Tuesday, July 22, 2008








太阳能的技术,远远超过任何竞争对手。阳光接收器每个高38英尺, 宽40英尺,
阳能光伏发电板占地大、电价高、效率比太阳能斯特林发动机低10 %,在竞争大


核电厂熔垮,也是后果不堪设想,不负责任的。 我曾在田纳西谷核电厂销售时任
中国国家核能公司的代表(请见所附我和核能公司的合同) 。三哩岛和切尔诺贝













Exactly two decades and four years ago I delivered a key note speech at the Second International Conference of Stirling Engines in Shanghai, China. The title of my speech was “The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China”. At the time, I was General partner of the US Stirling Engine R and D Partnership (STRD Partnership) and a visiting consultant to Institute of Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In my speech, I announced the technology transfer of Stirling Engine technology from US Mechanical Technology Inc. to China, arranged by the US STRD Partnership. For reference, see the attached titled pages of the Stirling Engine Conference and the Agreement between Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute (SMDERI) and STRD Partnership.

In the lapse of two decades great strides have been made by the world engineering communities in the applications of Stirling Engines, which variously has been also called hot gas engines or external heat engines. The last name is to distinguish it from the well known internal combustion engine. It can be said Stirling Engines now can be found working under Deep Ocean to the earth surface and out to space. Because its mechanical power is derived from external heating, its use of fuel is unlimited in form or source. Of particular interest we can mention solar heat, fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, waste and all forms of indigenous heat. Last but not least, one day we may find implanted nuclear isotope Stirling Engines in human bodies powering artificial hearts without the need for refueling or recharging.

The most endearing and commanding source of external heat to power Stirling Engines without doubt is solar heat. With solar heat as available power because of the simplicity of the Stirling Engine operating principle compared to the conventional internal combustion engine this is a winning combination from ecological and renewable energy considerations. In this application, the Stirling Engines can be miniaturized, sans intake and exhaust valves and cost minimized without the need for injection carburetion and ignition systems compared to internal combustion engines. The operating gas in a Stirling Engine is hermetically sealed and heat is added to the outside of the engine cylinder. In a solar powered Stirling Engine there is absolutely no need for intake and exhaust valves as in conventional internal combustion engines. Thus mechanically high efficiency Stirling Engines are still very simple. Most of all, because of its high heat and power concentration capability it is also particularly suitable for large electric utility applications compared to solar voltaic panels.

As of this writing, the two largest Solar power Stirling Engine Utility Plants under construction are the Solar One Project being built for Southern California Edison at the California Mohave desert and the Solar Two Project being built for San Diego Gas and Electric at Imperial County at Southern California. Following are descriptions and designed power capacities of the two projects.

SOLAR ONE PROJECT, Capacity: 500 MW (for 300,000 homes) with expansion option to 850 MW
20,000 - 34,000 solar dish Stirling systems
20-Year Power Purchase Agreement
Sited in the Mojave Desert east of Barstow, CA
The Solar One project site is located in San Bernardino County in an undeveloped area of the Mojave Desert.
SOLAR TWO PROJECT, Capacity: 300 MW with expansion options to 900 MW
12,000 - 36,000 solar dish Stirling systems
20-Year Power Purchase Agreement
Sited in the Imperial Valley near El Centro, CA
The project site for Solar Two is located in Imperial County in Southern California.

The first 500 MW phase of Project One is planned to go into service by the end of 2009. Once in service, this will become the largest solar powered utility plant in the world. The question is then, how well does large Solar powered Stirling Engine utility plant stacks up against the current technology of both renewable and conventional fueled utility plants? The answer is a resounding “very well indeed”. Otherwise Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric as experienced utility plant owners as they are, will not rush head long into these two huge projects. Without becoming an insider of the two projects, one can still easily arrived at their choices at today’s oil price hovering at US$ 150 a barrel. Here is my take on how their overview rational reasoning may go like as explained in the following.

First and foremost, the solar Stirling Engine technology being used in these two projects are called the SES SunCatcher system, they hold the record for the most efficient solar electricity generation technology in the world. The SES SunCatcher is a highly concentrating solar thermal technology that converts sunlight into electricity at a rate of 31.25 percent, significantly more efficient than its closest competitor by far. Each SunCatcher dish is 38 feet tall, 40 feet wide and generates 25,000 watts of power, which means they occupy much less space compared to any solar voltaic panels power to power. The large space required for solar voltaic panels, high price and low 10% efficient, disqualified them as candidates for large utilities in competing with solar Stirling Engine. A check of the largest solar voltaic panel utility planned by these utilities, uncovered a plan for 80 MW to supply electricity for 50,000 homes. This planed design is only one tenth in capacity of Project One or Project Two. Project One and Two when go into full service will provide 1750 MW electricity total for 930,000 homes. These each of these Stirling Engine utility plant is thus 10 times larger than the largest photo voltaic plants planned by the same utility owners. This large capacity is equivalent to two large size Nuclear Power Plants. Since we are now at the range of Nuclear Power plant utilities, let us compare nuclear and solar Stirling Engine power plants.

Because of the strict need and regulation requirements to prevent nuclear radioactivity leaks, all nuclear power plants must be housed in fortified containment housing. All systems of hot and cooling water circulations must be heavily protected. So the cost of nuclear power plants is manifolds higher than equivalent fossil fuel power plants. The construction cycle is also unduly long. Despite all the built in safety factors for nuclear power plants, mechanical failures and human errors do occur. Accidents like Three Mile Island in the US and Chernobyl in Russia are unavoidable and the consequences are too dear to accept. The need for more electricity in China is expected. Currently the per capital consumption of electricity in China is less than one tenth of the US. What if the China per capita consumption eventually catches up with the US?

For sheer amount of enormous energy needed for electricity generation , Solar Stirling Engine System utility wins hands down over nuclear and other renewable energy choices in China and other large countries. California has voted for Stirling Engines and moving ahead. China should not wait either. Since Three Mile Island accident, for over thirty years, the US has consistently delayed building nuclear power plants. That is to be commended. Large countries like US, Brazil, China with enormous solar power availability have little need for nuclear power plants. Formidable Cost and even the most remote possibility of nuclear melt down, makes the good ahead of 30 more nuclear power plants in China unthinkable and irresponsible. I was one time the China country representative of Combustion Engineering for the sales of moth-balled Tennessee Valley Nuclear power plants ( See attached pages of my contract with CE). The nightmares of TMI and Chernobyl still haunt me. After the unprecedented severe Sichaun earth quakes, the construction of huge hydro power plants such as the three Gorges anywhere in the world will be most likely put off for a long time if not forever.

China is rich in hydropower resources. Its use will continue, but extra ecological consideration must be exercised to reduce harm to marine life. For enhanced environmentally friendly hydropower applications, I recommend my patented hydraulic air compressor electric generator technology for indirect, small scale use of hydro power. In my invention applications, water is only diverted through the air entrainment unit and does not go through the generator turbines, so marine life is not harmed, and the water is aerated but not heated. Thus the tail water of my invention is oxygenated for improved fish farming and cleaner and richer irrigation.

With concerns over nuclear power plants and other large renewable energy electric generation technologies less competitive from the consideration of cost, efficiency and space requirement, we again is left with Solar Stirling Engine as the commanding choice. There are too many regions in China and the world where sunshine and space are ample, such as Western, South Western, Northern China, US, Brazil and the Middle East to name a few. Even in indigenous hilly areas all over the world, the compact Stirling Engine System of 25 KW each, has a big market in the form of appropriate energy technology using solar, and available fuel and waste heat. This was detailed in my aforementioned paper “The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China” delivered 24 years ago at the Second International Stirling Engine Conference. The application of Stirling Engine Systems in China is unlimited, renewable or conventional heat, large and small, urban and rural, in the prairies and the valleys, in the flatlands or the mountains the word “Promising” is still most appropriate for Stirling Engines future in China.

China is also rich in coal. She has one of the largest reserves in the world. But coal miners pay a high price with their life. Increasingly high rate of accidents will become more and more unacceptable to the society. The only conscientious regulation is to increase protection of the miners. This will of course increase the cost of coal mining. Assuming that the Chinese government can maintain a harmonious balance between safety and coal mining, the transportation and other pollution problems of using coal as a large source of fuel still abound. Let us now make a rational overview assessment of coal and solar energy for electricity generation. Solar energy as employed by Stirling Engine Systems is direct, simple, clean and absolutely no pollution, as well as its outstanding free and renewable merits. It is befitting to say “The best things in life are free”. Sunshine is the most beloved.

As a source of energy for electricity generation there are two ways to use coal. One is direct burning in conventional furnace or fluidized bed for more complete combustion. The other is to liquefy or gasify coal for example. Either way, the coal must still be scrubbed and cleaned and the treatment of the cleaning fluid remains always a problem in disposal. This will increase the cost tremendously and the cleaning and scrubbing continues in the conversion process. On course, not to mention, we are only postponing the CO2 pollution emission to a later stage.

Aside from the fact that Solar Stirling Engine for electricity generation is non polluting and renewable, the final merit is the economic pay back of its low life cycle cost due to ease of maintenance of the engine. Solar Stirling Engine systems do not require the many additional ancillary accessories as diesel and steam engines. In a Solar Stirling Engine System the working fluid is permanent and hermetically sealed. There is on replacement or treatment necessary in the life cycle of the engine. In the case of steam engine boiler and the combustion chamber of the internal combustion diesel engine constant maintenance and treatment of boiler and combustion chamber increases greatly the cost of operation. Of course, both steam engine with boilers and diesel engines pollute through their exhaust systems as well known.

In conclusion, as a national and local policy to become more energy independent, to reduce environmental pollution, to practice conservation and to reduce cost of operation all points to the choice of using Solar Stirling Engine Systems as the most viable solution. This recommendation is based on my over five decades of experience as a practitioner of energy conservation engineer in government as well as private industries. China and most of the developing world are at a very critical stage of modernization. The important policy of scientific development calls for harmony with nature, within the society and world harmony. To play a responsible role as a rising and renaissance major nation China must set an example in her renewable energy policy. With the ample evident merits as discussed here, not to include the Solar Engine Systems for consideration as a major part of China’s energy independent policy is unconscionable. Your humbly is available for consultation by invitation from relevant energy implementation department and provincial heads. An Executive Summary of Stirling Engine Concept Proposal is available by request.

In Service of Energy Independence
Francis C W Fung, PH.D.
Solar Stirling Engine Partnership (SSEP)
A Commission of World Harmony Organization

Capacity: 500 MW with expansion option to 850 MW
20,000 - 34,000 solar dish Stirling systems

Phase 1 of this project is to develop 500 MW of electricity generating capacity, which will then be followed by Phase 2, which will involve an expansion up to 850 MW of generating capacity.
Power output from this facility will be sold in accordance with a 20-year power purchase agreement to Southern California Edison Company (www.sce.com), a subsidiary of Edison International.

The project site for Solar Two is located in Imperial County in Southern

Capacity: 300 MW with expansion options to 900 MW
12,000 - 36,000 solar dish Stirling systems
20-Year Power Purchase Agreement

Phase 1 of this site will consist of 12,000 solar dish Stirling systems that will be capable of generating 300 MW of electrical power. Phase 2 of this will expand the number of solar dish Stirling systems to 36,000 units, which will be capable of generating up to 900 MW of power.
The power generated at this site will be sold in accordance with a 20-year power purchase agreement to San Diego Gas & Electric (www.sdge.com).



2008年7月17日,美国前副总统戈尔发表重要演讲。目的是适时通告一项重要的有关美国能源独立性的公民立法创议权,倡议十年内,即到2018年,将所有美国的电力生产转换成绿色能源。该倡议是明智之举,令人钦佩。然则它现实吗?能否实现?如何实现?目前美国发电使用的能源,70%为矿物燃料,20%为核燃料,只有10 %太阳能、水力、风力和其他形式的可再生能源。本人的答案是,这一雄心勃勃的目标是可以实现的。只要国家采取行动,努力协调,一致支持太阳能斯特林发动机(外燃机)的发展计划,就能逐步取代现有或大或小的矿物燃料发电厂。蒸汽机是19世纪的象征,内燃机是20世纪的代表,斯特林发动机(外燃机)则是21世纪的骄傲。任何形式的热能都能从外部驱动,包括太阳能、燃气、固体燃料、液态燃料、废热和地热。只要是热能,斯特林发动机(外燃机)无所不食。

美国是一个拥有庞大资源兼具奋斗精神的国家。只要看看我们在第二次世界大战期间压倒性的飞机制造能力,可见一斑。半世纪后的今天,世上依然没有国家 能及。将这种资源和精神用于绿色能源发电的开发,定能圆满成功。绿色能源发电政策使美国在太阳能斯特林系统的制造上遥遥领先,无人赶上。开发宣传绿色能源发电,势必使我们成为最大的能源技术和斯特林发动机出口大国,创造世界上绿色能源技术和产品出口的历史。绿色能源技术和产品的潜在市场,加上我们大幅减少石油进口,则我们的贸易赤字可减少一半以上。美国极需一个象戈尔一样有抱负、有使命感的总统。





发电需要巨额能量,太阳能斯特林发动机系统在与中国和其它大国选择的核能和可再生能源的优势对比中遥遥领先。加州为斯特林发动机投赞成票更让其声名鹊起。我们不该观望。三哩岛事故三十多年来,美国一再推迟核电厂的建设,值得赞扬。我曾在田纳西谷核电厂销售时任中国国家核能公司的代表(请见所附我和核能公司的合同) 。三哩岛和切尔诺贝利的噩梦依然困扰着我。








Ø 规模:50万千瓦,可扩建到85万千瓦
Ø 2万-3.4万个碟型太阳能斯特林发动机系统
Ø 20年购电合同





July 18, 2008

On July 17, 2008 Al Gore, former US Vice President, made an important US energy independent announcement. The main theme was to announce the timely and important initiative of converting all US electricity production to green energy in a decade, by 2018. The initiative is wise and admirable, but is it realistic? Is it achievable and how? Currently the US electricity generation is 70% by fossil fuel, 20% by nuclear power and only 10% by solar, hydro, wind and other forms of renewable energy. Gore’s ambitious goal is achievable if supported by concerted national efforts of Solar Stirling Engine programs to gradually replace existing fossil fuel power plants, large or small. Steam engine is for 19th century, internal combustion engine is for 20th century and Stirling engine is for 21st century. Stirling engine as an external combustion engine can be performed by all forms of energy including solar. You may say Stirling engine is omnivorous.

America is a country of vast resources and can do spirit demonstrated by the mass mobilization of WWII in airplane manufacturing capability. Half a century later the world has not yet caught up. In the urgency of the present national energy and climate crisis, the same ‘can do’ attitude can be applied to the Green Energy for Electricity Initiative (GENEI) for success. The GENEI policy will put US so far ahead in Solar Stirling system manufacturing that the world will not be able to catch up. The momentum of GENEI advocacy will make us the largest energy technology and Stirling Engine export nation in the history of world green energy technology and product export. The potential world market of GENEI technology and products together with our reduction in oil imports can be so great as to more than halve the current American trade deficit. The US is in great need of a president who will adhere to the mission and vision advanced by Al Gore.

Exactly twenty-four years ago I delivered a key note speech at the Second International Conference of Stirling Engines in Shanghai, China. The title of my speech was “The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China”. This was referring to American Stirling Engine technology being transferred to China. The idea was for China to deploy nationwide, small size solar powered Stirling engines as an appropriate renewable energy technology. The most endearing and commanding source of external heat to power Stirling Engines without doubt is solar heat. Because of the simplicity of the Stirling Engine’s operating principle and construction compared to the conventional internal combustion engine, this is a winning combination from economical and renewable energy considerations. The operating gas in a Stirling Engine is hermetically sealed and heat is added to the outside of the engine cylinder. Thus mechanically, high efficiency Stirling Engines are very simple and maintenance free. Most of all, because of its high heat and power concentration capability, it is also particularly suitable for large electric utility applications compared to solar voltaic panels. Solar voltaic panels as alternative utility power plants have significantly lower thermal efficiency, higher cost and take up much more space for the same electricity power delivered.

As of this writing, the two largest Solar power Stirling Engine Utility Plants under construction are the Solar One Project being built for Southern California Edison at the California Mohave desert and the Solar Two Project being built for San Diego Gas and Electric at Imperial County at Southern California. The total designed power for these two projects add up to be 1750 MW, the size of two large nuclear power plants.

How does Solar Stirling Engine stack up against Nuclear Power plants? The solar Stirling Engine technology used in these two projects are called the SES SunCatcher system, they hold the record for the most efficient solar electricity generation technology in the world. The SES SunCatcher is a highly concentrating solar thermal technology that converts sunlight into electricity at a rate of 31.25 percent, significantly more efficient than its closest competitor. The cost of electric power for these Sun Catchers is 1/5 to 1/10 the cost of comparable photo voltaic panels. Each Sun Catcher dish is 38 feet tall, 40 feet wide and generates 25,000 watts of power, which means they occupy much less space compared to any solar voltaic panels on per kilowatt basis. The large space required for solar voltaic panels, high price and low efficiency, disqualified them as candidates for large utilities in competing with Solar Stirling Engine systems.

The cost of nuclear power plants is manifolds higher than the equivalent Solar Stirling Engine power plants because of the strict need and regulation requirements to prevent nuclear radioactivity leaks. All nuclear power plants must be housed in huge fortified containment housing, and all systems of hot and cooling water circulation must be heavily protected and isolated. The construction cycle is also unduly long. Despite all the built in safety factors for nuclear power plants, mechanical failures and human errors do occur. Accidents like Three Mile Island in the US and Chernobyl in Russia are unavoidable and the consequences are too dear to accept.

For the sheer amount of enormous energy needed for Green Energy for Electricity Initiative (GENEI), from a safety point of view, Solar Stirling Engine System utility wins hands down over other renewable energy choices. California has voted for Stirling Engines from expert experience and is moving ahead. Since the accident at Three Mile Island over thirty years ago, the US has consistently delayed building nuclear power plants. That is very responsible and to be commended. I was one time the China country representative of Combustion Engineering for the sales of moth-balled Tennessee Valley Nuclear power plants. The nightmares of TMI and Chernobyl still haunt me. The cost of disposal of spent fuel and its adverse effect of long lasting radioactivity on nature and mankind is well known. No nuclear power plant is permanent. The eventual need to tear down old dilapidated nuclear power plant for safety has also never been adequately addressed.

After the unprecedented severe Sichaun earth quakes, the construction of huge hydro power plants such as the three Gorges anywhere in the world will be most likely put off for a long time if not forever. Medium and small size hydropower stations are better alternatives.

Aside from the fact that Solar Stirling Engine for electricity generation is non polluting and renewable, the final merit is the economic pay back of its low life cycle cost due to ease of manufacturing and maintenance of the engine. Solar Stirling Engine systems have long life cycle and do not require the many additional ancillary accessories as diesel and steam engines. In a Solar Stirling Engine System the working gas is permanently and hermetically sealed. There is no replacement or treatment necessary of the working gas in the life cycle of the engine as is required in steam and internal combustion engines.

In conclusion, as a national and local GENEI policy to reduce environmental pollution, to steer away from long term radioactive degradation of the earth, and to reduce national financial burden, all point to the choice of using Solar Stirling Engine Systems as the most viable solution. Large Stirling Engine power plants can be incrementally added in small modular units. They are much more thermally efficient than Solar voltaic panels. The recommendation of using Stirling Engine alternative for GENEI policy is based on my over two decades of experience as a practitioner of international Solar Stirling Engine technology transfer. The US oil imports is 24% in the 1970’s and 42% in the 1990’s. Today we import 70% of our oil and at a staggering cost of $700 Billion. This increasing trend and heavy cost are absolutely unsustainable.

It is imperative for us to support Al Gore’s recommendations and advocate GENEI policy as a national priority. To play a responsible role as the leader of the world, the US must also set an example in her renewable energy policy. Other major fossil fuel consuming nations such as China and India will inevitably follow. With ample evidence as discussed here, not to include the Solar Engine Systems for consideration as a major part of US GENEI imperative is unconscionable. Financially the US will be the biggest energy technology transfer nation in world history and the beneficiary thereof.

In fact the US is already ahead of the world in Solar Stirling Engine technology. The GENEI policy will put US so far ahead in Solar Stirling system manufacturing that the world will be hard put to catch up. The potential export of Solar Stirling Engine systems to meet the pent up demand for rest of the world will be a great stimulus to the US sagging economy. Together with the reduction in oil imports, the US trade deficit can be significantly reversed. The summation of total reduction of oil imports as the world follows our GENEI imperative will no doubt instantly halt the oil price speculation. It will not be surprising that a world concerted GENEI effort will instantly drive the oil price down by more than half. Our next president must show the vision and leadership to endorse Al Gore’s recommendations and implement the GENEI imperative as our energy independence policy. Yours humbly is available for consultation by invitation from relevant national energy implementation departments and local government heads.

In Service of Energy Independence

Francis C W Fung, PH.D.
Solar Stirling Engine Partnership (SSEP)
Word count 1500

SOLAR ONE PROJECT, Capacity: 500 MW (for 300,000 homes) with expansion option to 850 MW
20,000 - 34,000 solar dish Stirling systems
20-Year Power Purchase Agreement
Sited in the Mojave Desert east of Barstow, CA

Monday, July 21, 2008


From: "Francis Fung"

Dear Consul Pan,

Attached per your request are Solar Stirling Engine for Energy Independence letter and
position paper in English and Chinese for your transmission to relevant departments in China. I
will also come to your office to present my signed hard copies.

In the 2nd International Stirling Engines Conference my keynote speech was "The Promising
Future of Stirlings Engines in China". On July 17, 2008 Al Gore, former US Vice President,
announced the important initiative of converting all US electricity production to green
energy in a decade, by 2018. This heralds the future of Stirling Engine in America.

Steam Engine was for 19th Century, Internal Combustion Engine was for 20th Century, Stirling Engine will revolutionize the 21st Century.

In Service of Energy Independence.
Francis C W Fung, PH.D.
General Partner
Solar Stirling Engine Partnership


Sunday, July 20, 2008



July 18, 2008

On July 17, 2008 Al Gore, former US Vice President, made an important US energy independent announcement. The main theme was to announce the timely and important initiative of converting all US electricity production to green energy in a decade, by 2018. The initiative is wise and admirable, but is it realistic? Is it achievable and how? Currently the US electricity generation is 70% by fossil fuel, 20% by nuclear power and only 10% by solar, hydro, wind and other forms of renewable energy. Gore’s ambitious goal is achievable if supported by concerted national efforts of Solar Stirling Engine programs to gradually replace existing fossil fuel power plants, large or small.

America is a country of vast resources and can do spirit demonstrated by the mass mobilization of WWII in airplane manufacturing capability. Half a century later the world has not yet caught up. In the urgency of the present national energy and climate crisis, the same ‘can do’ attitude can be applied to the Green Energy for Electricity Initiative (GENEI) for success. The GENEI policy will put US so far ahead in Solar Stirling system manufacturing that the world will not be able to catch up. The momentum of GENEI advocacy will make us the largest energy technology and Stirling Engine export nation in the history of world green energy technology and product export. The potential world market of GENEI technology and products together with our reduction in oil imports can be so great as to more than halve the current American trade deficit. The US is in great need of a president who will adhere to the mission and vision advanced by Al Gore.

Exactly twenty-four years ago I delivered a key note speech at the Second International Conference of Stirling Engines in Shanghai, China. The title of my speech was “The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China”. This was referring to American Stirling Engine technology being transferred to China. The idea was for China to deploy nationwide, small size solar powered Stirling engines as an appropriate renewable energy technology. The most endearing and commanding source of external heat to power Stirling Engines without doubt is solar heat. Because of the simplicity of the Stirling Engine’s operating principle and construction compared to the conventional internal combustion engine, this is a winning combination from economical and renewable energy considerations. The operating gas in a Stirling Engine is hermetically sealed and heat is added to the outside of the engine cylinder. Thus mechanically, high efficiency Stirling Engines are very simple and maintenance free. Most of all, because of its high heat and power concentration capability, it is also particularly suitable for large electric utility applications compared to solar voltaic panels. Solar voltaic panels as alternative utility power plants have significantly lower thermal efficiency, higher cost and take up much more space for the same electricity power delivered.

As of this writing, the two largest Solar power Stirling Engine Utility Plants under construction are the Solar One Project being built for Southern California Edison at the California Mohave desert and the Solar Two Project being built for San Diego Gas and Electric at Imperial County at Southern California. The total designed power for these two projects add up to be 1750 MW, the size of two large nuclear power plants.
How does Solar Stirling Engine stack up against Nuclear Power plants? The solar Stirling Engine technology used in these two projects are called the SES SunCatcher system, they hold the record for the most efficient solar electricity generation technology in the world. The SES SunCatcher is a highly concentrating solar thermal technology that converts sunlight into electricity at a rate of 31.25 percent, significantly more efficient than its closest competitor. The cost of electric power for these Sun Catchers is 1/5 to 1/10 the cost of comparable photo voltaic panels. Each Sun Catcher dish is 38 feet tall, 40 feet wide and generates 25,000 watts of power, which means they occupy much less space compared to any solar voltaic panels on per kilowatt basis. The large space required for solar voltaic panels, high price and low efficiency, disqualified them as candidates for large utilities in competing with Solar Stirling Engine systems.

The cost of nuclear power plants is manifolds higher than the equivalent Solar Stirling Engine power plants because of the strict need and regulation requirements to prevent nuclear radioactivity leaks. All nuclear power plants must be housed in huge fortified containment housing, and all systems of hot and cooling water circulation must be heavily protected and isolated. The construction cycle is also unduly long. Despite all the built in safety factors for nuclear power plants, mechanical failures and human errors do occur. Accidents like Three Mile Island in the US and Chernobyl in Russia are unavoidable and the consequences are too dear to accept.

For the sheer amount of enormous energy needed for Green Energy for Electricity Initiative (GENEI), from a safety point of view, Solar Stirling Engine System utility wins hands down over other renewable energy choices. California has voted for Stirling Engines from expert experience and is moving ahead. Since the accident at Three Mile Island over thirty years ago, the US has consistently delayed building nuclear power plants. That is very responsible and to be commended. I was one time the China country representative of Combustion Engineering for the sales of moth-balled Tennessee Valley Nuclear power plants. The nightmares of TMI and Chernobyl still haunt me. The cost of disposal of spent fuel and its adverse effect of long lasting radioactivity on nature and mankind is well known. No nuclear power plant is permanent. The eventual need to tear down old dilapidated nuclear power plant for safety has also never been adequately addressed.

After the unprecedented severe Sichaun earth quakes, the construction of huge hydro power plants such as the three Gorges anywhere in the world will be most likely put off for a long time if not forever. Medium and small size hydropower stations are better alternatives.

Aside from the fact that Solar Stirling Engine for electricity generation is non polluting and renewable, the final merit is the economic pay back of its low life cycle cost due to ease of manufacturing and maintenance of the engine. Solar Stirling Engine systems have long life cycle and do not require the many additional ancillary accessories as diesel and steam engines. In a Solar Stirling Engine System the working gas is permanently and hermetically sealed. There is no replacement or treatment necessary of the working gas in the life cycle of the engine as is required in steam and internal combustion engines.

In conclusion, as a national and local GENEI policy to reduce environmental pollution, to steer away from long term radioactive degradation of the earth, and to reduce national financial burden, all point to the choice of using Solar Stirling Engine Systems as the most viable solution. Large Stirling Engine power plants can be incrementally added in small modular units. They are much more thermally efficient than Solar voltaic panels. The recommendation of using Stirling Engine alternative for GENEI policy is based on my over two decades of experience as a practitioner of international Solar Stirling Engine technology transfer. The US oil imports is 24% in the 1970’s and 42% in the 1990’s. Today we import 70% of our oil and at a staggering cost of $700 Billion. This increasing trend and heavy cost are absolutely unsustainable.

It is imperative for us to support Al Gore’s recommendations and advocate GENEI policy as a national priority. To play a responsible role as the leader of the world, the US must also set an example in her renewable energy policy. Other major fossil fuel consuming nations such as China and India will inevitably follow. With ample evidence as discussed here, not to include the Solar Engine Systems for consideration as a major part of US GENEI imperative is unconscionable. Financially the US will be the biggest energy technology transfer nation in world history and the beneficiary thereof.

In fact the US is already ahead of the world in Solar Stirling Engine technology. The GENEI policy will put US so far ahead in Solar Stirling system manufacturing that the world will be hard put to catch up. The potential export of Solar Stirling Engine systems to meet the pent up demand for rest of the world will be a great stimulus to the US sagging economy. Together with the reduction in oil imports, the US trade deficit can be significantly reversed. The summation of total reduction of oil imports as the world follows our GENEI imperative will no doubt instantly halt the oil price speculation. It will not be surprising that a world concerted GENEI effort will instantly drive the oil price down by more than half. Our next president must show the vision and leadership to endorse Al Gore’s recommendations and implement the GENEI imperative as our energy independence policy. Yours humbly is available for consultation by invitation from relevant national energy implementation departments and local government heads.

In Service of Energy Independence

Francis C W Fung, PH.D.
Solar Stirling Engine Partnership (SSEP)
Word count 1500

SOLAR ONE PROJECT, Capacity: 500 MW (for 300,000 homes) with expansion option to 850 MW
20,000 - 34,000 solar dish Stirling systems
20-Year Power Purchase Agreement
Sited in the Mojave Desert east of Barstow, CA

Saturday, July 19, 2008








1984年,世界和谐组织总干事冯忠华教授带领美国 MTI 科技专家,首次将斯










MTI斯特林发动机公司转让该技术给中国的协议书之关键页) 。同时附上MTI董



效利用率超过30 %。如进一步开发,整个效率可望达到50 % 。在功率、成本和
是美国核电公司向中国推销田纳西谷核电厂的代表(见附件代理协议) 。









Email: contact@worldharmonyorg.net
Relevant Provincial and Department Heads
July, 2008

Dear Responsible Persons,

Two decades and four years ago I highlighted Solar Stirling Engine as energy
independent solution in a key note speech titled “The Promising Future of Stirling
Engines in China”. The occasion was the Second Stirling Engine International
Conference held at Shanghai, China. I was then visiting consultant from the US to the
Chinese Academy of Science representing Stirling Engine R and D Limited Partnership
(see attached Conference speech article cover page and key pages of MTI Stirling
Engine technology transfer agreement with China). A recomendation letter from
Chairman Beno Sternlicht is also attached.

Two decades and more have passed; the engineering community of the world has made
great strides in Stirling engine developments, including China. Yet the world energy crisis
is more critical than ever, triggered by the recent surge in oil price. The irony is that by
all calculations, solar energy reaching us in one hour, if captured and converted to
electricity, is enough to serve all of us for one year! Can Solar Stirling be important in
helping to bring energy independence? The answer is a resounding yes.

As illustrated, in Southern California Deserts, tens of thousands of Solar Stirling Systems
are being erected to become the two largest Solar utility plants in the world. By 2009 the
total electricity generated will be 500 MW, enough to serve 300,000 homes. Each Solar
Stirling Engine System is designed to provide 25 KW electricity individually. When the
two plants are complete, the total electric capacity will however, reach 1750 MW,
equivalent to two large size nuclear power plants.

Solar Stirling Engine Systems for converting solar power are the most highly
concentrated, state of the art renewable energy technologies, leading all current
renewable energy technology, including photo voltaic panels, hot water panels and wind
power generators in the use of space. The technology that is chosen by the California
utilities has efficiency exceeding 30 % of total solar energy utilization. It is expected that
the total system efficiency will reach 50% with further development. Stirling Engine
Systems can also readily compete with nuclear power plant in capacity, cost and safety.
That is why it is the preferred technology for California utility owners to build large solar
electricity utility plants. I know, because during 1980’S, I was the country representative
for Combustion Engineering to promote the Tennessee Valley nuclear power plant sales
to China (see attached representation agreement).

For your consideration, we have attached an overview position paper titled “Solar Stirling
Engine Solution” in both English and Chinese, detailing the importance and urgency of
deploying Solar Stirling Engines Systems nationwide for both large and small scale solar
electricity generation. I am sure you will agree that there is no time to loose. That is why
we are calling for your support for our Solar Stirling Engine Partnership to solve China
and the world’s energy independence. As a world leader of vision and mission, your
endorsement and support of this worthwhile undertaking will be most appreciated by the
Chinese nation and all people of the world.

In conclusion, as a national and local policy to become more energy independent, to
reduce environmental pollution, to practice conservation and to reduce cost of operation
all points to the choice of using Solar Stirling Engine Systems as the most viable solution.
This recommendation is based on my over five decades of experience as a practitioner of
energy conservation engineer in government as well as private industries. China is at a
very critical stage of modernization. The important policy of scientific development calls
for harmony with nature, within the society and world harmony.

To play a responsible role as a rising and renaissance major nation we must set an
example in our renewable energy policy. With the ample evident merits as discussed
here, not to include the Solar Engine Systems for consideration as a major part of China’s
energy independent policy is unconscionable. Your humbly is available for discussion by
invitation from relevant energy implementation department and provincial heads. An
Executive Summary of Stirling Engine Concept Proposal is available by request.
In Service of Energy Independence

Francis C W Fung , PH.D.

General Partner
Solar Stirling Engine Partnership (SSEP)
A Commission of World Harmony Organization

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Harmony universal world common heritage
http://www.chinaview.cn/ 2007-05-09 10:57:18

By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Since ancient times Religion, Democracy and Harmony were passed down to us by our forefathers as the three main cultural pillars. I have shared this fundamental observation with you often in previous essays. In today's conflicted world full of extremism and unilateralism, the call for harmony renaissance is a unifying global movement. It is essential to sustain this spirit of harmony as our common heritage. Harmony belongs to the world. In human development of civilization, only truth can stand the test of history. Truth and common values belong to the world regardless of their source and origin.

For many, we can practice democracy and religions as belonging to the world, yet we are unaware of harmony as our common human heritage. Lasting cultures do not develop by accident. Through long patient development they were born of necessity, observation of nature, collective wisdom, and worldwide propagation by resonance. The philosophy of Harmony is all embracing, enduring and endearing. It advocates non-violence and problem-solving by means of consensus. Its premises include equity, tolerance, patience, acceptance, humility and respect for other cultures.

Equity and humility are the cornerstones of harmony practice. In the eyes of harmony there is no nobility without humility. Individuals practicing harmony require discipline, humility and the strongest conviction in gentleness, especially when challenged by force and unilateralism. Every major civilization practices harmony in one form or the other.

The roots of democracy can be seen in all cultures to some degree or other. The rediscovery of the Greek and Roman Democratic tradition during the age of European Enlightenment and Renaissance propelled democracy to its world importance today. The movement also released our collective energy that brought us modern science for the betterment of mankind. The world is mature enough now to know that democracy is an important element in modern governance. This is evidenced in the fact that almost all new nations of today regard themselves democracies.
Today's challenges to world development are sustainability in a worsening ecology, limitation of resources, and the extreme disparity between rich and poor. In a world of cultural and historical diversity one must allow different forms of democracy. The timely harmony renaissance will create the spirit of unity in diversity and the collective consensus to solve the urgent problems that face the world today. This will release a new wave of creative energy for higher human accomplishments beyond what the European renaissance brought.

With communication wonders today, harmony propagates by resonance with Internet speed as stated in my essays "Harmony Propagates by Resonance" and "Universal Wave Theory and Harmony Consensus". In today's globalization, no nation can afford to insist on the self limiting "not invented here" notion. Universally proven wisdom will outlast shortsightedness. What is proven to be good is to be adopted and improved by each nation as their own regardless of whether its source is east west or north south.. Simply put, harmony is our common value and common human heritage. It will prevail.

It is clear that throughout human history even before there were defined national boundaries; harmony was practiced as the oldest form of collective philosophy. It is the inspiration for major belief systems. Religion was practiced to keep harmony with the all mighty unknown, regardless of the form in which we glorify the unknown. Democracy was instituted to keep harmony between the government and its citizens. Moral values and legal systems were elaborately developed in different countries to promote harmony in human interactions. Family and social orders are also forms of harmony. The noticeable lack of an emphasis on religion and legal systems in the ancient Far East was undoubtedly due to the dominance of moral teachings by Laotze and Confucius. Both relied on popularization of moral education to bring harmony to human existence.

With the onslaught of globalization created by the wonders of communication, there is veritably no excuse not to understand the diversity of cultures left by 5000 years of major regional cultural developments. Now that we are facing the challenges of diversity in religious beliefs and development of democratic governance systems, it is time for us to return to harmony philosophy in order to create balance. There is every logical reason to examine harmony practices in major cultures to bring some consensus to our troubled world.

From an analytical viewpoint, there appears to be definite differences in regional emphasis and trends in harmony practice just as there will always be differences in the inevitable adoption of democracy by all nations. Because harmony is even more embracing than democracy as a human management system we must accept diversity. Fortunately, different harmony cultural practices are complementary in the sense of a total engineering system that will enable prioritized world consensus to be reached. In the process we will intuitively accept the simple truth that the best governance system for any nation is its own harmony system. Harmony also embraces democracy.

In broad strokes subject to further in depth global studies, I venture to offer for discussion the following major emphasis or trends in worldwide harmony practices. For harmony practices to stand the test of time it must be a universally acceptable common value and include nobility and humility as a basic prerequisite.
(1) Major religions of today all include belief in harmony, otherwise they would not have survived the test of history. It is taught by scriptures and reinforced by preachers in houses of worship with few exceptions. The practice of harmony is based, in part, on a fear of punishment by the almighty unknown and the reward of going to heaven, rather than for the goodness of harmony itself.

The further spread of religion is limited by two major factors. The first is the fixation of modern religion to exclusively accept its own institutionalized conception of the almighty unknown. The second is the waning authority of the clergy within the community. Faith in the almighty as the savior of mankind and submission to his will continue as the modus operandi of nobility and humility to drive religion.

(II) Since the age of the European Enlightenment the concept of democracy has spread far and wide. It is universally accepted as the foundation of good governance. Nations in the midst of inevitable transformation all agree. True democracy must blend in with each individual nation's cultural heritage and its various stages of development. It takes evolution to truly bring harmony to a society. Democracy must adapt to the harmony of dynamic balance in changing times. The western democratic tradition, with America as the driving force, relies heavily on complex legal practice and penal punishment. Law and order has worked to bring harmony in that particular society.

No democratic system prescribed by one nation for another can be perfect for our diverse world with systems developed regionally over 5000 years. Unfortunately the noble goal of spreading democracy by any means necessary, including overt political action and occupation, has greatly tarnished the image of Western democracy. As Pan Ke-Moon, the current U.N. Secretary General, stated in front of the recent Asian Development Forum "Democracy is not an import export item". Still, empty marketing slogans bereft of consideration for cultural diversity and history is drumming to the call of war cries.

The noticeable lack of humility of past proselytizing processes of Euro-centric democracy and colonialism left an irreparable chasm dividing developed and developing countries. This suggests alternate approaches for the developed world to help the needy. An approach of harmony, with its gentleness and respect for all cultures, appears more palatable to the needy world for mutual development. It is time for America, the young dynamic democracy with abundant resources, to rise to the occasion.

(III) In the Far East harmony was practiced with heavy doses of moral education. The system promulgated comprehensive moral teachings reinforced by family unity and civil service examinations. This examination system reached its extreme during the 19th century. A harmonious society is supported more by family order and unity, than by law and order. Nobility and humility are reinforced by education and morality and sacrifices are extolled by all. Law was the bottom line with moral values taking precedence. A focus on harmony creates a society where materialism and commercialism can acceptably be placed in low priority positions.
With the onslaught of Western individualism and commercialism, the flood gates of self indulgence and corruption were forced wide open. The venerable ancient system of relying on education of nobility and humility was shaken to the core. Today Far East nations including Japan and Korea have adopted law and order to complement their moral value system, followed closely by China in its reform and opening up. The successful transformation of Japan and Korea from systems based on moral values and family unity to their own individualistic modern democratic societies is worthy of attention. Despite the fact that both societies were heavily influenced by foreign cultures East and West, these modern societies have combined the best of both worlds and their choices have flourished. Until very recent times, both nations' histories were recorded in Chinese characters. Today both Japan and Korea are proud of their own innovations culturally and scientifically.

This lends to the optimism that diverse culture, despite opposite ideals, can be blended together resulting in modern, competitive and harmonious societies. China today is determined and motivated to combine the best of East and West to forge a harmonious society with its own characteristics, sans outside occupation. The result is very encouraging and to be commended by the outside world.

When the economic and scientific conditions are mature enough, and the historical moment comes, politics will change. Nations will become harmonious societies by their own resonance with external influence. Outside force and constant chastisement can be counter-productive given the probable impact on national dignity. Today, many parts of the world have suffered the collective mental anguish of a loss of dignity under Western dominance for far too long.

The truth can be seen that in this rapidly changing materialistic world, no ready-made system is perfect in bringing harmony to the world. For unity in diversity we need to call for world harmony renaissance and advocate consensus through dynamic balance. Many of my previous essays have expounded on this. Please visit our website www.worldharmonyorg.net and blog site www.worldharmonyforum.blogspot.com By adhering to the true spirit of equity and humility, perhaps the world can work together through individual harmony practices to bring about a better and more understanding world. By doing so, a new wave of innovation will release our creative energy to bring human beings to the next level of accomplishment. Failing to do so will cast the sustainability of expanding world development very much into doubt.
May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Editor: Xia Xiaopeng


Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Development

By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
"Freedom, Democracy and Harmony are three ancient universal human ideals that belong to the world and not to any one single nation. They are not entirely independent but intimately related. As a matter of fact, there exist fascinating relations among them that warrant immediate global study. Some may wonder why freedom and democracy have been so widely promoted during the last 400 years of human history, while harmony was barely noted on the world stage."
"In fact, Freedom and Democracy have been the most successfully used tools to promote international diplomacy in the 20th Century. Harmony, as a great unifying force in the on rush of globalization, has now come of age. Harmony is mankind's greatest common value. The conflicted world of today urgently calls for international democracy through the practice of harmony diplomacy."

"Nature imbues us with the instinctive knowledge that we are born free. The mountains, the wind and the lions are born free, not to mention any other of the myriad animals that remain free until captured. Despite being born free, powerful groups desperately yearn to enslave us. More than 2500 years ago the most ancient cultures scattered about different continents prohibited slavery seeing it as hideous. The institutionalized slave trade was most egregiously practiced in the new world until the American civil war put an end to it."

"Immediately following 9/11, George W. Bush conveniently thrust freedom centre stage to rally Americans with the resounding cry. The logic was that the terrorists hate our freedom and they are intent on taking it away. To be fair, American democracy as put forth by our forefathers, guarantees each citizen freedom from undue infringement through law and order. Freedom as an ideal is politically neutral, neither good nor bad.However, modern democracy is designed to prevent minority individuals from exceeding their rights granted by freedom."

"Bush's call for freedom diplomacy after 9/11 is neither necessary nor appropriate. Terrorists have not been empowered to take away our freedom, but the resulting regulation to counter-terrorism has. As warned by President Eisenhower, the military complex created by war may seriously threaten our democracy and hence our individual freedom. The greatest threat to our freedom today is our enslavement to the military and the industrial complex through their hijacking of democracy."

"Since time immemorial, the protection of human rights has occupied our consciousness. The fear of the all mighty unknown that sparked religious teaching was likely the catalyst for this type of thought. Teaching morals and common values developed along with harmony while democracy followed behind. Democratic systems as a means to guarantee individual rights and freedoms reached new heights when the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were signed, giving way to the system of laws being enacted. Western diplomacy spread far and wide and profoundly changed the world during the 20th century."

"Democracy, in different forms, has now become a generally accepted governance system. Democracy grows best in the fertile soil of each individual nation without outside interference or occupation. American chastisement of other nations only offends their dignity. Many developing nations, after years of domination by imperialism, have nothing to cling to other than the very dignity being spoken of."

"Democracy is also no longer an import export item, as pointed out by Ban Ke-moon, the current Secretary General of the U.N. Due to the debacle of the US occupation of Iraq, democracy as an instrument of foreign policy has lost its luster and appeal. Diplomacy works best in these conflicted times when harmony principles are employed. Harmony diplomacy is a win-win, no-fault conflict resolution approach. It is time to minimize confrontations in today's conflicted world by using harmony diplomacy. It certainly is worth a try. Mutual win-win development can be more economically viable than war. We have spent close to 400 billion dollars on the Iraq war, fast approaching our expenditure on the Vietnam War, with no end in sight."

"When unity is needed human beings have proven quite capable. International unity can be reached only through international democracy, not unilateralism. International democracy will be the end result of major nations practicing harmony diplomacy. In her recent book "The Mighty and the Almighty" Madeleine Albright suggested that world harmony is the end goal of a more peaceful world."

"As noble as any religion may be, faith diplomacy has fallen short of uniting the world in harmony evidenced by the countless tragic faith-based wars of the past as well as the current conflict between the West and the Muslim world. Religions as we know them today all expect blind faith and acceptance of ethnocentric almighty images, quite often unique to a specific culture."

"Harmony's premise is tolerance, acceptance and respect for other cultures. It is all embracing, endearing and enduring. It neither dictates blind faith nor does it force acceptance of an institutionalized and ethnocentric image of the almighty. No particular personal attachment to the almighty is prescribed either. Personal attachment to the almighty is a double-edged sword. It draws those with faith closer, while alienating those without."

"Harmony is discovered through observation of nature as discussed in my other papers. It is nature's preferred way of propagation. Nature is all embracing and human beings are very much part of nature. It is possible to believe in as wide a universe as one chooses without adhering to blind faith. Our very survival and sustainable development is now urgently dependent on our harmonious relationship with nature. We deny our very existence by not working to improve our threatened ecology. Most of us agree about the vision of world harmony and international democracy. We can all participate in the harmony movement by speaking and practicing harmony diplomacy in all facets of our daily lives. We can practice goodness for goodness sake without preaching religion. Why use faith diplomacy, an indirect approach, when the direct approach, harmony diplomacy, is readily available? Harmony's resonance is growing and propagating. The Harmony Renaissance is the unavoidable tide. It is time to reawaken our innate human desire for harmony and to begin urging others to recognize the value of this noble ideal."

"The basic idea of world harmony is in common with all popular theories of world governance. It hopes to build a more understanding world through tolerance, respect, equity and acceptance of diverse cultures and governance systems as destiny for all mankind."

"Through harmony diplomacy major nations will support a stronger UN. A more democratic world will advocate the solution of world conflicts through consultation and harmony consensus. Unilateralism is to be rejected and peaceful resolution will replace war and violence. Harmony diplomacy will be the foundation of lasting peace. Without harmony peace will not last."
"In the pursuit of world harmony it is important to narrow the gap of the North-South/rich-poor disparity through win-win mutual development. This will create a world with a level playing field, which will enable the citizens of the world to enjoy all of the achievements of our great societies."

"In the democratization of international relations, just and equitable international political and economic orders can be established through dialogue, negotiation and reaching consensus. The end result of international democracy will release a new wave of world creative energy. Human accomplishments can thus reach a new height of development beyond European Renaissance."

"The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature. A harmony world is essential to save our ecology. To rally major nations to commit to a cleaner and better environment, harmony diplomacy must advocate a common ecology consensus. Central to harmony diplomacy consensus is built in awareness to curb global insatiable appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without harmony consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change. It is time for all to advocate less confrontational harmony diplomacy."
(Xinhua News Agency May 23, 2007)


By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhuanet) -- America as a young, dynamic, and endowed nation earned its place as the leader of world democracy during and immediately after the Cold War. The after effects of America winning the Cold War remained today, good or bad. The good is that the world has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity due to relative peace and stability. On the other hand the American public is constantly being reminded by their media and government that we are destined to be the leader of the world because God is on our side. What we should do as world’s major power is to advocate Harmony Diplomacy.

Our self defeating arrogance is in contrast to the universal harmony principle that the more powerful we are, the more we need humility. The damaging consequence of deviating from this all encompassing truism is evident by the dilemma of our embroiled involvement in unilateral Iraqi war. As a result of continuing our Cold War Power Diplomacy we have too often infringed on the dignity of many disadvantaged nations in the world. After 9/11 we declared war against terrorism and were eager to launch the unilateral war on Iraq without giving diplomacy a chance.

Our pride blinded us from seeing the need of dignity by the poor and disadvantaged. We have become immune to other nation's needs for development. Instead from our ethnocentric perspective, we continue to be critical of other striving nation's efforts to modernize. This lack of understanding of other nation's loss of dignity and desperate need of modernization did not go without notice by America's elite, experienced in foreign policy. In fact the extensive survey conducted by Pew Research Center involving 45,239 people and 46 nations from April 6 to May 29, 2007 found majorities in many countries reject the main planks of current U.S. foreign policy and express concern for forcing American style democracy.

According to the polled results, there is a wide spread perception that the U.S. acts unilaterally in making international policy decisions. And majorities in most every country polled, including 97 percent in France, 80 percent in Argentina, and 75 percent in Lebanon, said the United States promoted democracy mostly where it served U.S. interests. This, according to Pew, helps explain why U.S. ideas about democracy are viewed as unilateral by vast numbers around the globe.

Caution for change to a softer and more understanding American world diplomacy is being sounded in unison by many notable and seasoned formal high ranking diplomats such as Kissinger, Brezezinski, Albright and Slaughter. New theories such as Faith Diplomacy, Value Diplomacy and Diplomacy by Deeds are being advanced.

In today's multilateral world, Power Diplomacy as preached by the bygone wisdom of "speak softly and carry a big stick" has lost most of its relevance. The unpopular unilateral Iraq War makes it clear that "speak loudly and carry a big stick" as practiced by the present administration has not worked so far either. In fact there are signs that Harmony Diplomacy is on the rise, witnessed by the softening of U.S. position in the Sixth Party denuclearization talk. North Korea has just declared its willingness to dismantle their nuclear facilities. US also removed North Korea from the list of evil countries. Is this sign of Harmony Diplomacy is working?

On the other hand, in catering to the interest of the uninformed and proud American public, the theme of Power Diplomacy is still echoed among U.S. 2008 presidential candidates. In a July/August 2007 Foreign Affairs Journal article titled "Renewing American Leadership," fore running U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate, Barack Obama expounded Power Diplomacy as key U.S. foreign policy to revive American leadership.

According to Obama "we must harness American power to reinvigorate American diplomacy. Tough minded diplomacy backed by the whole range of instruments of American power-political, economic, and military-could bring success even when dealing with long standing adversaries such as Iran and Syria."

Through out Obama's foreign policy exposition, words such as "power, pushing, pressure, aggressive, tough, tough minded, American leadership and instrument of power" are used freely. Words such as dialogue, mutual understanding, trust, tolerance are noticeably absent. Instead, proud of our past Cold War confrontational expertise, the intensity of cold war diplomacy is called on to deal with a small band of extreme radicals. The war on terror advocated by Bush will certainly become an over kill that will unsettle world diplomacy for years to come. The world certainly can not afford to have another debilitating cold war. The over enthusiastic inclination to use confrontation and ever increasing force without consideration of neutralizing force with dynamic balance, totally neglects the first principle strategy in counter terrorism or any warfare for that matter. In Art of War, by Suntze, the most desirable way to win to win is not to wage a war. Dynamic balance of harmony is more fluid like in nature. Soft power can conquer hard power.

A harmonious future for Asia and Europe hinges on wisdom that can steer the course of their interactions. So said delegates at the third annual Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Interfaith Dialogue, which wrapped up June 23, 2007 in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province. In the Nanjing Statement, issued at the conclusion of the event, participants from the two continents vowed to deepen and broaden the dialogue process to foster a peaceful and harmonious partnership. Building on the achievements of the first two meetings, in Bali in 2005 and Cyprus in 2006, the two-day dialogue co-hosted by China and Italy served as a platform for religious and political leaders and academics to address their diversity and commonality in faiths and deliberate on further tapping the potential of interfaith talks in enhancing mutual understanding in an era of globalization, a senior Chinese diplomats said. "In Chinese culture, harmony is underpinned by diversity. Seeking harmony while acknowledging differences means that a country or an ethnic group, while preserving its own cultural heritage, should be open and tolerant to other civilizations," he added. In a world wrought with uncertainties, it is vital to pursue mutual understanding through dialogue, and achieve harmony through tolerance, he said. If nations collide because of different values, globalization may be giving a new spin to the multiple values involved in international relations.

A way to avoid conflict has long been sought. A seemingly uncomplicated approach is for nations to share peace and prosperity through dialogue and tolerance. The recipe of dialogue entails not imposing one's values or faith on others. It involves respecting different peoples' treasured values and beliefs. It is necessary to understand and appreciate, or at least tolerate, different cultures and religions. The ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Interfaith Dialogue, under the framework of the Asia-Europe Summit, is just such a platform. It brings nations together from two continents to address their diversity and commonality in faith and culture, with the hope of convergence for the sake of humanity.

Attached is an excerpt of a recent article by WHO World Harmony Diplomacy Watch quoting People's Daily. President Hu Jintao made the speech on China's new foreign policy of building a harmonious world at the United Nations Summit marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the world body. The merits of his speech are self evident.

His words received wide approval and the policy is thought fruitful in 2005. The policy helped to lift China's international status, fundamentally because of its pursuit of balance. That is, to balance national development against international responsibilities, economic benefits against political and security interests, relations with world powers against those with various countries, and reform against the maintenance of world order.

In the spirit of "performing great deeds" China has decided to take responsibilities of a big nation. During his meeting with President Bush, President Hu said explicitly that the China-U.S. cooperation will be on global scale. For world harmony US and China must work together to reach harmony consensus. This means cooperation on many fronts, including environmental collaboration and energy common strategy. I hope our next president will take the hint and play the lead role. That is how best America can preserve our leadership.

Editor: Pan Letian


514 ARBALLO DRIVE, S.F.,CA 94132 USA TEL: 415-2466886 FAX: 415-5842323

Dear Honorable Nobel Laureate,

The conflicting world of today calls for the world to advocate Harmony Renaissance. Harmony precedes peace in the world. Without harmony peace cannot last. World harmony predicates on the world reaching harmony consensus. Harmony is the highest common value. All major religions of the world teach harmony and brotherhood. Harmony belongs to the world. Harmony belongs to the universe.

Harmony is an ancient philosophy that has been neglected. It is time to revive and rediscover harmony for global win-win mutual development. The only way to resolve conflicts, improve our ecology and reduce rich and poor disparity is for all citizens of the world to practice harmony from within and reaching out beyond the family, society, nation and to the world.
World Harmony Organization (WHO) is calling for Harmony Renaissance to unite the world. Unity in diversity can only happen when we really believe in tolerance, respect, equity, acceptance, humility, patience, forgiveness and renounce violence. Harmony among nations is achievable through Harmony Diplomacy and Harmony Faith.

To begin with, we are calling for a planning meeting of Nobel Laureates to initiate Harmony Renaissance. For discussion purpose we have drafted the following Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Harmony Renaissance Declaration. This draft has been scheduled for announcement at the Spring of United Nations function on April 25, 2008 in U. N., New York Headquarter.

Together with Sungroup USA, World Harmony Organization also drafted a proposal for the First World Harmony City to be launched as part of our effort to initiate Harmony Renaissance. In the following we have also enclosed the First World Harmony City Objectives for your review. In the proposal we have included a plan for establishing a United Nations Harmony University for the Honorable Ban Ki-Moon’s and U.N.’s review, consideration and support. The prime purpose of the University will be training the highest caliber of selected students from all over the world. They will become dedicated Harmony volunteers and ambassadors to pursuit and work for Harmony Renaissance worldwide.

You are invited to come to the United Nations meeting on April 25, 2008 to put together a plan for world harmony renaissance. Your response to this invitation is earnestly expected and will be greatly appreciated. The U.N. invitation is also enclosed. Kindly email your early response to contact@worldharmoinyorg.net
May Harmony Renaissance Prevail in the World!

Dr.Francis C.W.Fung World Harmony Organization
Dr.Marc Fairman Sungroup USA
Dr.Jay Rothstein World Harmony City

“HARMONY RENAISSANCE PREAMBLE”In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural scienceobservation by Lao Zi. Human in harmony with the universe is called Tian Ren He Yi.Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is theorder of nature. Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.

"HARMONY RENAISSANCE DECLARATION"Harmony is the highest common value. Renaissance is action. Together they have life.Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of the universe.Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation.From the very beginning, the Universe is created by the infinite invisible energy in thefirmament.The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO.Lao Zi said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things.All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony."
Lao Zi's harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern quantum physics.Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural and social sciences.It is the break through that will take us to the next level of human creativity andaccomplishment beyond European Renaissance.


SOFT HARMONY ENERGY PLATFORM: Herald world harmony renaissance. Harmony is universal common value. Harmony is nature’s order and the operating principle of the universe. Without harmony the universe cannot be eternal. Establish World Harmony Institute (WHI) for harmony theory research. Additionally WHI will set up World Harmony University to appoint distinguished individuals as harmony ambassadors and to educate qualified harmony volunteers to spread harmony renaissance worldwide. Thus harmony will truly belong to the world. Man and nature harmony will be a universally accepted consensus. Harmony renaissance is the next wave of creative energy that human is waiting for. This inevitable Harmony Renaissance tide will carry forward our collective innovative accomplishments for the next millenium to the next level of human civilization, surpassing European Renaissance. History will bear the mark of your brilliance and judgment. World Harmony Renaissance in 21st Century!

HARD HARMONY ENERGY PLATFORM: Innovate and develop new renewable green and cold energy for enhanced ecology, green transformation and sustainable development. Call for energy conservation through new life style and innovative holistic building material and technology. Recover waste heat and replace the use of fossil fuel to limit pollution. Establish new appropriate green and cold energy inventions depository under World Harmony Renaissance Center (WHRC) to conduct research in solar, wind, tide, wave, hydrogen,, fuel cell energy, super conducting, helium 3 fusion and other yet to be invented scientific break through. The collective inventions will be shared by all 193 nations in the world thus leveling the playing field.

“If human beings want to live in peace and prosperity, in the 21st Century, they mustlook back 2500 years and seek the wisdom of Confucius.” 75 Nobel Price Laureatesasserted in the Proclamation of the January 1988 Paris Meeting. The objective is toaccomplish man and man, man and nature, man and society and man and the universe harmony and coexistence. Today there are more nobel prize winners to support the world harmony renaissance movement whose only purpose is human and human—human and nature, realize the big wisdom of coexistence of human society peace and universal harmony.

The UN’s attitude: the UN warns in “2007/2008 Human Development Report”
that the climate change has caused the human’s development to appear
unprecedented backslide. The current environmental problems such as global
warming are mainly accumulated consequence that developed countries recklessly
used the environment and resource since Industrial Revolution. The vast developing
countries are the victims in a large extent. Therefore, the international
environmental protection cooperation must adhere to the principle of “common but
differentiated responsibilities”. While taking the lead to adopt the relevant
environmental protection measures, the developed countries have the duties to make
more substantial contribution on the international cooperation, which mainly
embodies the following two aspects:

(1) provide the developing countries with additional fund, help the developing
countries better take part in the international environmental protection cooperation
or reimburse the corresponding economic loss;
(2) provide the advanced technologies that the pollution treatment needs for the
developing countries with preferential non-commercial conditions.

Dr.Francis C.W. Fung Dr.Marc Fairman Dr.Jay Rothstein
World Harmony Organization Sungroup USA World Harmony City




The major religions of the world as we know today all
originated in Greater Asia which includes the Middle East and
South Asia. This is no coincidence, as all monotheistic religions
believe in the same God, Allah, Creator, Heaven or what other
names we use. What makes religions different is cultural
heritage. Each major religion’s man made image of God is thus
inherently different. This fixation on the difference of each
culture’s institutionalized and man made image of God is
unnecessary and divisive. There can only be one creator for all
mankind regardless of what name is used or what religion one
believes in. Thus in time, all religions must converge into one
faith by transcending each religion’s cultural fixations and
universally accepting one creator without a man made image.
This is the evitable progressive development.

The eminent contemporary Ying Yang master Ma Shuhai, in his
book “Tong Dao”, classified the continuous development of
human religions into four progressive stages. The following
description bears significant additional explanation by the
present author.

The stage of primitive idols worship: This was the pure
irrational superstition stage. When man was very much in awe
of subject to nature’s destructive powers such as fire water and

The stage of trust in one communicative God: Monotheistic
faiths that evolve around one all mighty and powerful creators
that man could develop a relation with and turn to for help.
These types of institutionalized faiths with a specific creator
with man- made image include most of the major religion s of
today. Today mankind as a whole is suffering from the divisive
forces of this culturally specific monotheism. The exception
being Buddhism, which teaches believers to find inner peace
and Buddha within oneself without the monotheistic creator.
Chinese accept Dao as the force of universe creation which is
distinct from the Judah-Christian tradition.
The rational stage of scientific religion: When man believes in
his rational power. In this stage man can turn to science to
explain all aspects of life except the meaning of life. This
ushered in the modern Bahai Faith, which upholds progressive
revelation from God. Bahai faith as a modern religion also
emphasizes unity of religion and science. These two important
concepts possibly herald in the era of less dependency on one
Monotheistic creator in a man- made image.

The final stage is Harmony Faith, the Order of the Universe :
This is the life study of a final and decisive faith that has
confidence in the modern discovery of the all prevalent and
infinite invisible dark energy of the universe. We are currently
at the very beginning of this life study. To become a universal
faith it must do without a man-made creator image. We can
also call this the relative rational inductive stage.


In the following concise dissertation we will explain how this
natural faith can reconcile science and religion once and for all.
On top of that we will give the meaning of life a very achievable
goal. In this stage the door is also open for continuing human
progressive inspiration from the omnipresent and all prevalent
Dao, the invisible dark energy that created the universe.
Together with modern science this concept makes a creator
with man made image unnecessary.

Harmony is a universal common value; it is also a vision
statement for all. It is the order of nature and the universe for
all to emulate. Harmony is the dynamic balance that returns
nature’s calamities to tranquility. Without harmony the
universe cannot be eternal. In harmony we can find true belief
that transcends all cultures and religions.

The meaning of life is to seek harmony within our inner self.
Humans are born with a spiritual soul that develops to seek self
fulfillment and self salvation. Our soul has a conscience that
elevates us from total animal selfishness. As our soul grows to
its maturity we must achieve our own harmony. A person at the
end of his journey reconciles with his own soul to achieve
harmony and peace of mind. The difference between a
tormented soul and a soul in harmony at our death is the
difference between hell and heaven.

The invisible energy in the firmament created the universe and
all creatures. This is our creator regardless of our religion and
belief. Our soul is an energy field that grows with our
accomplishments on earth. With differing strengths embedded
in our DNA Humans are not created equal just as sure our souls
will not develop equally. Static equality is not what life is all
about. Each soul attaining its own harmony with itself is the
meaning of life. The achievement of harmony by nature and us
is a dynamic process. The evolution of nature and life are
dynamic processes and must not be considered as static
phenomena. Harmony renaissance is a dynamic process and
calls for proactive action.

There is a fine line between a believer and non believer of any
religion. A true creator will accept all because all humans attest
to harmony. Cultural differences are only in form and not in
essence. Harmony is the salvation of mankind and the king of
unity in diversity. The universe and all living creations through
evolution are created by the invisible energy and are sustained
by energy. This theory without man made heavenly images
does not contradict conventional religious beliefs. Furthermore
it is a rational way of agreeing with modern sciences. Our soul
is merely an energy field that contains our spirit, life time
beliefs and experiences. It exists eternally and has a beginning
and no end after our death. Each soul can accomplish harmony
with itself but souls are not necessarily equal. We are here on
earth to develop our own soul from its early immature

Religions begin with search of truth, goodness and beauty. This
search will ultimately help us to reach harmony at death. All
religions preach harmony because harmony is the most
common value and the greatest common denominator of
mankind. Conflicts in religion are caused by human corruption.
Belief in harmony, the universal truth, does not need a man
made image of creator. The invisible energy as the creator of
the universe does not contradict with modern science. This
imaging of the creator does not contradict any religious beliefs
and is not divisive.

In time this imaging of the creator without
man made figure will reconcile all religions as the true
scientific belief. According to modern science the invisible
energy of the universe is all powerful and omnipresent. It is
part of the paradigm of Faith in Harmony. Many religions
believe in brotherhood of mankind. What has kept us from
achieving unity in diversity are the differences in religious
culture and the cultural centric creator figures conjured by
different religions.

The ancient harmony cultural philosophy promulgated by Laotzu
and Confucius did not rely on man made images of creators.
As an ancient culture China did not create a religion of its own.
Modern Chinese are more accepting of outside religions. This is
witnessed by the lack of major religious wars in China despite
the importation of many outside religions. Over two thousand
years harmony philosophy modified Chinese major beliefs and
outside religions to suit China’s cultural heritage. China’s
ancient harmony philosophy fulfills her people’s need for self
fulfillment and spiritual tranquility. This harmonizing process of
various belief systems can be a model for the future world

A person who does not practice institutionalized religion can
achieve inner peace through harmony practices. The universal
belief in the invisible energy as the creator in the firmament
reconciles all religions and faiths. Faith in Harmony is thus the
most acceptable Faith that transcends mankind’s conflicts of
fear and greed. Harmony on earth that promises unity in
diversity is the promise of Kingdom on Earth and the Most
Great Peace on earth by all sages and prophets. A person
achieves self fulfillment has reached harmony in his own soul
and his life is complete and his soul is eternal and everlasting
without torment.

We believe in harmony renaissance which is the pursuit of
harmony as a way of life and a living faith. Harmony is a
universal common value and renaissance is action. Harmony
propagates by resonance, nature's preferred way of
propagation. Faith in harmony gives hope of heaven on earth
for all, regardless of any religion or creed. Faith in harmony as
order of nature does not worship man made image of creators.
For all mankind whether belonging to organized religion or not
we can seek hope and brotherhood through soul searching

Our search for harmony renaissance is multifaceted and all
inclusive. Our perspectives include East and West culture,
world civilization and history, harmony diplomacy, world
religions, ancient philosophy and modern science. For harmony
to be a true universal faith it must reconcile with scientific

We believe in self salvation through Faith in Harmony
practices. Our actions shall encompass all human activities
such as world affairs, commerce, education, cultural activities
and religious or non religious functions. Specifically at this
moment in history our action should enhance peace, reduce
conflict, harmonize world religions, and activate harmony
culture, pursuit harmony education. United Nation is at a cross
road. It is time to advocate U. N. harmony civilization so all 193
nations can converse and consult with universal Harmony
common value. 21st century is the beginning of Harmony

The world mission is to be ready for human's
second creative wave to lead us to the next higher level of
common accomplishment. World Harmony will bring the whole
world into action for a new millennium of peace and prosperity
with unfettered collective energy surpassing European

Francis C W Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization