into account China's expected growth rate over the next two decades, China will overtake the United States to become the largest economy in the world within five years measured in purchasing power parity-terms, and within 20 years measured in nominal terms. It could be even sooner. These predictions are based on the assumption that the US economy will grow 3 percent per year and the Chinese economy 9 percent per year, assuming constant nominal exchange and inflation rates for both countries.
“But if the yuan continues to appreciate against the dollar as it has done in the past decade, and/or if China's domestic inflation rate is higher than that of the US, China will gain ground even quicker.”
China’s rise in economics apparently is not accompanied by the same measure of soft power rise in world influence. There is no lack of Western media and think tank reports on the subject. The overwhelming Western verdict is that China’s political and cultural influence as a world power on the world stage will be a long time coming. Although the lack of deserving recognition for China’s soft power is due to complex historical reasons, the simple verdict given has been that China does not have the “politically correct” ideology by Western standards. Will this prognosis persist? Most likely not, should one look back to the history of ancient China’s cultural influence.
II) How does China’s current soft power stacks up against world religion, Western democracy, and other soft power?
China is currently in no position to challenge Eastern religion or Western democracy and other world dominant soft power in cultural influences. However, all things will come in due course. In terms of soft power development, 60 years is a relative short time historically for new China. Instead of accepting the simple rationale of “politically incorrect” in a Western dominated media, let us examine the relevant developments revealing why China’s world influence is not in keeping with its size, population, long historical continuity, and its current economic rise. 2
The major reasons for China’s recent lack of progress in soft power are: Western influence is at its high, particularly coming after America’s post World War II and cold war economic and ideology triumph; although China has disentangled herself from the cold war ideological struggle, she nevertheless suffered setbacks in relation to American successes; due to years of humiliation by Western powers as a semi-colonial state, China has yet to regain confidence; and through her own growing pains of experimentation, she has lost confidence in not coming to grips with her long continuous history. Finally, in her eagerness to learn from the West, she has not given enough emphasis to the importance of her own cultural heritage and innovativeness. All these and other historical factors have hindered China in rightfully regaining her world influence, despite her rise in economic power.
III) Harmony, China’s ancient cultural essence and soft power
From the perspective of harmony, human civilization is the progress in resolving relationship conflicts between:
1) Human and nature (birth of religions, etc.)
2) Human and human (philosophic, religious, and moral teachings)
3) Members of a group (family, tribes’ and nomads’ morals, and codes and standards)
4) Citizens and society at large (philosophy, values teaching, and imposition of laws)
5) Rulers and the ruled (hierarchical social structure, elite values and government propaganda, democracy development, freedom and responsibility)
6) Clashes between religions (such as the current clash between Muslim and western religious beliefs)
7) Ideology contests (socialism vs. capitalism, democracy vs. broader harmony)
8) Dependence and Independence development between national blocks (developed, underdeveloped, developing, poor and rich)
Above is a list indicating, by way of illustration, only some of the major outstanding issues in conflict resolution and achieving harmony. In the interest of leading toward a current universal harmony exposition in the following, only major world harmony development movements will be summarized. These are also past global harmony movements that have by far the major repercussions on human civilization.
The three major harmony movements of human civilization as listed in above conflict resolutions are religion, democracy, and harmony. Today’s world is in great disharmony, with religion conflicts, international inequity, and the disparity between North and South. To lead us out of this convulsion, we must look beyond religion and democracy to harmony as the basis of equality, mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. Harmony as the universal value envelops democracy; but, as a basic human longing, it is not institutionalized. The spread of harmony has been uniquely peaceful compared to religion and democracy. Will harmony bring a more moderate future world? American democracy faces the challenge of Chinese harmony as the leading global philosophy in the 21st century. Teaching harmony in the U.S. is paramount. For more details, please see China’s Harmony Renaissance: What the world must know by Francis C W Fung, published by World Harmony Organization. 3
IV) China’s harmony renaissance, can the world ignore it?
Democracy grew out of the 17th century Enlightenment movement as a resolution of the conflicts between the ruler and the ruled. But, the movement as a tradition had inspired many national revolutions. The notable ones for this discussion were the French revolution, American independence war, and the Chinese 1911 revolution extending to the 1949 revolution led by Mao Zedong. However, three hundred years is very short for human history. Throughout Chinese history, every 300 years or so peasants would rise up to overthrow the emperor. However, the ancient philosophies of harmony and moderation were always able to restore stability, prosperity, and a loosely united empire. Even after foreign Mongolian and Manchu invasions, stability was restored with the invaders being converted by Chinese culture. The resilience of the Chinese nation lies in its deep-rooted harmony philosophies coupled with prosperity at the beginning of each successful dynasty. This typically goes on in every 300 years or so for two millennium. Then China, after two hundred years of Western and Japanese humiliation and invasion, had lost its direction for a while. Today, with relative prosperity returning, demands for harmony as a way to resolve conflicts in a complex modern society are returning in force. This is how China has rediscovered itself from the roots of its ancient culture. This may prove to be like the European renaissance after the Dark Ages in rediscovering the ancient Greek culture.
Democracy as a movement for the most part is universally accepted in the world today. One needs only to look at how many new countries or changing countries are calling themselves democracies. However, the US has its own definition. This mostly means that countries agreeing with the US are democracies. Democracy as a system of government needs to take hold and grow in the fertile soil of developing countries and countries evolving from their old cultures. This ideal of anti-corruption and anti-dictatorship is changing traditional order by reform. Harmony advises renunciation of force. In time, democracy will grow and produce its fruits in the global modern environment. In the 1980’s, the Soviet planned economy dissolved due mostly to its own non-competitiveness with the Western market economy. In cold war rhetoric, it was called “US capitalism triumphs over communism”. Communism thus had a bad name. But, the bad connotation mainly comes from the cold war mentality that “communism means enslavement”. It is not the intent of the present paper on harmony to take sides. It is important to point out for those who did not grew up during the cold war era that the US media divided the world into the free world and the communist world. Today so-called Communist countries can be very capitalistic and materially very successful. The dividing line is very blurred today.
Due to the rapid expansion of economic and industrial activities in China during the last twenty some years, China has developed from an egalitarian society to a society of unbalanced wealth distribution and from a self-sufficient society to one that depends heavily on energy and outside material resources like all developed nations. The Scientific Development Concept was thus conceived by the Chinese leaders to provide a blueprint for a long-term sustainable development. In time, this blueprint has expanded to include old and new conflict resolution in China’s grand modernization. Harmony being China’s dominant philosophy for 2500 years, it is no surprise, despite the onslaught of Western culture for the last two hundred years, that China rediscovered its ancient heritage. This is not unlike the return of harmony philosophy to the golden Han dynasty after the Spring and Autumn Warring States period. There were thousands of battles 4
fought between feudal states at the time, but finally peace and stability was restored through the institution of Confucius’ teaching.
In the fertile soil of the Chinese harmony garden after Chinese leaders called for Harmony Society development, ideas of harmony spread like spring bamboo shoots after the rain. Creative ideas of Harmony Society from government officials, intellectuals, think tanks, academicians, and the general public are currently sweeping through the country. We may once again witness a major new harmony movement excelling the ancient teachings of ancient harmony that has guided China for the last 2500 years. A true period of “let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools contend” may be in the making, surpassing the Spring and Autumn period debates in scope and magnitude. If this social harmony movement takes hold, the Chinese culture may take a leap into the future World of Harmony.
Today’s China is in disharmony. The current modernizing and opening and reform have created a degree of regional prosperity. But, with the impact of materialism and lower moral values there are conflicts due to disparity of wealth and privilege and to difference of the new and the old. In the traumatic changes that are required for modernizing, there is extreme thinking in China that forgets the old teachings. Today there are Chinese who feel lost and passively admit cultural inadequacy, under the incessant criticism by U.S. media. Fortunately, the current government, to deal with the multitude of contradictions, came up with the Concept of Scientific Development for modernization.
This Concept of Scientific development is widely discussed and covered by the media. However, the major stroke of luck is that this scientific development concept brought China back in touch with the forefathers’ teaching of harmony. Harmony as a way of life is deeply founded in Chinese family unity and is the essence of Chinese ancient teaching. On the current path, China will transition through the current adjustment and reach a modern society with Chinese characteristics. This may very well be a socialistic society with harmony. Its development remains to be seen. In the process, China’s harmony development can only bring harmony to the rest of the world. The ultimate patience of harmony will work its way by resonance. The often-used phrase “Socialist Society with Chinese Characteristics” is ultimately the Socialist Society with Chinese Harmony.
V) China’s cultural renaissance must include harmony renaissance
Throughout China’s long history as an ancient culture, unlike the Middle East, it did not produce a religion of world importance, and unlike the West, it did not produce a comprehensive homegrown democracy system to resolve conflicts between the ruler and the ruled. China obviously, however, had notions of religion and democracy when Confucius admonished his followers to respect God but keep a distance, and Mencius advocated good government and put citizens above the rulers. Instead, through considerable debate and evolution, China settled on the Confucius philosophies of ZHONG YONG, HE XIE (moderation, harmony) and hierarchy social structures. Family and social order were promoted by emphasizing SAN GANG WU CHANG, REN, YI , LI , ZHI, XIN (the three important relations in the order of: ruler and the ruled, father and children, husband and wife and five basic societal moral values) and LUN LI DAO DE (family and moral values) 5
This system of profuse teaching was drilled into students from Day One and all through a scholar’s life. Youngsters’ first standard reading text was SAN ZI JING (a simple rhyme of Confucius teaching). This simple moral text is to be recited by students word for word (my children still cut their teeth on Chinese characters, and Chinese words with this text during the 1990’s in Taiwan). The moderation and harmony philosophy reinforced by morals and values as a social system was very different from the Western democracy concepts of citizen rights and duties enforced by law and order.
Ancient China did practice laws, but only sparsely when compared to the comprehensive European laws and the complex and voluminous US case study system. The strength of US modern culture lies in the implementation of government and law practices (the so-called “rule of law”), and not merely in its democratic ideology.
The ideal of democracy, as harmony between government, society, and citizens, is universally accepted by today’s world. It will take time for the developing countries to grow their own appropriate democratic systems in their own soil. Harmony, as seen from ancient Chinese philosophy, included the practices of acceptance, tolerance, mutual respect, equality, and patience, but not the use of heavy penal correction. Harmony thus is the essence of Chinese ancient culture. Thus, the Chinese Cultural Renaissance must include Harmony Renaissance.
VI) The world will benefit from China’s harmony renaissance. Harmony is a universal common value
Let us examine the World Media Summit held in Beijing Oct 8 to 10, 2009. This is a significant step towards a more harmonious world by bringing all the world media together for the first time of modern history. Some called it the Olympics of Media. 170 world media and over 300 delegates attended. These included the eight biggest world media house presidents, CEO’s from Xinhua, AP, Reuters, Time Warner, BBC, Newsgroup, Tass News, Japanese United Press, and Google. The concluding joint statement emphasized increased win–win cooperation in expanding world multicultural reporting and also specifically called for more diverse, accurate, fair, and impartial reporting.
The World Media Summit was hosted by Xinhua News and sponsored by the big eight media. This is Harmony Renaissance as advocated by China. The Summit and the joint statement historically herald the beginning of a more harmonious world.
We at World Harmony Organization (WHO) work for Harmony Renaissance to bring back harmony, a universal value. Harmony is being neglected because world is driven by racial, religious, and ideological strife. Harmony Renaissance is needed as the ultimate resolution to unshackle us and to reverse the tide of human self-destruction and environmental degradation. Harmony with mankind and with nature is necessary for our sustainable development and survival. 6
VII) World Harmony: is it achievable? What promises lie ahead?
World Harmony is achievable because the cycle of self-destruction and deception is reversing. We can see it coming. The world is heading towards mutual win–win development. We are beginning to be aware that world development is not a zero-sum game. World Harmony can be simply defined as a multilateral world set on the course of win–win development. This will release the energy for mankind to work for common prosperity.
Harmony as a guiding faith is very broad. It includes peace within oneself, in relations between people, within family, between citizens and nations, harmony among nations, and between man and nature. Democracy is nothing but harmony between citizen and their government. Environmental ecology is simply harmony of man with nature.
The practice of harmony can be simply defined as the following twelve virtues: Tolerance, Acceptance, Respect, Equality, Gentleness, Forgiveness, Patience, Humility, Conservation, Ecology, Unity with Nature, and Unity of Mankind. With these practices firmly in mind, World Harmony is on the way to be achievable.
What promises lie in the future? In the future, we will see further growth of developing countries and multilateralism. This will lead to a more harmonious balance of East and West, North and South dialogues and cultural exchange. The world is poised for win–win mutual development. World development is not a zero sum game as some might think. The best way to develop is openness and learning from the best of each culture so as to move towards common prosperity.
The big media houses and others have come together because of new challenges from the marching of the developing world and changes of technology and market orientation. Powerful world media, working for more harmonious reporting, is a major breakthrough for the cause of World Harmony. The Western powers have dominated the world stage and news reporting for the last two centuries. By conceding to cooperation and win–win development in world news reporting, the stage is set for inevitable improvement of East West and North South relations. This is the important single step the world must take to avoid self-destruction and deception. We are seeing the coming of a brave new world. We are very hopeful that world harmony undertakings will flourish.
Harmony is universal. It embraces all human relations and our relation with the universe. Harmony is the underlying operating principle of the universe. Without harmony mankind will self-destruct and the universe will not be eternal. "Harmony Renaissance will release us from the bondage of human strife. It is the next wave of creative energy that mankind is waiting for. Harmony Renaissance will bring East and West convergence so mankind will reach higher accomplishments beyond European Renaissance."
In Service of Harmony Renaissance
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Rise and Challenges of China's Harmonious Diplomacy
The Rise and Challenges of China's Harmonious Diplomacy
Ms. Anne Wu
China’s diplomacy is gradually evolving to a more extroverted, pragmatic, and mutually-adaptive diplomacy that emphasizes harmony between countries and between peoples. This transformation has been coincident with China’s emergence as a world power and with its reclaiming of the cultural richness of Confucianism. Many countries welcome China’s practice of harmony-oriented diplomacy since it projects China as a benign power and makes China’s foreign policy more transparent and predictable. On the other hand, skeptics remain concerned about the sustainability and effectiveness of harmony-oriented diplomacy in a world of conflict. Proper understanding of and reaction to China’s harmony-oriented diplomacy can help smooth China’s transition and orient it towards being a contributor to a better world order. Ms. Anne Wu will use examples of recent Chinese diplomatic initiatives to illustrate these points and to show how our own diplomacy should respond to achieve the best possible future for all involved parties.
Ms. Anne Wu is a Research Associate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, working on the Joint International Security Program/Project on Managing the Atom. Prior to joining Harvard in 2004, she was a career diplomat serving as the Director of the Political and Press Department in the Embassy of China to Singapore and the chief analyst of the Asian Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Her work covered China's diplomacy with Asian countries and foreign policy analysis focusing on Asian-Pacific political and security issues, multilateralism, and conflict resolution. She was a keynote-speech writer for several Chinese state leaders and author of numerous research papers on diplomacy and international relations.
Ms. Anne Wu
China’s diplomacy is gradually evolving to a more extroverted, pragmatic, and mutually-adaptive diplomacy that emphasizes harmony between countries and between peoples. This transformation has been coincident with China’s emergence as a world power and with its reclaiming of the cultural richness of Confucianism. Many countries welcome China’s practice of harmony-oriented diplomacy since it projects China as a benign power and makes China’s foreign policy more transparent and predictable. On the other hand, skeptics remain concerned about the sustainability and effectiveness of harmony-oriented diplomacy in a world of conflict. Proper understanding of and reaction to China’s harmony-oriented diplomacy can help smooth China’s transition and orient it towards being a contributor to a better world order. Ms. Anne Wu will use examples of recent Chinese diplomatic initiatives to illustrate these points and to show how our own diplomacy should respond to achieve the best possible future for all involved parties.
Ms. Anne Wu is a Research Associate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, working on the Joint International Security Program/Project on Managing the Atom. Prior to joining Harvard in 2004, she was a career diplomat serving as the Director of the Political and Press Department in the Embassy of China to Singapore and the chief analyst of the Asian Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Her work covered China's diplomacy with Asian countries and foreign policy analysis focusing on Asian-Pacific political and security issues, multilateralism, and conflict resolution. She was a keynote-speech writer for several Chinese state leaders and author of numerous research papers on diplomacy and international relations.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Excerpt from “Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” 2008 by Jesus Sole-Farras
“It has been asserted (Fung, 2006) that the 2006 Sixth CPC Plenum Session will be remembered as the most important milestone of China’s Harmony Renaissance,” since, “by discovering harmony culture, China is discovering its own rich ancient cultural harmony traditions. It is of similar in importance to Europe’s Renaissance after the rediscovery of ancient Greek culture” (p. 8). Jesus Sole-Farras
Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom:There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Morgan Steacy, York University, Department of East Asian Studies, Canada I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles on harmony renaissance, and have become completely enraptured by the hope of future possibility that they bring. My main area of study lies squarely within Dr. Fung’s realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your organization with great success.
Peter Neumann, Partner Faegre Benson, Shanghai, China
It is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.
Eric Chipps, Chipps Management Consultants, San Francisco, CA, USAIn today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’ premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing unifying force for unity in diversity.Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America, Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.
“冯教授自2006年起主张和谐, 发现和谐文化是中国丰富悠久的文化传统. 它象欧洲文艺复兴,从新发现古老的希腊文化之后那样重要.”
“呼吁世界和谐复兴是明智和理智的. 那是活动家们一直用的办法. 在这事上,您的辛勤劳动一定最受欢迎.”
“我很高兴知道关于世界和谐文化节日的进展. 我希望它的进展顺利并在其它地方得到同样的共鸣.”
“你的世界和谐日的想法是非常正义和理想的. 我尊重你的事业并高兴听到更多的消息. 冯忠华, 我高兴它进行的如此顺利. 祝贺.”
Hon. John Prescott, 英国代理总理
“冯忠华, 你有一个梦想, 一个世界和谐复兴的梦想.”
Dean Jacob Perea, 学院教育, 三藩市州立大学
落山基, 新华社, 2007年1月20日
三藩市, 世界日报, 2007年2月20日
“感谢您对我们再生能源科学技术的兴趣和您辛勤工作所带来的许多订单. 最忠心的祝愿你的事业成功.”
“祝贺! 您的贡献! 您惊奇的工作能力. 希望读到你第二本书.”
美国, 新华社, 2007 年3月16日
栗泓 翻译
Excerpt from “Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” 2008 by Jesus Sole-Farras
“It has been asserted (Fung, 2006) that the 2006 Sixth CPC Plenum Session will be remembered as the most important milestone of China’s Harmony Renaissance,” since, “by discovering harmony culture, China is discovering its own rich ancient cultural harmony traditions. It is of similar in importance to Europe’s Renaissance after the rediscovery of ancient Greek culture” (p. 8). Jesus Sole-Farras
Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom:There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Morgan Steacy, York University, Department of East Asian Studies, Canada I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles on harmony renaissance, and have become completely enraptured by the hope of future possibility that they bring. My main area of study lies squarely within Dr. Fung’s realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your organization with great success.
Peter Neumann, Partner Faegre Benson, Shanghai, China
It is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.
Eric Chipps, Chipps Management Consultants, San Francisco, CA, USAIn today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’ premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing unifying force for unity in diversity.Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America, Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.
“冯教授自2006年起主张和谐, 发现和谐文化是中国丰富悠久的文化传统. 它象欧洲文艺复兴,从新发现古老的希腊文化之后那样重要.”
“呼吁世界和谐复兴是明智和理智的. 那是活动家们一直用的办法. 在这事上,您的辛勤劳动一定最受欢迎.”
“我很高兴知道关于世界和谐文化节日的进展. 我希望它的进展顺利并在其它地方得到同样的共鸣.”
“你的世界和谐日的想法是非常正义和理想的. 我尊重你的事业并高兴听到更多的消息. 冯忠华, 我高兴它进行的如此顺利. 祝贺.”
Hon. John Prescott, 英国代理总理
“冯忠华, 你有一个梦想, 一个世界和谐复兴的梦想.”
Dean Jacob Perea, 学院教育, 三藩市州立大学
落山基, 新华社, 2007年1月20日
三藩市, 世界日报, 2007年2月20日
“感谢您对我们再生能源科学技术的兴趣和您辛勤工作所带来的许多订单. 最忠心的祝愿你的事业成功.”
“祝贺! 您的贡献! 您惊奇的工作能力. 希望读到你第二本书.”
美国, 新华社, 2007 年3月16日
栗泓 翻译
Harmony Renaissance Preamble & Declaration
Harmony Renaissance Preamble & Declaration
In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Lao Zi. Human in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.
Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.
Harmony is the highest common value. Renaissance is action. Together they have life. Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of the universe. Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO.
Lao Zi said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Lao Zi's harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics. Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural and social sciences. It is the break through that will take us to the next level of human creativity andaccomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
World Harmony Organization
Spring, 2006, San Francisco
In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Lao Zi. Human in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.
Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.
Harmony is the highest common value. Renaissance is action. Together they have life. Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of the universe. Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation. From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament. The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO.
Lao Zi said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony." Lao Zi's harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics. Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural and social sciences. It is the break through that will take us to the next level of human creativity andaccomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
World Harmony Organization
Spring, 2006, San Francisco
Sunday, October 25, 2009
世界和谐可能实现吗? 未来的希望是什么?
世界和谐可能实现吗? 未来的希望是什么?
让我们看一下北京2009年10月8日到10日举行的世界媒体高峰会议. 这是现代第一届世界媒体会议, 是走向世界和谐的关键一步, 可以说是媒体的奥林匹克大会. 有一百七十个世界媒体机构, 三百多名代表出席了这次会议, 包括世界上八大媒体主席, 新华社总裁, 联合出版社总裁, 瑞特资新闻总裁, 时代传播公司总裁, 英国皇家传播公司总裁, 新闻出版社总裁, 塔私新闻社总裁, 日本联合出版社总裁和谷歌公司总裁. 全会联合声明强调加强扩大世界多种文化报道, 特别指出新闻报道要多元化, 准确, 公平, 无偏见.
世界和谐组织是为了复兴和谐, 恢复世界和谐价值. 和谐被忽略是因为人们倾向于种族, 信仰和
意识形态(思想体系)中的不和. 我们必须复兴和谐,因为它是解除我们身上的枷锁和扭转人类
世界和谐可以实现因为自取灭亡和自欺欺人的循环正在倒转. 我们看得见它的来临, 世界正
恢复走向共同发展. 人们已经开始意识到世界发展不是个总数归零的游戏. 世界和谐可以简单
地定义为一个世界走向多元化共同发展的进程. 这给予我们极大的力量使人类繁荣富强.
和谐牵扯的范围非常广泛, 它包括自身心灵的平静, 人与人之间的关系, 家庭内部关系, 人民与政府之间, 国家与国家之间及人类与大自然之间的关系. 民主不是别的而是人民与政府的和谐. 环境生态简单的说就是人类与自然界的和谐.
和谐可以简单的规范为实行十二种美德: 忍耐, 认可, 尊重, 平等, 礼貌, 原谅, 耐心, 谦虚, 永存, 永生, 与自然界共生存及人类大团结. 保持这些实践观念世界和谐将会到来.
未来的希望是什么? 不久的将来我们将看到发展中国家进一步发展, 多元化文化发展, 更频繁的
国际贸易, 导致东方与西方国家和谐平衡. 南方与北方语言和文化交流.全世界达到平衡地共同
发展. 世界发展不象一些人所猜测的那样是个总数归零的游戏. 最好的发展是开放, 学习各种
文化传统中最优秀的地方, 向世界各国共同繁荣昌盛迈进.
世界上大媒体机构及其他组织走到一起, 是因为我们面临着新的挑战, 它来自于世界各国向发展中国家迈进的步伐,科学技术的发展及市场方向的变化.世界媒体的力量为世界和谐正义更谐调地报道是一个及其重要的突破. 在过去的二百年中, 西方国家的力量一直主导了世界舞台及新闻
报道. 互相合作共同发展世界新闻报道的阶段已定, 它将不可避免的改善东方, 西方及南边, 北边的关系. 这是世界必须走出自取灭亡及自欺欺人的重要一步. 我们展望未来勇敢创新的世界. 我们期望世界和谐事业繁荣兴旺.
和谐是宇宙性的. 它关系到全人类及我们与宇宙生存的关系. 和谐是宇宙运行的基本原则. 没有和谐,人类将会自取灭亡, 宇宙将不永存. 复兴和谐将使人类从冲突的束缚中解脱出来.它是人类等待的下一个创新动力浪潮. 复兴和谐将把东方和西方凝聚在一起, 使人类取得更高的成就,超越欧洲文艺复兴.
世界和谐组织, 总理事, 冯忠华 博士 (栗泓 翻译) 写于2009年10月16日三藩市
让我们看一下北京2009年10月8日到10日举行的世界媒体高峰会议. 这是现代第一届世界媒体会议, 是走向世界和谐的关键一步, 可以说是媒体的奥林匹克大会. 有一百七十个世界媒体机构, 三百多名代表出席了这次会议, 包括世界上八大媒体主席, 新华社总裁, 联合出版社总裁, 瑞特资新闻总裁, 时代传播公司总裁, 英国皇家传播公司总裁, 新闻出版社总裁, 塔私新闻社总裁, 日本联合出版社总裁和谷歌公司总裁. 全会联合声明强调加强扩大世界多种文化报道, 特别指出新闻报道要多元化, 准确, 公平, 无偏见.
世界和谐组织是为了复兴和谐, 恢复世界和谐价值. 和谐被忽略是因为人们倾向于种族, 信仰和
意识形态(思想体系)中的不和. 我们必须复兴和谐,因为它是解除我们身上的枷锁和扭转人类
世界和谐可以实现因为自取灭亡和自欺欺人的循环正在倒转. 我们看得见它的来临, 世界正
恢复走向共同发展. 人们已经开始意识到世界发展不是个总数归零的游戏. 世界和谐可以简单
地定义为一个世界走向多元化共同发展的进程. 这给予我们极大的力量使人类繁荣富强.
和谐牵扯的范围非常广泛, 它包括自身心灵的平静, 人与人之间的关系, 家庭内部关系, 人民与政府之间, 国家与国家之间及人类与大自然之间的关系. 民主不是别的而是人民与政府的和谐. 环境生态简单的说就是人类与自然界的和谐.
和谐可以简单的规范为实行十二种美德: 忍耐, 认可, 尊重, 平等, 礼貌, 原谅, 耐心, 谦虚, 永存, 永生, 与自然界共生存及人类大团结. 保持这些实践观念世界和谐将会到来.
未来的希望是什么? 不久的将来我们将看到发展中国家进一步发展, 多元化文化发展, 更频繁的
国际贸易, 导致东方与西方国家和谐平衡. 南方与北方语言和文化交流.全世界达到平衡地共同
发展. 世界发展不象一些人所猜测的那样是个总数归零的游戏. 最好的发展是开放, 学习各种
文化传统中最优秀的地方, 向世界各国共同繁荣昌盛迈进.
世界上大媒体机构及其他组织走到一起, 是因为我们面临着新的挑战, 它来自于世界各国向发展中国家迈进的步伐,科学技术的发展及市场方向的变化.世界媒体的力量为世界和谐正义更谐调地报道是一个及其重要的突破. 在过去的二百年中, 西方国家的力量一直主导了世界舞台及新闻
报道. 互相合作共同发展世界新闻报道的阶段已定, 它将不可避免的改善东方, 西方及南边, 北边的关系. 这是世界必须走出自取灭亡及自欺欺人的重要一步. 我们展望未来勇敢创新的世界. 我们期望世界和谐事业繁荣兴旺.
和谐是宇宙性的. 它关系到全人类及我们与宇宙生存的关系. 和谐是宇宙运行的基本原则. 没有和谐,人类将会自取灭亡, 宇宙将不永存. 复兴和谐将使人类从冲突的束缚中解脱出来.它是人类等待的下一个创新动力浪潮. 复兴和谐将把东方和西方凝聚在一起, 使人类取得更高的成就,超越欧洲文艺复兴.
世界和谐组织, 总理事, 冯忠华 博士 (栗泓 翻译) 写于2009年10月16日三藩市
RESPONSE TO: Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
RESPONSE TO: Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Dear Professor Jesus Sole-Farras,
It was with great pleasure to read your recent paper on Google "Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics." I highly recommend your paper as a must read for all World leaders who follow the development of China, especially American President Barack Obama. As the current Nobel Peace prize earner, Obama must understand the importance of U.S.-China harmony consensus for world harmony. May I suggest that you deliver a copy of your excellent paper to President Obama. Your paper read by Obama will sure lead to better U.S.-China understanding.
You and I are in full agreement that Harmony is nature's preferred order and dynamic balance for conflict resolution. Understanding "Harmony Dynamic Balance", the world has no need for struggle and confrontation hence forth.
Another Chinese sage Laotze said: "The soft ultimately overcomes the hard". That is the ultimate principle of Harmony Dynamic Balance.
I thank you for quoting my paper "China's Harmony Renaissance; What the World must Know" as the first to assert that "Harmony Renaissance" is the tide of 21st Century and the next wave of creative energy mankind is waiting for to bring us to the next higher level of accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Nov. 2009
“It has been asserted (Fung, 2006) that the 2006 Sixth CPC Plenum Session will be remembered as the most important milestone of China’s Harmony Renaissance,” since, “by discovering harmony culture, China is discovering its own rich ancient cultural harmony traditions. It is of similar in importance to Europe’s Renaissance after the rediscovery of ancient Greek culture” (p. 8). Jesus Sole-Farras
Dear Professor Jesus Sole-Farras,
It was with great pleasure to read your recent paper on Google "Harmony in Contemporary New Confucianism and in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics." I highly recommend your paper as a must read for all World leaders who follow the development of China, especially American President Barack Obama. As the current Nobel Peace prize earner, Obama must understand the importance of U.S.-China harmony consensus for world harmony. May I suggest that you deliver a copy of your excellent paper to President Obama. Your paper read by Obama will sure lead to better U.S.-China understanding.
You and I are in full agreement that Harmony is nature's preferred order and dynamic balance for conflict resolution. Understanding "Harmony Dynamic Balance", the world has no need for struggle and confrontation hence forth.
Another Chinese sage Laotze said: "The soft ultimately overcomes the hard". That is the ultimate principle of Harmony Dynamic Balance.
I thank you for quoting my paper "China's Harmony Renaissance; What the World must Know" as the first to assert that "Harmony Renaissance" is the tide of 21st Century and the next wave of creative energy mankind is waiting for to bring us to the next higher level of accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Nov. 2009
“It has been asserted (Fung, 2006) that the 2006 Sixth CPC Plenum Session will be remembered as the most important milestone of China’s Harmony Renaissance,” since, “by discovering harmony culture, China is discovering its own rich ancient cultural harmony traditions. It is of similar in importance to Europe’s Renaissance after the rediscovery of ancient Greek culture” (p. 8). Jesus Sole-Farras
Friday, October 23, 2009
Harmony Diplomacy in Work
Harmony Diplomacy in Work
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By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
The US media, which accustomed to confrontational cold war diplomacy, has been slow to recognize the signs of world harmony diplomacy on the rise. The profit-driven, corporate and military complex dominated American media looks sluggish when faced with the tide of win-win mutual development between nations.
It remains to be seen if the US media will finally learn world harmony diplomacy and move forward to the 21st century.
Besides the overbearing American foreign policy, the condescending attitude in the media for the past 50 years, is also to blame for the mistrust created between the States and other nations. A change of heart in American media will certainly help to create a better world understanding for the US government to continue practicing world harmony diplomacy.
The following are major current event stories showing signs of harmony diplomacy on the rise drastically under reported by the US media.
On Wednesday May 23, 2007, Chinese and American officials ended a key economic dialogue in Washington in agreement.
The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson and China's Vice Premier Wu Yi.
During the two day Second Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED), top economic officials from the two countries discussed topics covering areas of service, investment, transparency, energy and environment as well as growth balance and innovation.
As witnessed by the fact sheet jointly issued at the closing, the two sides reached consensus on how to move forward on financial services, civil aviation, energy and environment as well as signing a number of specific agreements.
One cannot help but notice that the tone of the fact sheet shows great diplomacy at work. This consensus is surprising because of the perennial trade friction between the two nations, particularly in light of the climate of the China bashing, which was resulted from the recent Congressional trade protectionism mentality.
In contrast to past foibles, President George W. Bush made the correct diplomatic choice for US-China relations, as well as for world harmony.
At a White House press conference, Bush said that the just concluded US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue is "important" and there has been some progress achieved at the dialogue, stating that "this is an important dialogue. And it's one that I thank the Chinese government for engaging in."
Bush also met with Vice Premier Wu Yi in the White House Oval Office and said he appreciates China's willingness "to work with strategic dialogues in order to put in place the type of measures that reflect a complex relationship."
To set the proper tone for the consultation and consensus, the principle negotiators from both sides were careful in their statements. "Thanks for the careful attention and joint efforts from both sides, the second meeting of the strategic dialogue achieved great success," said Wu. The economic and trade relationship between China and the US is one of the most complicated in today's world, she said. The SED provides an excellent platform for both sides to "further understanding and trust in terms of strategic issues."
Vice Premier Wu added "Equal consultation, cooperation and win-win have become the overall situation and defining nature of China-US relations, both being stakeholders and constructive partners."
"Politicizing economic and trade issues is absolutely unacceptable, since it is of no help but will make the situation more complicated, harm bilateral economic and trade relations or even cause serious negative impact on the progress of overall China-US ties," she added.
On his part, Paulson said that US and China both understood that "getting the economic relationship right is vital not only to our people, but to the world economy." Paulson also said, "The purpose of this on going dialogue is to have candid discussions and find ways to ease, rather than increase tensions."
"Now and then, the peace of the world and the progress of the world required close cooperation between the two peoples of the US and China" said Henry Kissinger at the opening of the dialogue. "The most advanced industrialized country and the country that is growing at the fastest rate have the unique opportunity to set an example for the rest of the world of cooperation and vision."
The consensus reached through the SED consultation clearly demonstrated the merit of practicing harmony diplomacy. Harmony is fostered by acceptance, respect, equity and humility. This type of no fault, win-win consultation can lead to complementary solutions between any two nations. The SED fact sheet may serve as a model of harmony diplomacy with humility, practiced by two great nations with wisdom.
Details of the six party talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsular coming out on April 11, 2007 are very encouraging. It clearly shows that the two strong contending sides are giving ground and reached some consensus through long painful discussions and consultations. This is how harmony works through discussions, consultations and consensus. Until the announcement, the accord all seemed but impossible. Not so long ago President Bush called "North Korea as part of the 'Axis of Evil'." From World Harmony Renaissance perspective this event may spark a series of events that signal the beginning of harmony at East Asia.
By implementing the Nuclear Disarmament Pact, US, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea will have to help North Korea recover. That means major countries across both sides of the pacific will work together for mutual development. North East Asia development has a lot of potential. The Accord calls for "Within 30 days: Five separate working groups meet on denuclearizing, normalizing US-North Korea relations, normalizing of North Korea-Japan relations, economy and energy cooperation, and peace and security in Northeast Asia."
Be what it may, this proved the importance of harmony diplomacy to give the fair historical perspective and the whole aftermath of the cold war era. The need for mutual development will pave the way for a more harmonious world.
(Xinhua News Agency June 18, 2007)2007-06-18 10:54:51Harmony Diplomacy in Workchina,dialogue,diplomacy,dprk,economy,harmony,party,sed,six,talks,us,work1007International -->
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By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
The US media, which accustomed to confrontational cold war diplomacy, has been slow to recognize the signs of world harmony diplomacy on the rise. The profit-driven, corporate and military complex dominated American media looks sluggish when faced with the tide of win-win mutual development between nations.
It remains to be seen if the US media will finally learn world harmony diplomacy and move forward to the 21st century.
Besides the overbearing American foreign policy, the condescending attitude in the media for the past 50 years, is also to blame for the mistrust created between the States and other nations. A change of heart in American media will certainly help to create a better world understanding for the US government to continue practicing world harmony diplomacy.
The following are major current event stories showing signs of harmony diplomacy on the rise drastically under reported by the US media.
On Wednesday May 23, 2007, Chinese and American officials ended a key economic dialogue in Washington in agreement.
The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson and China's Vice Premier Wu Yi.
During the two day Second Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED), top economic officials from the two countries discussed topics covering areas of service, investment, transparency, energy and environment as well as growth balance and innovation.
As witnessed by the fact sheet jointly issued at the closing, the two sides reached consensus on how to move forward on financial services, civil aviation, energy and environment as well as signing a number of specific agreements.
One cannot help but notice that the tone of the fact sheet shows great diplomacy at work. This consensus is surprising because of the perennial trade friction between the two nations, particularly in light of the climate of the China bashing, which was resulted from the recent Congressional trade protectionism mentality.
In contrast to past foibles, President George W. Bush made the correct diplomatic choice for US-China relations, as well as for world harmony.
At a White House press conference, Bush said that the just concluded US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue is "important" and there has been some progress achieved at the dialogue, stating that "this is an important dialogue. And it's one that I thank the Chinese government for engaging in."
Bush also met with Vice Premier Wu Yi in the White House Oval Office and said he appreciates China's willingness "to work with strategic dialogues in order to put in place the type of measures that reflect a complex relationship."
To set the proper tone for the consultation and consensus, the principle negotiators from both sides were careful in their statements. "Thanks for the careful attention and joint efforts from both sides, the second meeting of the strategic dialogue achieved great success," said Wu. The economic and trade relationship between China and the US is one of the most complicated in today's world, she said. The SED provides an excellent platform for both sides to "further understanding and trust in terms of strategic issues."
Vice Premier Wu added "Equal consultation, cooperation and win-win have become the overall situation and defining nature of China-US relations, both being stakeholders and constructive partners."
"Politicizing economic and trade issues is absolutely unacceptable, since it is of no help but will make the situation more complicated, harm bilateral economic and trade relations or even cause serious negative impact on the progress of overall China-US ties," she added.
On his part, Paulson said that US and China both understood that "getting the economic relationship right is vital not only to our people, but to the world economy." Paulson also said, "The purpose of this on going dialogue is to have candid discussions and find ways to ease, rather than increase tensions."
"Now and then, the peace of the world and the progress of the world required close cooperation between the two peoples of the US and China" said Henry Kissinger at the opening of the dialogue. "The most advanced industrialized country and the country that is growing at the fastest rate have the unique opportunity to set an example for the rest of the world of cooperation and vision."
The consensus reached through the SED consultation clearly demonstrated the merit of practicing harmony diplomacy. Harmony is fostered by acceptance, respect, equity and humility. This type of no fault, win-win consultation can lead to complementary solutions between any two nations. The SED fact sheet may serve as a model of harmony diplomacy with humility, practiced by two great nations with wisdom.
Details of the six party talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsular coming out on April 11, 2007 are very encouraging. It clearly shows that the two strong contending sides are giving ground and reached some consensus through long painful discussions and consultations. This is how harmony works through discussions, consultations and consensus. Until the announcement, the accord all seemed but impossible. Not so long ago President Bush called "North Korea as part of the 'Axis of Evil'." From World Harmony Renaissance perspective this event may spark a series of events that signal the beginning of harmony at East Asia.
By implementing the Nuclear Disarmament Pact, US, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea will have to help North Korea recover. That means major countries across both sides of the pacific will work together for mutual development. North East Asia development has a lot of potential. The Accord calls for "Within 30 days: Five separate working groups meet on denuclearizing, normalizing US-North Korea relations, normalizing of North Korea-Japan relations, economy and energy cooperation, and peace and security in Northeast Asia."
Be what it may, this proved the importance of harmony diplomacy to give the fair historical perspective and the whole aftermath of the cold war era. The need for mutual development will pave the way for a more harmonious world.
(Xinhua News Agency June 18, 2007)2007-06-18 10:54:51Harmony Diplomacy in Workchina,dialogue,diplomacy,dprk,economy,harmony,party,sed,six,talks,us,work1007International -->
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom:
There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance.
He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Indeed, I note that in October the Chinese Communist Party launched a national campaign to build a more harmonious society. In doing so, China appears to be reaffirming its own rich cultural tradition of harmony.
And now, opening the Sheffield Confucius Institute, I reflect on the fact that this emphasis on harmony between man and nature is part of a tradition of Chinese thought going back 2,500 years. This tradition has, of course, evolved and changed over time."
Blog Response by Morgan Steacy
I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles, posted to his blog site for the last week, and have become comlpetely enraptured by the hope of future possibility that they bring. Although there is nothing that I could do physically, as I am in Toronto, and the World Harmony Festival is taking place in San Francisco, if there were anything that I could do from home to volunteer my time over the summer months, I would be thrilled to be a part of something that I have been advocating myself for some time privately. I am currently a student at York University in Toronto, Canada, studying East Asia focusing on China. My main area of concern lies squarely within your realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your organisation with great success. Please feel free to contact me by any means, and I look forward to being in touch.
Dear Francis,Thanks for the update, I hope you and the family are well. I think it is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.Best regards,
Peter Neumann
Recommendation by Eric Chipps, Chipps Management ConsultantsIn today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’ premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing unifying force for unity in diversity.Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America, Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.Clearly, the policies of confrontation currently contributing so much to world tensions are unproductive, as well as damaging to the progress of society. By developing the ancient Chinese promotion of harmony, the Organization hopes to become again the third pillar in supporting democracy and religious principle as the foundation of a more peaceful and productive world.More information can be obtained from the Organization’s website at which allows a measure of the extent to which harmony is increasingly an influence. You may also contribute opinion via By his talk today, Dr. Fung hopes to generate recognition among influential people of the role that a young, dynamic America , endowed with resources should be advocating harmony renaissance.
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Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom:
There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance.
He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Indeed, I note that in October the Chinese Communist Party launched a national campaign to build a more harmonious society. In doing so, China appears to be reaffirming its own rich cultural tradition of harmony.
And now, opening the Sheffield Confucius Institute, I reflect on the fact that this emphasis on harmony between man and nature is part of a tradition of Chinese thought going back 2,500 years. This tradition has, of course, evolved and changed over time."
Blog Response by Morgan Steacy
I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles, posted to his blog site for the last week, and have become comlpetely enraptured by the hope of future possibility that they bring. Although there is nothing that I could do physically, as I am in Toronto, and the World Harmony Festival is taking place in San Francisco, if there were anything that I could do from home to volunteer my time over the summer months, I would be thrilled to be a part of something that I have been advocating myself for some time privately. I am currently a student at York University in Toronto, Canada, studying East Asia focusing on China. My main area of concern lies squarely within your realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your organisation with great success. Please feel free to contact me by any means, and I look forward to being in touch.
Dear Francis,Thanks for the update, I hope you and the family are well. I think it is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.Best regards,
Peter Neumann
Recommendation by Eric Chipps, Chipps Management ConsultantsIn today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’ premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing unifying force for unity in diversity.Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America, Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.Clearly, the policies of confrontation currently contributing so much to world tensions are unproductive, as well as damaging to the progress of society. By developing the ancient Chinese promotion of harmony, the Organization hopes to become again the third pillar in supporting democracy and religious principle as the foundation of a more peaceful and productive world.More information can be obtained from the Organization’s website at which allows a measure of the extent to which harmony is increasingly an influence. You may also contribute opinion via By his talk today, Dr. Fung hopes to generate recognition among influential people of the role that a young, dynamic America , endowed with resources should be advocating harmony renaissance.
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Harmony propagates by resonance
Harmony propagates by resonance Author(s): Francis. C. W. FungPosted: 2007-4-10Source:chinaview.comSource date:2007-4-10 Number of hits:199
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Harmony is the order of nature. Resonance is nature’s preferred way of propagation. We resonate in harmony in a chorus. We receive multitudes of signals and information through sound waves, light waves, Radio, TV, Internet waves and so on in the air through all types of harmony resonances by way of physical, electronic and other natural phenomena too numerous to mention. In harmony our hearts can resonate together. The annual World Harmony Cultural Festival will cause harmony to resonate in people’s hearts. I will persist. Justice opens our eyes to the world’s disharmony. By practicing harmony through necessary self discipline we each pave the way for bringing harmony through resonance. Harmony premise is tolerance, understanding, acceptance, respect, equality and patience. As great as religion and democracy are as the two other pillars of human main culture besides harmony, they have been lacking in unifying the world in diversity even after 2500 years. The inadequacy lies in the fixation of each religion’s individual institutionalized God. In the case of democracy the rueful disregard of respective nation’s historical development, disrespect for individual nationalistic cultures, coupled with coercion and use of military force greatly tarnished its image. Harmony being the most universal value and nature’s order, will propagate by resonance, nature’s preferred way. Harmony does not need to be institutionalized because it belongs to the world. By its very principle, It renounces force and violence. Its ultimate believe is that the softest triumphs over the hardest by patience and not necessary through passivity. Just like the erosion of the hardest by the softest elements air and water as I always image. To be soft and gentle require more discipline than to be hard and tough. A gentle nature requires the practice of harmony through the deepest conviction in the face of force and violence. As a self learner since childhood I am not thrilled to teach sometimes. Although I taught fluid mechanics, physics, mathematics, international business, foreign affairs and creativity one time or the other in my career. I believe we all can learn by our self when we want to. For religion and philosophy the days of paid preacher is on the wane because of the spread of universal education. I am very thrilled that you share with me your insight and wisdom because I am enriched and grow by it. I am deeply appreciative of all who responded to me. May Harmony Prevail in the World!
var addthis_pub="dyygsu";
Harmony is the order of nature. Resonance is nature’s preferred way of propagation. We resonate in harmony in a chorus. We receive multitudes of signals and information through sound waves, light waves, Radio, TV, Internet waves and so on in the air through all types of harmony resonances by way of physical, electronic and other natural phenomena too numerous to mention. In harmony our hearts can resonate together. The annual World Harmony Cultural Festival will cause harmony to resonate in people’s hearts. I will persist. Justice opens our eyes to the world’s disharmony. By practicing harmony through necessary self discipline we each pave the way for bringing harmony through resonance. Harmony premise is tolerance, understanding, acceptance, respect, equality and patience. As great as religion and democracy are as the two other pillars of human main culture besides harmony, they have been lacking in unifying the world in diversity even after 2500 years. The inadequacy lies in the fixation of each religion’s individual institutionalized God. In the case of democracy the rueful disregard of respective nation’s historical development, disrespect for individual nationalistic cultures, coupled with coercion and use of military force greatly tarnished its image. Harmony being the most universal value and nature’s order, will propagate by resonance, nature’s preferred way. Harmony does not need to be institutionalized because it belongs to the world. By its very principle, It renounces force and violence. Its ultimate believe is that the softest triumphs over the hardest by patience and not necessary through passivity. Just like the erosion of the hardest by the softest elements air and water as I always image. To be soft and gentle require more discipline than to be hard and tough. A gentle nature requires the practice of harmony through the deepest conviction in the face of force and violence. As a self learner since childhood I am not thrilled to teach sometimes. Although I taught fluid mechanics, physics, mathematics, international business, foreign affairs and creativity one time or the other in my career. I believe we all can learn by our self when we want to. For religion and philosophy the days of paid preacher is on the wane because of the spread of universal education. I am very thrilled that you share with me your insight and wisdom because I am enriched and grow by it. I am deeply appreciative of all who responded to me. May Harmony Prevail in the World!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
From yesterday's presentation "World Harmony is it achievable? What lies ahead?" I come away with the feeling there is a lot of contents we can bring forth in public speaking presentation. Over the years, World Harmony Organization has published over 200 essays in world media and blogsites. A simple Google, Yahoo and Amazon search of Harmony Renaissance, Harmony Diplomacy and Harmony Consensus will illustrate our theoretical influence in the world media space. Harmony begins with consensus, leading to diplomacy and will result in inevitable Harmony Renaissance. You can see this development coming already in our media presence.
As much as we have Freedom and Democracy Foundations in the world today; World Harmony, Harmony Diplomacy, Harmony Consensus and Harmony Renaissance Foundations and think tanks will flourish in the 21st century. Our speech engagement can cover the following broad topics:
Harmony Civilization, Harmony Consensus, Harmony Cultivation, Harmony Culture, Harmony Diplomacy, Harmony Development, Harmony Dynamics, Harmony Faith, Harmony Philosophy, Harmony Physics, Harmony Practice, Harmony Renaissance and Harmony World Media.
Harmony Renaissance will unshackle us from the bondage of ideology, racial and religious strife. It is the next wave of creative energy human is waiting for to bring us to the next level of human accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
From yesterday's presentation "World Harmony is it achievable? What lies ahead?" I come away with the feeling there is a lot of contents we can bring forth in public speaking presentation. Over the years, World Harmony Organization has published over 200 essays in world media and blogsites. A simple Google, Yahoo and Amazon search of Harmony Renaissance, Harmony Diplomacy and Harmony Consensus will illustrate our theoretical influence in the world media space. Harmony begins with consensus, leading to diplomacy and will result in inevitable Harmony Renaissance. You can see this development coming already in our media presence.
As much as we have Freedom and Democracy Foundations in the world today; World Harmony, Harmony Diplomacy, Harmony Consensus and Harmony Renaissance Foundations and think tanks will flourish in the 21st century. Our speech engagement can cover the following broad topics:
Harmony Civilization, Harmony Consensus, Harmony Cultivation, Harmony Culture, Harmony Diplomacy, Harmony Development, Harmony Dynamics, Harmony Faith, Harmony Philosophy, Harmony Physics, Harmony Practice, Harmony Renaissance and Harmony World Media.
Harmony Renaissance will unshackle us from the bondage of ideology, racial and religious strife. It is the next wave of creative energy human is waiting for to bring us to the next level of human accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Saturday, October 17, 2009
China's model creates economic miracle
China's model creates economic miracle 2009-10-18 09:35:26
BEIJING, Oct. 18 -- As celebrations of its achievements over the past 60 years subside, China can look forward to its next milestone: surpassing Japan as the world's second largest economy before the year is out. Another target reached ahead of schedule - and further evidence that China is emerging from the financial crisis as the big winner.
Based on past records, and taking into account China's expected growth rate over the next two decades, China will overtake the United States to become the largest economy in the world within five years measured in purchasing power parity-terms, and within 20 years measured in nominal terms.
It could be even sooner. These predictions are based on the assumption that the US economy will grow 3 percent per year and the Chinese economy 9 percent per year, assuming constant nominal exchange and inflation rates for both countries.
But if the yuan continues to appreciate against the dollar as it has done in the past decade, and/or if China's domestic inflation rate is higher than that of the US, China will gain ground even quicker.
Much will depend on China's ability to adjust its economic growth model in the face of huge environmental pressures. China had become the largest producer of many key industrial and agricultural products by 2007, including rolled steel (566 million tons), coal (2.5 billion tons), chemical fertilizers (58 million tons) and personal computers (121 million, or 30 percent of the world's output).
It produces two-thirds of the world's photocopiers, microwaves and shoes, 60 percent of mobile phones and 75 percent of toys. In 2009, China may well overtake the US to become the world's largest consumer and producer of motor vehicles. This huge leap in production and consumption has caused serious damage to the environment.
But one of the opportunities brought about by the financial crisis - and subsequently declining exports - is that Chinese companies have been forced to increase their competitiveness by moving up the technological ladder. Many are rebalancing their geographical distribution and becoming more efficient in their use of resources and energy.
Also to China's advantage - in the short term at least - are the depressed oil and material prices, which has helped China sustain high economic growth as it is the largest importer of such commodities.
The gradual shift away from an economy reliant on low-cost exports will be tough but China has a clear national strategy to become a powerful world business leader. The government has been supporting and fostering a large number of gigantic State-owned industrial groups. These selected groups have been allowed to grow rapidly in size and profitability domestically, and then encouraged by the State to expand globally.
State-owned banks are providing strong financial support for them to make foreign acquisitions and deepen foreign market penetration. Through capturing market share and making acquisitions overseas, they are competing directly with, or working alongside, the world's most powerful transnational corporations.
There have been unforeseen setbacks. China National Offshore Oil Corporation failed in a bid to acquire Unocal in 2005, and in June 2009 the Chinalco-Rio Tinto deal came to a sorry end for the Chinese.
China has learnt from these disappointments. Recent overseas successes include Sinopec's US$7.5 billion acquisition of the Canadian oil company Addax in August and Minmetals' US$1.38 billion purchase of Australia's Oz Minerals in June. Chinese firms have embarked on their new Long March in the global economy - and they will come back stronger after every defeat.
For all the criticisms of its political structure and one-party rule, China has time and again demonstrated to the rest of the world that its political and economic model can be an effective tool for economic success.
The key to this model is not down to its capacity to copy from the Western development model, but to its ability to take the advantages of the Western model and modify them to suit the reality of Chinese culture and society.
In doing so, China has successfully combined the advantages of the State and market, public and private ownership, capitalism and socialism. This model boils down to Deng Xiaoping's pragmatism and experimentalism of economic, social and political reforms: a Socialist Market Economy with Chinese Characteristics.
The resilience of the Chinese economy during the worst months of the financial crisis has added significant weight to this development model and provided a further boost to Chinese confidence.
The author is professor of Economics and head of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham in the UK.
(Source: China Daily) 2009-10-18 09:35:26
BEIJING, Oct. 18 -- As celebrations of its achievements over the past 60 years subside, China can look forward to its next milestone: surpassing Japan as the world's second largest economy before the year is out. Another target reached ahead of schedule - and further evidence that China is emerging from the financial crisis as the big winner.
Based on past records, and taking into account China's expected growth rate over the next two decades, China will overtake the United States to become the largest economy in the world within five years measured in purchasing power parity-terms, and within 20 years measured in nominal terms.
It could be even sooner. These predictions are based on the assumption that the US economy will grow 3 percent per year and the Chinese economy 9 percent per year, assuming constant nominal exchange and inflation rates for both countries.
But if the yuan continues to appreciate against the dollar as it has done in the past decade, and/or if China's domestic inflation rate is higher than that of the US, China will gain ground even quicker.
Much will depend on China's ability to adjust its economic growth model in the face of huge environmental pressures. China had become the largest producer of many key industrial and agricultural products by 2007, including rolled steel (566 million tons), coal (2.5 billion tons), chemical fertilizers (58 million tons) and personal computers (121 million, or 30 percent of the world's output).
It produces two-thirds of the world's photocopiers, microwaves and shoes, 60 percent of mobile phones and 75 percent of toys. In 2009, China may well overtake the US to become the world's largest consumer and producer of motor vehicles. This huge leap in production and consumption has caused serious damage to the environment.
But one of the opportunities brought about by the financial crisis - and subsequently declining exports - is that Chinese companies have been forced to increase their competitiveness by moving up the technological ladder. Many are rebalancing their geographical distribution and becoming more efficient in their use of resources and energy.
Also to China's advantage - in the short term at least - are the depressed oil and material prices, which has helped China sustain high economic growth as it is the largest importer of such commodities.
The gradual shift away from an economy reliant on low-cost exports will be tough but China has a clear national strategy to become a powerful world business leader. The government has been supporting and fostering a large number of gigantic State-owned industrial groups. These selected groups have been allowed to grow rapidly in size and profitability domestically, and then encouraged by the State to expand globally.
State-owned banks are providing strong financial support for them to make foreign acquisitions and deepen foreign market penetration. Through capturing market share and making acquisitions overseas, they are competing directly with, or working alongside, the world's most powerful transnational corporations.
There have been unforeseen setbacks. China National Offshore Oil Corporation failed in a bid to acquire Unocal in 2005, and in June 2009 the Chinalco-Rio Tinto deal came to a sorry end for the Chinese.
China has learnt from these disappointments. Recent overseas successes include Sinopec's US$7.5 billion acquisition of the Canadian oil company Addax in August and Minmetals' US$1.38 billion purchase of Australia's Oz Minerals in June. Chinese firms have embarked on their new Long March in the global economy - and they will come back stronger after every defeat.
For all the criticisms of its political structure and one-party rule, China has time and again demonstrated to the rest of the world that its political and economic model can be an effective tool for economic success.
The key to this model is not down to its capacity to copy from the Western development model, but to its ability to take the advantages of the Western model and modify them to suit the reality of Chinese culture and society.
In doing so, China has successfully combined the advantages of the State and market, public and private ownership, capitalism and socialism. This model boils down to Deng Xiaoping's pragmatism and experimentalism of economic, social and political reforms: a Socialist Market Economy with Chinese Characteristics.
The resilience of the Chinese economy during the worst months of the financial crisis has added significant weight to this development model and provided a further boost to Chinese confidence.
The author is professor of Economics and head of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham in the UK.
(Source: China Daily)
Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Development
Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Development
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
"Freedom, Democracy and Harmony are three ancient universal human ideals that belong to the world and not to any one single nation. They are not entirely independent but intimately related. As a matter of fact, there exist fascinating relations among them that warrant immediate global study. Some may wonder why freedom and democracy have been so widely promoted during the last 400 years of human history, while harmony was barely noted on the world stage."
"In fact, Freedom and Democracy have been the most successfully used tools to promote international diplomacy in the 20th Century. Harmony, as a great unifying force in the on rush of globalization, has now come of age. Harmony is mankind's greatest common value. The conflicted world of today urgently calls for international democracy through the practice of harmony diplomacy."
"Nature imbues us with the instinctive knowledge that we are born free. The mountains, the wind and the lions are born free, not to mention any other of the myriad animals that remain free until captured. Despite being born free, powerful groups desperately yearn to enslave us. More than 2500 years ago the most ancient cultures scattered about different continents prohibited slavery seeing it as hideous. The institutionalized slave trade was most egregiously practiced in the new world until the American civil war put an end to it."
"Immediately following 9/11, George W. Bush conveniently thrust freedom centre stage to rally Americans with the resounding cry. The logic was that the terrorists hate our freedom and they are intent on taking it away. To be fair, American democracy as put forth by our forefathers, guarantees each citizen freedom from undue infringement through law and order. Freedom as an ideal is politically neutral, neither good nor bad.However, modern democracy is designed to prevent minority individuals from exceeding their rights granted by freedom."
"Bush's call for freedom diplomacy after 9/11 is neither necessary nor appropriate. Terrorists have not been empowered to take away our freedom, but the resulting regulation to counter-terrorism has. As warned by President Eisenhower, the military complex created by war may seriously threaten our democracy and hence our individual freedom. The greatest threat to our freedom today is our enslavement to the military and the industrial complex through their hijacking of democracy."
"Since time immemorial, the protection of human rights has occupied our consciousness. The fear of the all mighty unknown that sparked religious teaching was likely the catalyst for this type of thought. Teaching morals and common values developed along with harmony while democracy followed behind. Democratic systems as a means to guarantee individual rights and freedoms reached new heights when the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were signed, giving way to the system of laws being enacted. Western diplomacy spread far and wide and profoundly changed the world during the 20th century."
"Democracy, in different forms, has now become a generally accepted governance system. Democracy grows best in the fertile soil of each individual nation without outside interference or occupation. American chastisement of other nations only offends their dignity. Many developing nations, after years of domination by imperialism, have nothing to cling to other than the very dignity being spoken of."
"Democracy is also no longer an import export item, as pointed out by Ban Ke-moon, the current Secretary General of the U.N. Due to the debacle of the US occupation of Iraq, democracy as an instrument of foreign policy has lost its luster and appeal. Diplomacy works best in these conflicted times when harmony principles are employed. Harmony diplomacy is a win-win, no-fault conflict resolution approach. It is time to minimize confrontations in today's conflicted world by using harmony diplomacy. It certainly is worth a try. Mutual win-win development can be more economically viable than war. We have spent close to 400 billion dollars on the Iraq war, fast approaching our expenditure on the Vietnam War, with no end in sight."
"When unity is needed human beings have proven quite capable. International unity can be reached only through international democracy, not unilateralism. International democracy will be the end result of major nations practicing harmony diplomacy. In her recent book "The Mighty and the Almighty" Madeleine Albright suggested that world harmony is the end goal of a more peaceful world."
"As noble as any religion may be, faith diplomacy has fallen short of uniting the world in harmony evidenced by the countless tragic faith-based wars of the past as well as the current conflict between the West and the Muslim world. Religions as we know them today all expect blind faith and acceptance of ethnocentric almighty images, quite often unique to a specific culture."
"Harmony's premise is tolerance, acceptance and respect for other cultures. It is all embracing, endearing and enduring. It neither dictates blind faith nor does it force acceptance of an institutionalized and ethnocentric image of the almighty. No particular personal attachment to the almighty is prescribed either. Personal attachment to the almighty is a double-edged sword. It draws those with faith closer, while alienating those without."
"Harmony is discovered through observation of nature as discussed in my other papers. It is nature's preferred way of propagation. Nature is all embracing and human beings are very much part of nature. It is possible to believe in as wide a universe as one chooses without adhering to blind faith. Our very survival and sustainable development is now urgently dependent on our harmonious relationship with nature. We deny our very existence by not working to improve our threatened ecology. Most of us agree about the vision of world harmony and international democracy. We can all participate in the harmony movement by speaking and practicing harmony diplomacy in all facets of our daily lives. We can practice goodness for goodness sake without preaching religion. Why use faith diplomacy, an indirect approach, when the direct approach, harmony diplomacy, is readily available? Harmony's resonance is growing and propagating. The Harmony Renaissance is the unavoidable tide. It is time to reawaken our innate human desire for harmony and to begin urging others to recognize the value of this noble ideal."
"The basic idea of world harmony is in common with all popular theories of world governance. It hopes to build a more understanding world through tolerance, respect, equity and acceptance of diverse cultures and governance systems as destiny for all mankind."
"Through harmony diplomacy major nations will support a stronger UN. A more democratic world will advocate the solution of world conflicts through consultation and harmony consensus. Unilateralism is to be rejected and peaceful resolution will replace war and violence. Harmony diplomacy will be the foundation of lasting peace. Without harmony peace will not last."
"In the pursuit of world harmony it is important to narrow the gap of the North-South/rich-poor disparity through win-win mutual development. This will create a world with a level playing field, which will enable the citizens of the world to enjoy all of the achievements of our great societies."
"In the democratization of international relations, just and equitable international political and economic orders can be established through dialogue, negotiation and reaching consensus. The end result of international democracy will release a new wave of world creative energy. Human accomplishments can thus reach a new height of development beyond European Renaissance."
"The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature. A harmony world is essential to save our ecology. To rally major nations to commit to a cleaner and better environment, harmony diplomacy must advocate a common ecology consensus. Central to harmony diplomacy consensus is built in awareness to curb global insatiable appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without harmony consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change. It is time for all to advocate less confrontational harmony diplomacy."
(Xinhua News Agency May 23, 2007)2007-05-23 10:52:44Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Developmentdiplomacy,harmony1007International -->
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
"Freedom, Democracy and Harmony are three ancient universal human ideals that belong to the world and not to any one single nation. They are not entirely independent but intimately related. As a matter of fact, there exist fascinating relations among them that warrant immediate global study. Some may wonder why freedom and democracy have been so widely promoted during the last 400 years of human history, while harmony was barely noted on the world stage."
"In fact, Freedom and Democracy have been the most successfully used tools to promote international diplomacy in the 20th Century. Harmony, as a great unifying force in the on rush of globalization, has now come of age. Harmony is mankind's greatest common value. The conflicted world of today urgently calls for international democracy through the practice of harmony diplomacy."
"Nature imbues us with the instinctive knowledge that we are born free. The mountains, the wind and the lions are born free, not to mention any other of the myriad animals that remain free until captured. Despite being born free, powerful groups desperately yearn to enslave us. More than 2500 years ago the most ancient cultures scattered about different continents prohibited slavery seeing it as hideous. The institutionalized slave trade was most egregiously practiced in the new world until the American civil war put an end to it."
"Immediately following 9/11, George W. Bush conveniently thrust freedom centre stage to rally Americans with the resounding cry. The logic was that the terrorists hate our freedom and they are intent on taking it away. To be fair, American democracy as put forth by our forefathers, guarantees each citizen freedom from undue infringement through law and order. Freedom as an ideal is politically neutral, neither good nor bad.However, modern democracy is designed to prevent minority individuals from exceeding their rights granted by freedom."
"Bush's call for freedom diplomacy after 9/11 is neither necessary nor appropriate. Terrorists have not been empowered to take away our freedom, but the resulting regulation to counter-terrorism has. As warned by President Eisenhower, the military complex created by war may seriously threaten our democracy and hence our individual freedom. The greatest threat to our freedom today is our enslavement to the military and the industrial complex through their hijacking of democracy."
"Since time immemorial, the protection of human rights has occupied our consciousness. The fear of the all mighty unknown that sparked religious teaching was likely the catalyst for this type of thought. Teaching morals and common values developed along with harmony while democracy followed behind. Democratic systems as a means to guarantee individual rights and freedoms reached new heights when the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were signed, giving way to the system of laws being enacted. Western diplomacy spread far and wide and profoundly changed the world during the 20th century."
"Democracy, in different forms, has now become a generally accepted governance system. Democracy grows best in the fertile soil of each individual nation without outside interference or occupation. American chastisement of other nations only offends their dignity. Many developing nations, after years of domination by imperialism, have nothing to cling to other than the very dignity being spoken of."
"Democracy is also no longer an import export item, as pointed out by Ban Ke-moon, the current Secretary General of the U.N. Due to the debacle of the US occupation of Iraq, democracy as an instrument of foreign policy has lost its luster and appeal. Diplomacy works best in these conflicted times when harmony principles are employed. Harmony diplomacy is a win-win, no-fault conflict resolution approach. It is time to minimize confrontations in today's conflicted world by using harmony diplomacy. It certainly is worth a try. Mutual win-win development can be more economically viable than war. We have spent close to 400 billion dollars on the Iraq war, fast approaching our expenditure on the Vietnam War, with no end in sight."
"When unity is needed human beings have proven quite capable. International unity can be reached only through international democracy, not unilateralism. International democracy will be the end result of major nations practicing harmony diplomacy. In her recent book "The Mighty and the Almighty" Madeleine Albright suggested that world harmony is the end goal of a more peaceful world."
"As noble as any religion may be, faith diplomacy has fallen short of uniting the world in harmony evidenced by the countless tragic faith-based wars of the past as well as the current conflict between the West and the Muslim world. Religions as we know them today all expect blind faith and acceptance of ethnocentric almighty images, quite often unique to a specific culture."
"Harmony's premise is tolerance, acceptance and respect for other cultures. It is all embracing, endearing and enduring. It neither dictates blind faith nor does it force acceptance of an institutionalized and ethnocentric image of the almighty. No particular personal attachment to the almighty is prescribed either. Personal attachment to the almighty is a double-edged sword. It draws those with faith closer, while alienating those without."
"Harmony is discovered through observation of nature as discussed in my other papers. It is nature's preferred way of propagation. Nature is all embracing and human beings are very much part of nature. It is possible to believe in as wide a universe as one chooses without adhering to blind faith. Our very survival and sustainable development is now urgently dependent on our harmonious relationship with nature. We deny our very existence by not working to improve our threatened ecology. Most of us agree about the vision of world harmony and international democracy. We can all participate in the harmony movement by speaking and practicing harmony diplomacy in all facets of our daily lives. We can practice goodness for goodness sake without preaching religion. Why use faith diplomacy, an indirect approach, when the direct approach, harmony diplomacy, is readily available? Harmony's resonance is growing and propagating. The Harmony Renaissance is the unavoidable tide. It is time to reawaken our innate human desire for harmony and to begin urging others to recognize the value of this noble ideal."
"The basic idea of world harmony is in common with all popular theories of world governance. It hopes to build a more understanding world through tolerance, respect, equity and acceptance of diverse cultures and governance systems as destiny for all mankind."
"Through harmony diplomacy major nations will support a stronger UN. A more democratic world will advocate the solution of world conflicts through consultation and harmony consensus. Unilateralism is to be rejected and peaceful resolution will replace war and violence. Harmony diplomacy will be the foundation of lasting peace. Without harmony peace will not last."
"In the pursuit of world harmony it is important to narrow the gap of the North-South/rich-poor disparity through win-win mutual development. This will create a world with a level playing field, which will enable the citizens of the world to enjoy all of the achievements of our great societies."
"In the democratization of international relations, just and equitable international political and economic orders can be established through dialogue, negotiation and reaching consensus. The end result of international democracy will release a new wave of world creative energy. Human accomplishments can thus reach a new height of development beyond European Renaissance."
"The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature. A harmony world is essential to save our ecology. To rally major nations to commit to a cleaner and better environment, harmony diplomacy must advocate a common ecology consensus. Central to harmony diplomacy consensus is built in awareness to curb global insatiable appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without harmony consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change. It is time for all to advocate less confrontational harmony diplomacy."
(Xinhua News Agency May 23, 2007)2007-05-23 10:52:44Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Developmentdiplomacy,harmony1007International -->
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Economists see a "China miracle"
Economists see a "China miracle" 2009-10-15 23:47:31
by Xinhua writer Wu Liming
FRANKFURT, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- How could the Chinese economy witness rapid growth for over 30 years in a row? How could its population of 1.3 billion have living standards improved sustainably? The answer is what observers across the world are dubbing the "China miracle".
On Wednesday, politicians and economists attending the "International Economists Forum" at the interval of the Frankfurt Book Fair gave their own interpretations on the "China miracle".
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who has long been supporting a smooth expansion of Sino-German and Sino-European relations, said Europe should regard China as a partner instead of a rival.
Europe should continue to push strategic relations between China and the European Union (EU), which would benefit both sides, said Schroeder, who visited China almost every year during his period in power.
Edmund Strother Phelps, an American economist and the winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, stressed the significance of innovation and entrepreneurship in boosting the economic development in China.
Phelps also proposed that the Chinese government provide more conditions for encouraging innovation.
Justin Yifu Lin, senior vice president of development economics and chief economist of the World Bank, said China adopted a pragmatic, dual-track approach in the reform process, by providing transitory protection to non-viable firms in old priority sectors and liberalizing the entry to the sectors that are consistent with China's comparative advantages.
"Continuous innovation of technology and upgrading of industries are the driving forces of modern economic growth for China," Lin added.
Professor Athar Hussain, director of Asia Research Center at the London School of Economics and Political Science, is well acquainted with China through his work as a foreign expert there in 1960s.
In his lecture, Hussain praised China's achievements. He also pointed out the challenges ahead for China in its modernization drive.
Chen Ping, a professor from China's Fudan University, noted that orthodox economic architectures failed to explain the success and experience of China.
China's burgeoning growth and unprecedented development model had contributed to the human history at large, he added.
Editor: Mu Xuequan 2009-10-15 23:47:31
by Xinhua writer Wu Liming
FRANKFURT, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- How could the Chinese economy witness rapid growth for over 30 years in a row? How could its population of 1.3 billion have living standards improved sustainably? The answer is what observers across the world are dubbing the "China miracle".
On Wednesday, politicians and economists attending the "International Economists Forum" at the interval of the Frankfurt Book Fair gave their own interpretations on the "China miracle".
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who has long been supporting a smooth expansion of Sino-German and Sino-European relations, said Europe should regard China as a partner instead of a rival.
Europe should continue to push strategic relations between China and the European Union (EU), which would benefit both sides, said Schroeder, who visited China almost every year during his period in power.
Edmund Strother Phelps, an American economist and the winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, stressed the significance of innovation and entrepreneurship in boosting the economic development in China.
Phelps also proposed that the Chinese government provide more conditions for encouraging innovation.
Justin Yifu Lin, senior vice president of development economics and chief economist of the World Bank, said China adopted a pragmatic, dual-track approach in the reform process, by providing transitory protection to non-viable firms in old priority sectors and liberalizing the entry to the sectors that are consistent with China's comparative advantages.
"Continuous innovation of technology and upgrading of industries are the driving forces of modern economic growth for China," Lin added.
Professor Athar Hussain, director of Asia Research Center at the London School of Economics and Political Science, is well acquainted with China through his work as a foreign expert there in 1960s.
In his lecture, Hussain praised China's achievements. He also pointed out the challenges ahead for China in its modernization drive.
Chen Ping, a professor from China's Fudan University, noted that orthodox economic architectures failed to explain the success and experience of China.
China's burgeoning growth and unprecedented development model had contributed to the human history at large, he added.
Editor: Mu Xuequan
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Let us examine the World Media Summit held in Beijing Oct 8 to 10, 2009. This is a significant step towards a more harmonious world by bringing all the world media together for the first time of modern history. Some called it the Olympics of Media. 170 world media and over 300 delegates attended. These included the eight biggest world media house presidents, CEO’s from Xinhua, AP, Reuters, Time Warner, BBC, Newsgroup, Tass, Japanese United Press and Google. The concluding Joint Statement emphasized increased win-win cooperation in expanding world multicultural reporting and also specifically called for more diverse, accurate, fair and impartial reporting.
We at World Harmony Organization (WHO) work for Harmony Renaissance to bring harmony, a universal value back. Harmony is being neglected because of the world is driven by racial, religious and ideological strife. Harmony Renaissance is needed as the ultimate resolution to unshackle us and to reverse the tide of human self destruction and environmental degradation. Harmony with mankind and with nature is necessary for our sustainable development and survival.
World Harmony is achievable because the cycle of self destruction and deception is reversing. We can see it coming. The world is heading towards mutual win win development. We are beginning to be aware that world development is not a zero sum game. World Harmony can be simply defined as a multilateral world set on the course of win win development. This will release the energy for mankind to work for common prosperity.
Harmony as a guiding faith is very broad. It includes peace within oneself, relations between people, within family, between citizens and nations, harmony among nations and between man and nature. Democracy is nothing but harmony between citizen and their government. Environmental ecology is simply harmony of man with nature.
The practice of harmony can be simply defined as the following twelve virtues: Tolerance, Acceptance, Respect, Equality, Gentleness, Forgiveness, Patience, Humility, Conservation, Ecology, Unity with Nature and Unity of Mankind. With these practices firmly in mind World Harmony is on the way to be achievable.
What promises lie in the future? In the future we will see further growth of developing countries and multilateralism. This will lead to a more harmonious balance of East and West, North and South dialogues and cultural exchange. The world is poised for win win mutual development. World development is not a zero sum game as some might think. The best way to develop is openness and learning from the best of each culture so as to move towards common prosperity.
The big media houses and others come together because of new challenges from the marching of the developing world and changes of technology and market orientation. Powerful world media working for more harmonious reporting is a major breakthrough for the cause of World Harmony. The Western powers have dominated the world stage and news reporting for the last two centuries. By conceding to cooperation and win-win development in world news reporting the stage is set for inevitable improvement of East West and North South relation. This is the important single step the world must take to avoid self destruction and deception. We are seeing the coming of a brave new world. We are very hopeful world harmony undertakings will flourish.
Harmony is universal. It embraces all human relations and our relation with the universe. Harmony is the underlying operating principle of the universe. Without harmony mankind will self destruct and the universe will not be eternal.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.
Let us examine the World Media Summit held in Beijing Oct 8 to 10, 2009. This is a significant step towards a more harmonious world by bringing all the world media together for the first time of modern history. Some called it the Olympics of Media. 170 world media and over 300 delegates attended. These included the eight biggest world media house presidents, CEO’s from Xinhua, AP, Reuters, Time Warner, BBC, Newsgroup, Tass, Japanese United Press and Google. The concluding Joint Statement emphasized increased win-win cooperation in expanding world multicultural reporting and also specifically called for more diverse, accurate, fair and impartial reporting.
We at World Harmony Organization (WHO) work for Harmony Renaissance to bring harmony, a universal value back. Harmony is being neglected because of the world is driven by racial, religious and ideological strife. Harmony Renaissance is needed as the ultimate resolution to unshackle us and to reverse the tide of human self destruction and environmental degradation. Harmony with mankind and with nature is necessary for our sustainable development and survival.
World Harmony is achievable because the cycle of self destruction and deception is reversing. We can see it coming. The world is heading towards mutual win win development. We are beginning to be aware that world development is not a zero sum game. World Harmony can be simply defined as a multilateral world set on the course of win win development. This will release the energy for mankind to work for common prosperity.
Harmony as a guiding faith is very broad. It includes peace within oneself, relations between people, within family, between citizens and nations, harmony among nations and between man and nature. Democracy is nothing but harmony between citizen and their government. Environmental ecology is simply harmony of man with nature.
The practice of harmony can be simply defined as the following twelve virtues: Tolerance, Acceptance, Respect, Equality, Gentleness, Forgiveness, Patience, Humility, Conservation, Ecology, Unity with Nature and Unity of Mankind. With these practices firmly in mind World Harmony is on the way to be achievable.
What promises lie in the future? In the future we will see further growth of developing countries and multilateralism. This will lead to a more harmonious balance of East and West, North and South dialogues and cultural exchange. The world is poised for win win mutual development. World development is not a zero sum game as some might think. The best way to develop is openness and learning from the best of each culture so as to move towards common prosperity.
The big media houses and others come together because of new challenges from the marching of the developing world and changes of technology and market orientation. Powerful world media working for more harmonious reporting is a major breakthrough for the cause of World Harmony. The Western powers have dominated the world stage and news reporting for the last two centuries. By conceding to cooperation and win-win development in world news reporting the stage is set for inevitable improvement of East West and North South relation. This is the important single step the world must take to avoid self destruction and deception. We are seeing the coming of a brave new world. We are very hopeful world harmony undertakings will flourish.
Harmony is universal. It embraces all human relations and our relation with the universe. Harmony is the underlying operating principle of the universe. Without harmony mankind will self destruct and the universe will not be eternal.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The World Media Summit was held in Beijing, People's Republic of China, from October 8-10, 2009. The unprecedented event was attended by 170 worldwide media organizations, including news agencies, newspapers and magazines, radio and television broadcasters and online sites. The concluding joint statement begins with:
“Through the summit we believe to have achieved positive results by producing great insights, enhancing consensus and strengthening cooperation.
We note that the world is undergoing complicated and profound changes. Economic globalization, the information explosion, and the prevalence of new communication technologies, plus the diversity and integration of world cultures, have provided great opportunities for global media development and set up an important platform for media organizations to cover world events and global issues.
We hope that media organizations around the world will provide accurate, objective, impartial and fair coverage of the world's news events, and promote transparency and accountability of governments and public institutions, and thus facilitate the mutual understanding as well as exchange of views and ideas among peoples from different countries and regions. “
"Cooperation, Action, Win-Win and Development" is the theme for the first World Media Summit held at Beijing. Due to new communication technology and the marching forward of the developing world this global media convergence is inevitable. The necessity for traditional media house to transform and the current financial crisis only hastens the dawn of a more cooperative world media.
The World Media Summit provides the platform for media institutions around the world to share information, carry out personnel and technology exchanges, and share their opportunities and experience for win win development.
In Clarion Call for Media Responsibility, Co-op in Brave New World, QI Zijiang claims that media social responsibility is essential in a brave new world:
“Apart from the digital revolution already shaking global mass communication, value-based biases, commercialism, sensational ringside diversions and an unabashed pursuit of tabloidism have combined to encroach upon the media, leading to an occasional lack of responsibility on the part of some media houses.
This flaw makes it absolutely necessary for media houses and mass communication practitioners to take due responsibility for not only conveying information as true-to-fact, objective, accurately and quickly as they can, but also for bridging the gap of understanding between different members of society.
Responsibility, and only responsibility, coupled with the courage to accept that responsibility, will do the job.”
He concludes that “ Better understanding and further cooperation therefore combine to help media houses in different countries to present their shared world in a true-to-fact and unbiased manner.
Tried-and-true experiences from new-century changeovers should have demonstrated by now that media houses must and can co-exist with competition and jointly develop through cooperation.
It is an ever-changing world; only those who strive harder to move forward and take the lead leave their marks. But those who rest content will be left behind in this information renaissance.
Equally important is the will of media houses worldwide to catch up with the progress unfolding in society, in the economy and in technology, to get the true smack of different civilizations and cultures and go with the flow.”
We are living in a multicultural world with the developing world marching forward in various stages of historical development. We in the developed world must adopt a more tolerant attitude to help their development. World development is not a zero sum game. It can be win win mutual development.
China on Oct. 1st, 2009 marked her 60th founding of the young Republic. Her pace of modernization during the last three decades of reform and opening up has brought her to the world stage as equals to world major power. Many Western public is totally unprepared for China’s rapid progress in history due mainly to the lack of fair reporting by the dominant Western media. This lack of responsible reporting has sowed the seeds of East and West misunderstanding and distrust as we know today. As knowledgeable as Kissinger, he is amazed at China’s fast pace of development during the last three decades.
To avoid the continuing the cold war mentality and prolonging East and West distrust, the world media must collectively prepare for the imminent rise of India, Brazil, Vietnam, Iran and many other developing countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and South America. A more responsible and fair world media is the first step towards a more harmonious world.
Harmony Renaissance will unshackle mankind form the strife of many racial, political and religious contentions. Harmony diplomacy is the ultimate resolution of distrust and conflicts. Harmony Consensus is the next wave of creative energy human is waiting for to bring us to a higher level of accomplishment beyond European Renaissance that brought us democracy and modern science as we know today.
In the opening speech to the World Media Summit, Chinese President Hu Jintao called on media organizations around the world to contribute to building a harmonious world when they are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.
Hu made the remarks in a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Media Summit, which gathered about 300 representatives from more than 170 media outlets from around the world.
He said the world is in a period of great development, major transformation and extensive readjustment. Multi-polarity and economic globalization are developing profoundly, and worldwide exchanges of ideologies and cultures are becoming more frequent and active, with closer interconnections among nations.
The president also reminded the audience of the challenges the world faces, including the continuing impact of the global financial crisis, growing imbalance in development, climate changes, food security and energy resources security, as well as terrorism, cross-nation organized crime, major infectious diseases and other threats in non-conventional security areas.
"Unstable and uncertain factors are increasing. There are many challenges to world peace and development," he said.
"Facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, media organizations around the world should conform to the trends of the times, go forward together, and strive to contribute to building a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity," said Hu.
The World Media Summit was held in Beijing, People's Republic of China, from October 8-10, 2009. The unprecedented event was attended by 170 worldwide media organizations, including news agencies, newspapers and magazines, radio and television broadcasters and online sites. The concluding joint statement begins with:
“Through the summit we believe to have achieved positive results by producing great insights, enhancing consensus and strengthening cooperation.
We note that the world is undergoing complicated and profound changes. Economic globalization, the information explosion, and the prevalence of new communication technologies, plus the diversity and integration of world cultures, have provided great opportunities for global media development and set up an important platform for media organizations to cover world events and global issues.
We hope that media organizations around the world will provide accurate, objective, impartial and fair coverage of the world's news events, and promote transparency and accountability of governments and public institutions, and thus facilitate the mutual understanding as well as exchange of views and ideas among peoples from different countries and regions. “
"Cooperation, Action, Win-Win and Development" is the theme for the first World Media Summit held at Beijing. Due to new communication technology and the marching forward of the developing world this global media convergence is inevitable. The necessity for traditional media house to transform and the current financial crisis only hastens the dawn of a more cooperative world media.
The World Media Summit provides the platform for media institutions around the world to share information, carry out personnel and technology exchanges, and share their opportunities and experience for win win development.
In Clarion Call for Media Responsibility, Co-op in Brave New World, QI Zijiang claims that media social responsibility is essential in a brave new world:
“Apart from the digital revolution already shaking global mass communication, value-based biases, commercialism, sensational ringside diversions and an unabashed pursuit of tabloidism have combined to encroach upon the media, leading to an occasional lack of responsibility on the part of some media houses.
This flaw makes it absolutely necessary for media houses and mass communication practitioners to take due responsibility for not only conveying information as true-to-fact, objective, accurately and quickly as they can, but also for bridging the gap of understanding between different members of society.
Responsibility, and only responsibility, coupled with the courage to accept that responsibility, will do the job.”
He concludes that “ Better understanding and further cooperation therefore combine to help media houses in different countries to present their shared world in a true-to-fact and unbiased manner.
Tried-and-true experiences from new-century changeovers should have demonstrated by now that media houses must and can co-exist with competition and jointly develop through cooperation.
It is an ever-changing world; only those who strive harder to move forward and take the lead leave their marks. But those who rest content will be left behind in this information renaissance.
Equally important is the will of media houses worldwide to catch up with the progress unfolding in society, in the economy and in technology, to get the true smack of different civilizations and cultures and go with the flow.”
We are living in a multicultural world with the developing world marching forward in various stages of historical development. We in the developed world must adopt a more tolerant attitude to help their development. World development is not a zero sum game. It can be win win mutual development.
China on Oct. 1st, 2009 marked her 60th founding of the young Republic. Her pace of modernization during the last three decades of reform and opening up has brought her to the world stage as equals to world major power. Many Western public is totally unprepared for China’s rapid progress in history due mainly to the lack of fair reporting by the dominant Western media. This lack of responsible reporting has sowed the seeds of East and West misunderstanding and distrust as we know today. As knowledgeable as Kissinger, he is amazed at China’s fast pace of development during the last three decades.
To avoid the continuing the cold war mentality and prolonging East and West distrust, the world media must collectively prepare for the imminent rise of India, Brazil, Vietnam, Iran and many other developing countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and South America. A more responsible and fair world media is the first step towards a more harmonious world.
Harmony Renaissance will unshackle mankind form the strife of many racial, political and religious contentions. Harmony diplomacy is the ultimate resolution of distrust and conflicts. Harmony Consensus is the next wave of creative energy human is waiting for to bring us to a higher level of accomplishment beyond European Renaissance that brought us democracy and modern science as we know today.
In the opening speech to the World Media Summit, Chinese President Hu Jintao called on media organizations around the world to contribute to building a harmonious world when they are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.
Hu made the remarks in a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Media Summit, which gathered about 300 representatives from more than 170 media outlets from around the world.
He said the world is in a period of great development, major transformation and extensive readjustment. Multi-polarity and economic globalization are developing profoundly, and worldwide exchanges of ideologies and cultures are becoming more frequent and active, with closer interconnections among nations.
The president also reminded the audience of the challenges the world faces, including the continuing impact of the global financial crisis, growing imbalance in development, climate changes, food security and energy resources security, as well as terrorism, cross-nation organized crime, major infectious diseases and other threats in non-conventional security areas.
"Unstable and uncertain factors are increasing. There are many challenges to world peace and development," he said.
"Facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, media organizations around the world should conform to the trends of the times, go forward together, and strive to contribute to building a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity," said Hu.
新华社社评:与人民同命运 与时代共发展
新华社社评:与人民同命运 与时代共发展——写在世界媒体峰会闭幕之际
新华网北京10月10日电 世界媒体峰会10日在北京人民大会堂圆满落下帷幕。国家主席胡锦涛在峰会开幕式发表的重要致辞,引起了与会代表的强烈共鸣。和平发展、合作共赢、包容互信、交流互鉴、真实客观,世界媒体峰会所倡导的这一系列理念,必将对世界传媒业今后的发展产生积极而深远的影响。
新华网北京10月10日电 世界媒体峰会10日在北京人民大会堂圆满落下帷幕。国家主席胡锦涛在峰会开幕式发表的重要致辞,引起了与会代表的强烈共鸣。和平发展、合作共赢、包容互信、交流互鉴、真实客观,世界媒体峰会所倡导的这一系列理念,必将对世界传媒业今后的发展产生积极而深远的影响。
新华网北京9月28日电 题:面向世界和谐发展——论“中国视野”的全球性
新华网北京9月28日电 题:面向世界和谐发展——论“中国视野”的全球性
Chinese President Hu Jintao called on media organizations to contribute to building a harmonious world
BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao on Friday called on media organizations around the world to contribute to building a harmonious world when they are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.
Hu made the remarks in a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Media Summit, which gathered about 300 representatives from more than 170 media outlets from around the world.
He said the world is in a period of great development, major transformation and extensive readjustment. Multi-polarity and economic globalization are developing profoundly, and worldwide exchanges of ideologies and cultures are becoming more frequent and active, with closer interconnections among nations.
The president also reminded the audience of the challenges the world faces, including the continuing impact of the global financial crisis, growing imbalance in development, climate changes, food security and energy resources security, as well as terrorism, cross-nation organized crime, major infectious diseases and other threats in non-conventional security areas.
"Unstable and uncertain factors are increasing. There are many challenges to world peace and development," he said.
"Facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, media organizations around the world should conform to the trends of the times, go forward together, and strive to contribute to building a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity," said Hu.
Hu made the remarks in a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Media Summit, which gathered about 300 representatives from more than 170 media outlets from around the world.
He said the world is in a period of great development, major transformation and extensive readjustment. Multi-polarity and economic globalization are developing profoundly, and worldwide exchanges of ideologies and cultures are becoming more frequent and active, with closer interconnections among nations.
The president also reminded the audience of the challenges the world faces, including the continuing impact of the global financial crisis, growing imbalance in development, climate changes, food security and energy resources security, as well as terrorism, cross-nation organized crime, major infectious diseases and other threats in non-conventional security areas.
"Unstable and uncertain factors are increasing. There are many challenges to world peace and development," he said.
"Facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, media organizations around the world should conform to the trends of the times, go forward together, and strive to contribute to building a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity," said Hu.
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