Saturday, April 28, 2007


By Julia Ann Devendorf
BEIJING, April 28 (Xinhuanet) -- I respectfully submit this reader's letter in response to "Universal Wave Theory and Harmony Consensus" to distinguished Xinhua editor as added support for the tide of harmony consensus. In the pursuit of harmony renaissance diversed resonance by world leaders and statesmen are important for propagation.
Globalization together with Harmony Consensus will inevitably lead to World Harmony. The creative wave of harmony has already affected many prominent contemporary leaders of the world today. The following are excerpts of some of their pronouncement:
Today we have entered an era when progress will be based on the interests of all mankind. And awareness of this requires that world policy, too, should be determined by placing the values of all mankind first…Further world progress is possible now only through the search for a Consensus of all mankind, in movement towards a New World Order.MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, speech before the U.N. General Assembly, December7, 1988
A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment….Out of these troubled times…..a New World Order can emerge….in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in Harmony.GEORGE H. W. BUSH, speech before a joint session of Congress, September 11, 1990
Globalization is not something we can hold off or turn off. It is the economic equivalent of a force of nature…like wind and water,BILL CLINTON, Nov 17, 2000
Adherence to multilateralism, realization of mutual security, adherence to mutually beneficial cooperation, realization of mutual prosperity, raise the spirit of tolerance and building a Harmony World together.Hu Jintao, speech before Asian African Meeting, April 22, 2005
There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.Hon John Prescott, U.K. Deputy Prime Minister speech before Sheffield University, Jan 18, 2007
It is important to repeat that new world order is world with the creative energy of harmony consensus carried by the wave of today. Thus the world with harmony consensus is our future harmony world. The order of nature is harmony and harmony is the order of nature. Central to harmony consensus will be built in awareness to curb global insatiable and selfish appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without harmony consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change.

Editor: Xia Xiaopeng

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dear Dabo,

How are you? Since my paper "Harmony Propagates by Resonance" I have expanded my thinking to Harmony Consensus will be the next global cultural wave. Central to Harmony Consensus will be built in awareness to curb global insatiable and wonton appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without Harmony Consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change.

I also quoted a number of pronouncement by world leaders including Gorbachev, Bush Senior, Clinton, U.K. Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and President Hu Jintao as strong support of the current inevitable wave of harmony propagation. The essay is included as follows. I hope you like it and forward to Xinhua for timely publication. I believe what I said needs to be said. Kindly revert by email after you forwarded my essay.

All the Best



In an article published by Xinhua Net, titled “Harmony Propagates by Resonance” on April 10, 2007, I ventured that resonance is nature’s preferred way of propagation. The truth is that through billions years of evolution, human the most intelligent beings on earth, have so fine tuned our senses that our whole body is an elaborate interlocking system of sensors. Our obvious sensors such as eyes, ears, nose and exterior skins, finger tips to the inner sanctum of brain and heart together make us the miracles that we are. All these sensors are receptive to multitude of energy waves and function by resonance. The most miraculous is how our heart resonates to love and our brain can resonate to noble ideals. It is not unexpected that our heart and brain are undergoing continuous development to be more receptive to wider love and more capable of telepathy through extra sensuous resonance.

We resonate to waves that affect our obvious sensors and yet we may be unaware of unconscious messages from global wave movements that affect the world and us. These are the large cycle global waves that affect our collective world scientific and cultural development. We as individuals in turn relate these messages by our own propensity of resonance to these large scale waves. Simply put humans are part of the physical media that transmits ideals worldwide consciously and subconsciously. Miraculously some how, global culture such as religion, philosophy and ideals, are being transmitted. There has been also great deal of cultural diffusion that generally remains unacknowledged.

Approximately 2500 years ago the world was resonating religion, philosophy including democracy and harmony in different continents. In Middle East and South East Asia well known religious founders such as Moses and Sakymuni were teaching their disciples. In Europe famous philosophers Socrates, Plato, Euclid, Aristotle, Archimedes and Pythagoras were laying the foundation for modern science and democracy. In ancient China, Laotze, Confucius and their disciples were travel teachers spreading education and harmony philosophy to a broad spectrum of the society. Those were glorious days of global collective cultural heritage innovation that lay the ground work for our global culture.

Beginning four hundred years or so ago, during and after the Age of Enlightenment and European Renaissance another wave of creativity swept through Europe and America. This brought forth renowned Western philosophers and political thinkers such as Rousseau, Montesquieu, John Lock, Thomas Paine, Jefferson and Franklin to name a few. Together they promulgated modern democracy as we know it and profoundly affected world governance system. Democracy is still reverberating through the world today.

Harmony, the third pillar of global culture besides religion and democracy, is now at the beginning stage of renaissance. Because of the universal appeal of harmony philosophy it will resonate worldwide as the vibrant global philosophy of our time. Harmony Consensus will become an alternative governance system to Democracy in the 21st Century. The wonder of modern day communication technology will propagate Harmony Consensus with internet speed. Speeding communication around the globe contracts the time frame of global developments. Especially empires and monolithic believes, they will be short lived indeed. It took Democracy 400 years to accomplish today’s achievement. Fast rising will be Harmony Consensus; the new creative and most embracing wave will envelop the world in 20 to 50 years. Please click for more information.

Globalization together with Harmony Consensus will inevitably lead to World Harmony. The creative wave of harmony has already affected many prominent contemporary leaders of the world today. The following are excerpts of some of their pronouncement:

Today we have entered an era when progress will be based on the interests of all mankind. And awareness of this requires that world policy, too, should be determined by placing the values of all mankind first…Further world progress is possible now only through the search for a Consensus of all mankind, in movement towards a New World Order.
MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, speech before the U.N. General Assembly, December7, 1988

A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment….Out of these troubled times…..a New World Order can emerge….in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in Harmony.
GEORGE H. W. BUSH, speech before a joint session of Congress, September 11, 1990

Globalization is not something we can hold off or turn off. It is the economic equivalent of a force of nature…like wind and water,
BILL CLINTON, Nov 17, 2000

Adherence to multilateralism, realization of mutual security, adherence to mutually beneficial cooperation, realization of mutual prosperity, raise the spirit of tolerance and building a Harmony World together.
Hu Jintao, speech before Asian African Meeting, April 22, 2005

There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Hon John Prescott, U.K. Deputy Prime Minister speech before Sheffield University, Jan 18, 2007

Simply put New World Order is world with the creative energy of Harmony Consensus carried by the wave of today. Thus the world with Harmony Consensus is our future Harmony World. The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature. Central to Harmony Consensus will be built in awareness to curb global insatiable and selfish appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without Harmony Consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change.

Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Monday, April 23, 2007



In an article published by Xinhua Net, titled “Harmony Propagates by Resonance” on April 10, 2007, I ventured that resonance is nature’s preferred way of propagation. The truth is that through billions years of evolution, human the most intelligent beings on earth, have so fine tuned our senses that our whole body is an elaborate interlocking system of sensors. Our obvious sensors such as eyes, ears, nose and exterior skins, finger tips to the inner sanctum of brain and heart together make us the miracles that we are. All these sensors are receptive to multitude of energy waves and function by resonance. The most miraculous is how our heart resonates to love and our brain can resonate to noble ideals. It is not unexpected that our heart and brain are undergoing continuous development to be more respective to wider love and more capable of telepathy through extra sensuous resonance.

We resonate to waves that affect our obvious sensors and yet we may totally unaware of unconscious messages from global wave movements that affect the world and us. These are the large cycle global waves that affect our collective world scientific and cultural development. We as individuals in turn relate these messages by our own propensity of resonance to these large scale waves. Simply put humans are part of the physical media that transmits ideals worldwide consciously and subconsciously. Miraculously some how, global culture such as religion, philosophy and ideals, are being transmitted. There was also great deal of cultural diffusion without acknowledgement.

Approximately 2500 years ago the world was resonating religion, philosophy including democracy and harmony in different continents. In Middle East and South East Asia well known religious founders such as Moses and Sakymuni were teaching their disciples. In Europe famous philosophers Socrates, Plato, Euclid, Aristotle, Archimedes and Pythagoras were laying the foundation for modern science and democracy. In ancient China, Laotze, Confucius and their disciples were travel teachers spreading education and harmony philosophy to a broad spectrum of the society. Those were glorious days of global collective cultural heritage innovation that lay the ground work for our global culture.

Beginning four hundred years or so ago, during and after the Age of Enlightenment and European Renaissance another wave of creativity swept through Europe and America. This brought forth renowned Western philosophers and political thinkers such as Rousseau, Montesquieu, John Lock, Thomas Paine, Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin to name a few. Together they promulgated modern democracy as we know it and profoundly affected world governance system. Democracy is still reverberating through the world today.

Harmony, the third pillar of global culture besides religion and democracy, is now at the beginning stage of renaissance. Because of the universal appeal of harmony philosophy it will resonate worldwide as the vibrant global philosophy of our time. Harmony Consensus will become an alternative governance system to Democracy in the 21st Century. The wonder of modern day communication technology will propagate Harmony Consensus with internet speed. It took Democracy 400 years to accomplish today’s achievement. Harmony Consensus, the new creative wave will envelop the world in 20 to 50 years. Click for more explanation.

Globalization together with Harmony Consensus will inevitably lead to World Harmony. The creative wave of harmony already affected many prominent contemporary leaders of the world today. The following are excerpts of some of their pronouncement:

Today we have entered an era when progress will be based on the interests of all mankind. And awareness of this requires that world policy, too, should be determined by placing the values of all mankind first…..Further world progress is possible now only through the search for a CONSENSUS of all mankind, in movement towards a NEW WORLD ORDER.
MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, speech before the U.N. General Assembly, December7, 1988

A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment….Out of these troubled times…..a NEW WORLD ORDER can emerge….in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in HARMONY.
GEORGE H. W. BUSH, speech before a joint session of Congress, September 11, 1990

Globalization is not something we can hold off or turn off. It is the economic equivalent of a force of nature…like wind and water,
BILL CLINTON, Nov 17, 2000

Adherence to multilateralism, realization of mutual security, adherence to mutually beneficial cooperation, realization of mutual prosperity, raise the spirit of tolerance and building a HARMONY WORLD together.
Hu Jintao, speech before Asian African Meeting, April 22, 2005

Simply put NEW WORLD ORDER is world with the creative energy of HARMONY CONSENSUS carried by the wave of today. Thus the world with HARMONY CONSENSUS is our future HARMONY WORLD. The ORDER OF NATURE is HARMONY and HARMONY is the ORDER OF NATURE.

Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Dear IHT Op-ed editor,

Following is a timely article for your consideration.


By the natural process of billion years of evolution human have acquired two all important surviving power. One is the propagation power through love, which is shown by all living things in various degree. The other unique to the most intelligent beings on earth, which is our hierarchy of aspirations to do good. This higher yawning may be part of our soul in a spiritual sense. The concept of soul is independent of religion and deeply grounded in ancient philosophies. Our souls need nourishment from noble thoughts, praying, meditation, accomplishments, invoking higher ideals and so on. Among the multitude of trial and tested methods, two common practices are praying and intoning high ideals such as May God Bless America and May Harmony Prevail in the World.

Human life is universally accepted as a miracle. It is not surprising when life is taken away without cause, invokes profound feelings of sympathy, anger, revenge and despair depending on individuals frame of mind. At such times the thoughts of God or higher aspirations inevitably surface for resolution or healing. There is nothing wrong by invoking God Bless America. When it is intoned frivolously one will sure be reminded the Christian teaching "Thou shalt not invoke thy God's name in vain." For Presidents and statesmen routinely invoke God Bless America is sure to create a self important image, especially in worldwide televised events. If God has any priorities at all at this time of history he will sure bless Iraq and other needy African countries first before he turns his helping hand to America, the most powerful and endowed nation in the world.

China in its by gone feudal times used to consider the Emperor as son of heaven. As long as the Emperor serves the people well China will be blessed by heaven. Notice the use of heaven and not God by the Chinese. This is due simply to the lack of institutionalized fixation on the image of God in ancient China. With the overthrow of the last Chinese Emperor, this loose image of son of heaven is long forgotten. By the way, according to Chinese tradition also, if the Emperor did not serve the people well he would invariably lost his mandate and be overthrown. This is well known in Chinese history. For an emperor to rule by mandate is a quasi-religion tradition that is long gone.

Today Chinese leader must rule by leadership and merit. To legitimize their government Chinese leaders must rediscover ancient roots. Harmony is the root of Chinese culture just as religion and democracy are the twin cultural pillars of most of the world. But harmony is the other pillar of human culture that is more unifying than religion and democracy. I speak with conviction that the tide of harmony renaissance is inevitable and America will be the young dynamic country that will lead the advocacy for world harmony renaissance. For America to regain its lost international image by audacity of hope or invoking God Bless America is not enough.

It is time for America leaders to intone May Harmony Prevail in the World instead of God Bless America. Its more universally acceptable and less self serving. IT IS VERY HEALING TO INTONE "MAY HARMONY PREVAIL IN THE WORLD". It is the call for unity in diversity. It is also the timely noble call with humility for the world's most powerful nation.
Be proud we are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation. Website blog site

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA April 19, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


"Francis Fung"
World Harmony Consensus in response to David Gosset, Roger Cohen and Josuhua Ramo
Prof Gosset,

Please review and comment. Your input will be greatly appreciated. Attached is the praise from the back of my second book "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World".


I read with interest the articles by David Gosset, Director Academia Sinica Europea, "The Dragon's Metamorphosis" dated April 7, 2007 and "A New World with Chinese Characteristics" dated April 12, 2007, both carried by Asia Times. I quote from the articles, "With China's economic, social, political and cultural renewal, a five-century period of Western domination of the world has ended. One has to make sense of China's complex dynamics to apprehend a new world with Chinese characteristics." and "Democratization with Chinese characteristics will enrich the vocabulary of Western political scientists."

Without being immodest I venture to quote from my essays "Socialism with Chinese characteristics is Socialism with Harmony" and "The best system for any country is a harmonious system developed from its own culture with interaction from outside and not imposed from outside." "Harmony Propagates by Resonance." "Harmony is the order of nature and resonance is nature's preferred way of propagation." "It is time for America to advocate World Harmony Renaissance." These quotations are taken from World Harmony Organization published books "China's Harmony Renaissance; What the World Must Know", "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World." and more than 30 essays on harmony renaissance, published by worldwide media and included in our blog site.

Joshua Cooper Ramo suggested in "The Beijing Consensus", published by the Foreign Policy Centre, U.K. May, 2004 that the world now has bipolar consensus in foreign policy thinking, Washington vs. Beijing. In a recent International Herald Tribune article, Nov. 22, 2006, Roger Cohen wrote "China vs. U.S.: Democracy Confronts Harmony. Stay Tuned." Prof. Gosset has moved ahead of the current American confrontational thinking to a more accommodating position. Since harmony as nature's order includes all human interactions including democracy in this global world, it is time for us to transition beyond regional brands of democracy towards world harmony. Harmony belongs to the world and includes a broader definition of democracy. Its premise is tolerance, acceptance, equity and humility. It is inclusive to any culture. It is the most universal value that can unite the world in unity in diversity.

The world will combine Washington consensus, Beijing consensus and any other consensus to arrive at World Harmony Consensus. The biggest common denominator of the world today is sustainable development. Harmony began with human observation of nature. It will logically bring us together to work for better ecology and better world. Once we began working together for world sustainable development World Harmony Consensus will inevitably follow!

For a development story of World Harmony Renaissance please review the 30 some and growing number of essays on our blog site and for participation in World Harmony Renaissance please visit our website Harmony is an ideal renaissance is action, together World Harmony Renaissance will come alive.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sun, 15 Apr 2007 15:57:37 -0700 (PDT)
"Francis Fung"
Harmony Speech at Mill Valley Rotary, MV Golf Club, San Francisco

Ladies, Gentlemen and Dear Friends,

It is my honor to speak to such a distinguished audience. Harmony is a broad subject indeed. It was developed from human observation of nature. It spans all human interactions and activities and back to ecology. It is the underlying principle of a multitude of disciplines such as music, natural phenomena, mathematics, physics and more. Harmony propagates by resonance, nature's preferred way of propagation. We resonate in harmony singing in a chorus. Our hearts resonate in harmony when we are overwhelmed by powerful emotions of love and admiration. We can resonate to unity in diversity which is harmony. Our hearts do not resonate to base emotions of hate, anger and jealousy. They invoke destructive forces.

In today's world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common value universal solution. The tide of harmony renaissance is inevitable. All present will become pioneers of harmony renaissance. Harmony advocates non violence. Its premise are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi directional cultural flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all embracing unifying force for unity in diversity.

My background is in aerospace science. My interest is foreign affairs leading to world harmony renaissance. Harmony is the universal theme that we can all resonate. Without being immodest I can share with you two books and over thirty essays I have published just on harmony renaissance. However today, I will speak to help you digest your lunch by limiting myself to topics you will appreciate. Those have bigger appetites I suggest you visit our website And our blog site where over 35 of my essays are published and continue to grow. I welcome your contribution also. The site are printed on the hand out. If you missed the hand out, do ask me for a business card.

Today I will make the following introductory remarks. After that it will be an open forum with the help of our monitor. (Remind me to stop in time for discussions, otherwise I can keep you here for hours if not for days.)

(I) The three main world cultural pillars for 21st century are religion, democracy and harmony. Harmony belongs to the world. It is in our gene in one form or the other to be awakened to reach a collective consensus.

(II) It is time for America, the young dynamic country endowed with resources, to advocate harmony renaissance. Thoughts on ecology will lead us to common harmony consensus.

(III) We will launch our first World Harmony Cultural Festival this third Sunday, September 16, 2007. Cosponsored by San Francisco State University and other distinguished ecology minded individuals and organizations.

May harmony prevail in the world.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Saturday, April 14, 2007






Friday, April 13, 2007


Hope and Harmony Renaissance

Dean Jacob Perea said I have a dream. It is a dream of harmony renaissance for our future generation, for America, for China and for the world. We all have hierarchy of dreams. For dreams to be sustaining in these days of fast pace, fast communication it needs to reach out to the world. Dreams will be short lived if one limits oneself to one nation, no matter how powerful or how much potential it may have.

America is the most powerful and resource endowed nation and China is the most populous and ancient nation with potential. So is Europe, India and many other countries of promise, have common mission to help the world. It is logical for America and China working together to initiate world harmony renaissance. It is time for America, the young dynamic country with ample resources to advocate world harmony renaissance for its own nobility and for a better world.

Senator Barack Obama with foresight is running his campaign with youthful vigor and hope. Hope however is empty wish without underlying supporting philosophy. Hope based on reviving of America greatness without consideration of world harmony is without foundation. America's nobility will only come through if we see in harmony the humility that we need to practice. Nobility comes after humility as I posted on Internet in my last essay "Harmony Renaissance is Coming Alive on the Internet".

The more powerful we are the more we need to practice humility. Humility must increase in direct propotion to our expansion of power to maintain harmony. This the fundamental teaching of dynamic balance in harmony. Keeping harmony is the single most effective approach to improve American global image. American world image is the lowest durimg the last 50 years because we are perceived as the unilateral super power. We have no time to waste.

World Harmony Organization has built its image and good will through publications and the multiplying power of the Internet. We also have the necessary service trade mark registrations and legal protections to initiate a long lasting harmony renaissance campaign. Our momentum will enhance the future career of all team members directly involved, and the opportunity for SFSU to launch its aspiration of teaching harmony.

Religion, democracy and harmony are the three pillars of human culture. This is self evident to all independent thinkers. On the world stage both religion and democracy had profound impact on our common civilization. In these days of world disharmony and disparity, the eyes of equity urge us to move beyond religion and democracy to harmony as world solutions. The premise of harmony is non violence, tolerance, acceptance, respect and equity. It is the single most dynamic common value to foster unity in diversity.

We are investing in harmony for unity in diversity. Corporations and individuals with harmony vision to resonate with the world are investing in their own well being, their future generations and in the world. We are all pioneers riding with the inevitable tide of harmony. That is obvious from the perspective of a better future world. Religious institutions, democratic organizations have raised billions for their cause. Why can't harmony raise funds for worldwide harmony culture festivals? After our initial success our festival will sure spread nationwide and worldwide. If the budding campaign of Senator Obama can raise 25 million on Hope for America why funds can’t be raised for World Harmony Renaissance campaign?

May Harmony Prevail in the World.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.

Director General
World Harmony organization.
April 13, 2007, 5AM.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dear Friends,

Modern culture of 21st Century will be driven by Harmony, Democracy and Religion. Of the three, Harmony builds on more universal common value and propagates by resonance. Equity opens our eyes to see the Global disharmony and extreme disparity of today. Harmony advocates dynamic balance and gives us the wisdom to resolve disharmony through humility. Only with humility can we practice tolerance, acceptance and respect for other cultures. A powerful nation proclaims greatness clouds the heart of humility. Nobility takes a back seat after humility. The more powerful we are, the more humility is needed. Be proud we are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.

In our pursuit of harmony renaissance we image ourselves as the gentle elements, air and water. The word is mightier than the sword as universally proclaimed. Harmony is one of the most widely published subjects on the website. It shows up under category of music, physical and social sciences, history, culture, current events, world affairs, world solutions and you name it. Because of its all inclusivity of all human activities with ourselves and with nature, the collective consciousness has already been awakened. It certainly has surpassed democracy as the more discussed current topic on the Internet.

On our blog site we have published 28 articles from the longest "Chinese Harmony and America Democracy in 21st Century" to the shortest "Harmony Propagates by Resonance." Some of the milestone publications are " World Harmony Organization Launched in San Francisco", "Call for World Harmony Festival, Ambassadors and Volunteers", "Draft World Harmony Renaissance Declaration", "Harmony is Natural Science" and so on. For those who wants to know more a blog management site lists all our publications.

Our articles are indeed being propagated through resonance by many sites such as Google, Yahoo, Absurdist Republic, Technoratic. Infosys, Xinhua, Chinadaily BBS and other major worldwide media sites. These are just what I uncovered. I am sure there are other sites out there that quote and propagate our published articles. By seeing the momentum grow, one cannot help but feel that we have reached the critical mass and the spontaneous reaction rate that it is time for us to proactively plan our first annual World Harmony Festival in San Francisco. Interesting enough a couple of Blog management sites have announced "Harmony Propagates by Resonance" and "Harmony is Natural Science" under their physics blog category, and others under Cultural , Current News and World Harmony categories. You can see the broad coverage on Internet for for our Harmony papers.

Francis C. W. Fung,PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization


I proposed in my first harmony book that Harmony is the order of nature and was evolved from observation of nature beginning with Laotze. Chinese medicine was also based on Ying Yang dynamic balance within and without the complex human biological system. Chinese landscaping at its highest form is exemplified by the harmony of nature and artificial. The most acclaimed Chines landscaping are Suzhou gardens and Westlake in Hangzhou.

I mentioned in my book "China's Harmony Renaissance: What the world must know.", Chinese Fengshui practice is a philosophy of life that places emphasis on human harmony with nature and his surroundings. Just like human beings corrupt the pure form of major religions, Fengshui believers also accepted superstitions. The practitioners of the art of Fengshui would like to keep it that way. Harmony renaissance calls for return to the scientific base of harmony living. The credibility of Fengshui as a Chinese belief need to be restored to allow wider acceptance by the main stream. The applicability of Fengshui theory and practice in our life is unlimited.

How can we restore people's interest in harmony living? That was the original concept of Fengshui. Just like all professional practices education and licensing can go a long way to improve quality of service. In Chinese medicine it is precisely the maintenance of high standards and licensing in acupuncture practices that gained its acceptance by the U.S. medical profession. The public is protected and the market widens for all practitioners at the end. Does any body remember the early history of U.S. medicine when snake oil was a cure all for medical ailments until private and government concern moved medical practice to a more scientific level. Believe it or not, only 150 years ago in the U. S. barbers were doctors and doctors were barbers.. The AMA as an association raised the standards and put a stop to that.

I am currently discussing with many in the education field to look at introducing harmony interior and architecture design seminars and courses by bringing expert practitioners from China. A well worked out program by combining US design practices with Chinese harmony can truly enrich our life and also make sales. It may also teach harmony living and philosophy at the same time. Can health practices be learned along the way also?

A beginning may also be made to study the possibility of licensing examines to protect the consumers from the inscrutable. It does not necessary need government regulations. We can form an association of Fengshui practitioners and harmony believers to initiate the study of need for licensing. After all, the well known SAT Exams for College Entrance is managed by a private group and the Security advisers series 6 , 7 and other licensing exams and the AMA Exams. are also managed by its own professional association.

I am throwing this out for all interested to comment and participate. There are a lot of business opportunities for all in modernizing Fengshui practices as a harmony way of life. Harmony Fengshui to health is a way of life for the future. We are at the beginning of Harmony Renaissance. According to an ancient Chinese saying Fengshui rotates every 60 years. Which means family state of affairs change every 60 years. It is time to put Fengshui on a modern scientific base to reintroduce it to the world just like we did with acupuncture. All it need is packaging.

Harmony and perfect Fengshui for the Chinese New Year.

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Friends,

In the following discussion, for our purpose, self discipline and inner peace can be interchanged. Another way to define inner peace is self discipline through the practice of harmony. There are many diverse ways of achieving inner peace; this is also one of the principles of harmony. For example, some achieve inner peace through scholarly accomplishments or higher goals in commerce, religion, and philanthropy. Ultimately, for lasting inner peace, one must practice sustainable self discipline. For self discipline to work it must be a consistent process and sustainable through life. Relying on outside stimulation is not sustainable through life.

To sustain self discipline, one needs to combine higher goals with some form of regular personal practice such as writing with a theme, calligraphy, meditation, yoga, Taichi, dancing, singing, or contemplating nature and beauty. For most people it usually is a combination of diverse methods. There is no one single solution. In a world of diverse cultures, harmony opens a world of diverse self discipline practices.

For myself, I complement my self discipline with harmony belief and regular Taichi practices. I have been at it for over thirty years. Frankly, self discipline with harmony has been more difficult to achieve than many of my other career undertakings. It is my final challenge. Taichi, which means ultimate in Chinese, is a form of moving meditation, and self defense. Taichi embraces the ultimate harmony principle of soft conquers hard. In Taichi you yield but maintain your balance and your conviction in the ultimate harmony principle. This conviction is hard to maintain in life when force and war often temporarily succeed. But the dark (invisible) energy in the eternal universe proves that Ying (the soft) contains Yang (the hard).

Harmony and Taichi yielding to absorb confrontation does not mean giving up nor defeatist belief. Far from it, harmony is an advocacy and everlasting, just like the universe. As a fluid mechanics major, I imaging myself as moving like a fluid when practice Taichi. Fluid, the softest material, in the form of water and air goes around what is in their way and eventually wears out the hardest object. While they are blocked they will continually build up their resistance to overcome. Water can float and sink the mightiest ship. Air as light as it is, can lift and tail spin the biggest air borne vehicle human can conceive.

Harmony, as order of dynamic balance, advocates soft overcomes hard and Ying contains Yang. When harmony is practiced like the motions of fluids it instills that conviction. Coupled with personal consistent practice like Taichi, meditation, or yoga, harmony can be sustaining. In Chinese teaching there is a saying "XIU SHEN, QI JIA, ZI GUO, PING TIEN ZIA". In today's conflicting world the appropriate translation is "Self discipline, Family unity, Democracy, World Harmony". In world culture it is also important to quote "Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country".

May Harmony Prevail in the World !

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization.


Dear Mr. Osborn,CEO,

I have been following the recent development of Stirling Engine Application in electricity generation using solar power. I am happy to learn of your Victorville Project, the 500 megawatt utility plant build for Southern California Edison. Congratulations for a major and possibly the largest solar ecology project well earned and deserving applause. My Stirling Solar Energy connection goes way back. Together with Beno Sternlicht, then Chairman of MTI, our group transferred important Stirling Engine technology to Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute during the 1980’s. The activities culminated in the holding of the Second International Conference on Stirling Engines in Shanghai, China on June 21-24, 1984. I gave the keynote speech “The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China” with emphasis on solar electricity generation in remote and rural areas.

Now I am founder of World Harmony Organization advocating World Harmony Renaissance through large scale annual World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festivals. Harmony belongs to the world. Its all embracing nature can raise common human value to a higher level. It can release our creative energy from being mired in international conflicts, religious strife and terrorist struggles. Acting in concert harmony renaissance can help solve ecology concerns through grass root awareness of harmony with nature. The concept of harmony with nature, ancient Chinese called “Tien Ren He YI” meaning unity with the universe. I believe Harmony Renaissance like Stirling Engine revival can play a significant part in helping human to harmonize with nature. Working together, SES and WHO can further promote ecology through large scale World Harmony cultural events based on the protection of our World Harmony Renaissance services trade marks. For more info please open our website

I look forward to a meaningful email discussion leading to productive personal meeting. WHO can also add value to possible renewed Stirling Engine cooperation with China. WHO is supported by distinguished individual thinkers such as Noam Chomsky, James Fallows, Harold Pinter and well known artists who will perform in our annual Harmony Renaissance Festivals. The following is our call for broad American advocacy in support of World Harmony Renaissance.

To those who are in resonance with World Harmony Renaissance,thank you for your encouragement. America's mission is also WHO's mission. I look forward to your continuing support. The following is actually my answer to the FAQ what can WHO do?

Ancient cultures approximately 2500 years ago or earlier, when there were not even clearly defined national boundaries of today, developed modern religions, democracy and harmony. These human heritage were cultivated over hundreds of years through graduate development. Some were lost and were rediscovered, such as democracy and harmony. The rediscovery of democracy through European Renaissance brought the release of energy that herald the advent of modern scientific age.

America, the dynamic young nation did not have the same time history. Our mission has come to be the nation of advocacy. We advocated modern religion and European democracy. We are the nation that has the most resources and diverse ethnicity to advocate. I learned advocacy in America. It took me fifty years. With today's international conflicts, religious strife, terrorism, unilateralism, North and South disparity and ecology concerns, it is time for America to advocate World Harmony Renaissance. Harmony belongs to the world but we have the most resources to initiate it's renaissance.

The good news in international affairs are, our envoy is talking to North Korea about normalization of relations and Rice will be participating at the Middle East Conference. The announcement of six party talks to proceed with North Korea Nuclear conflict resolution clearly indicated accommodation on both sides. The theme of my article at that time was "Beginning of Harmony Renaissance at the Eastern Front?" After all the Far East was the cradle of basic harmony practice through individual discipline and family unity. The middle East was the cradle of harmony through the submission of human will to the creator. European Renaissance brought harmony between the government and its citizen by reviving ancient Greek democracy. America's independence advocated democracy through law and order.

America, the most dynamic major new power, is the country with the most resources to advocate Harmony Renaissance. Our mission is to lead through advocacy and not military power. The conflicts of the world, religious strife and ecology concerns of today tell us the need to be more tolerant, accepting, and respecting of other cultures and our common heritage. The way to solve world conflicts is through discussions, consultation and consensus and that is the harmony way. Harmony is reached through dynamic balance. Where there is unsustainable imbalance, harmony will work its way. Nature's order is harmony and harmony is the order of nature. Human beings are intelligent individuals. We can solve our ecology concerns when we practice harmony together.

Harmony Renaissance can be advocated at all levels and through all types of institutions by education, communication and cultural exchanges. It must also be grown at the grass root levels through group activities such as World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival. I suggest that the first World Harmony Day festivities be held at the San Francisco Bay Area, after all UN was originally conceived here. Do we have consensus to initiate the first World Harmony Renaissance Day?

Harmony belongs to the world. It is our common heritage and common value. It's revival will bring human to the next level of accomplishment by diverting our creative energy now mired in conflicts, strife and wars. We will have consensus to advocate Harmony Renaissance when we work in concert. Unity in diversity is harmony and together we will have conviction. Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country.

May Harmony Prevail in the World !

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

For more info on World Harmony Renaissance Day Festival planning and World Harmony Organization please click on

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Following email was originally a response World Harmony Organization must be democractic and welcome diverse ideas and solutions. I quote my line in this email "One day all countries will understand the most appropriate political system is the system with their own harmony." I just realized that this line is also the answer to your concern that democracy must be served. I hope you do not mind I resend this email to you. After all harmony does include democractic principles to resolve conflicts between government and its people. To go one step further may I suggest "The best system for a country is its own harmony system?" The world should be served by a multitude of democractic systems and not one single standard.

The whole behind WHO is to invite ideas and solutions participation from the broader believers. That is why we welcome research, serious opinion, seminars and conferences on harmony. We intend to initiate worldwide harmony discussions.

The US is more structured in harmony society because of 230 years of relative peace and prosperity. China experienced 150 years of foreign domination and is facing the monumental task of reform and opening up. Both are great nations one can learn more about harmony society and the other about world harmony.

Prime Minister Blair is quoted in the press today as saying "In my view, the only modern form of realism is one that has ideals at the center of it." This is a sweeping statement worth pondering. Of course by his contents he means democracy. But I go beyond democracy to harmony, harmony renaissance and world harmony. Harmony and harmony society is not new. But harmony renaissance and harmony world is new.

WHO believes in harmony renaissance, harmony includes democracy, ecology and harmony will be the ideal that the would should strike for. These are innovative ideas advanced by WHO for the world to discuss and debate. Further more the political system with Chinese characteristics is a political system with Chinese harmony. These ideas were contained in my book "China's Harmony Renaissance- What the World Must Know." For China the ideal political system with Chinese characteristics is a political system with Chinese harmony. One day all countries will understand the most appropriate political system is the system with their own harmony.

Again World Harmony Organization welcomes innovative ideas and solutions and encourages participation in rallying the world to begin discussing world harmony. I believe there is already a major movement in China debating harmony society. I hope it will lead to harmony renaissance in China. We in the US are in an unique position to initiate world harmony innovative thinking. We will be remembered as pioneers.

Francis C. W. Fung

Director General
World Harmony Organization


Dear Leon,

Thank you for your support. I respect you as WHO's adviser. I believe there are many Western Universities and think tanks of high caliber specialize in world affairs. My interest also happens to be in world affairs ever since my advocacy in the International Relation Club at Brown University some fifty years ago. Despite the abundance of research and foreign affairs publication pouring out of the Western media there is still yet any significant reference to world harmony renaissance as solution to world conflicts. However, we hear Asian leaders including China's president Hu Jintao and the new UN Secretary General Ban Ki - Moon start to mention harmony as world solution. President Hu in a major 60th UN anniverssary speech announced World harmony as solution to world conflicts. Ban Ki-Moon on Christmas eve, 2006 amid pressure from George Stephanopolis to support US foreign policy responded by saying the one crucial point of that interview. What he said was; "I am interested in working for harmony." It is no coincidence he also meant harmony as solution of world problems.

The Iraq Study Group Report headed by Baker and Hamilton included the effort of many experts and pretigious think tanks such as Institute of Policy Studies and American Enterprise Institute. The report suggested major change in US foreign polcy direction by opening dialogues in Middel East and include Iran and Syria. It fell short of suggesting consultation in harmony. All countries old and new have their different historical background and culture that in part explain that East is East and West is West. It seems that the East is more ready to talk about harmony renaissance and the West favors the promotion of democracy as world solution. Ever since the enligntenment period of 1600 the West has managed the promotion of democracy. Democracy is well known today and it affected the world in an earth shaking way. China lost its heritage in couping with the western democracy movement for at least 150 years. The irony is that harmony embraces democracy.

A country can have democracy but not necessary harmony. But a country has harmony has its own democratic consensus. Harmony practice is necessary and urgent to assure stability and sustainable development. The best system for any country is its own harmony system. On the present worldwide consumer rush the world will face great resources shortage sooner than we think. World harmony also embraces ecology and resource conservation. (More on classification of different world democracy in my future book.)

Harmony ideal was developed by Laotze 2500 years from observation of natural science to include human science. It continued to nurture China's culture and scientific development until the fall of China in the hands of the Manchus. The occupation by Manchu significantly hindered China's scientific development. This is my answer to the question posed by Prof. Needham "Why China has not produced Noble prize winner in China yet?" Until China rediscovers itself through harmony renaissance it will always play catch up to Western science and democracy. Only by rediscovering harmony and its cultural heritage can China return to crative and innovative renaissance. World harmony renaissance will help many non western countries regain their confidence.

I predict world harmony renaissance will surely come. In time, it will become a worldwide tide. I am preparing to turn over World Harmony Organization and its affiliated Commisions at the earliest moment when UN is ready. In the mean time I will play my small role to encourage the active formation of World Harmony Institute to study harmony theory and pracitce and call for worldwide conferences and World Harmony Forum to promote world dialogue on harmony solutions. World Harmony Organization is dedicated to the advocacy and pursuit of world harmony consensus. In this spirit, WHO chapter in the US is requesting support to organize the Sino-America Harmony Commission, THe Resource and Ecology Commission, World Harmony Cultural Commission and World Harmony Commission which will publish annual and preodic reports by World Harmony Watch. I appreciate all comments and suggestions.

Seasons greetings and harmony to all!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.


Economic, cultural, travel and many other co-operations and interchanges between China and Taiwan is an undeniably increasing tide. This tide is easily observable and does not require proof. The reality of cross strait relation is eventual unity under the umbrella of greater China. The concept of unity in diversity for greater China or the world has been in existence for sometime. All political systems of the world will eventually tend towards national distinctive democracy. Whether it is one leading party with consensus supportive parties, two party confrontational and multiparty political systems, democracy can only be meaningful when harmony consensus can be achieved. The best system for any country or society is a system with their own harmony consensus. The future reality will be national specific democracy systems by harmony consensus. The hope of a better world also lies in our pursuit of world harmony consensus. About this I have spoken many times.

The concept of one country two systems is a brilliant harmony policy advanced by Deng Xiaoping. It greatly facilitated the reunification of China and Hong Kong. Many supported and still believe in one country two systems as a possible solution for cross strait whether we have outgrown it or not. With the Sixth Plenum of the 16th Central Committee, Oct 8 to 11,2006 harmony "Decision" announcement, China rediscovers its ancient cultural heritage. The Party's decision to pursuit "Harmony Society" is necessary and essential to solve the disproportionate growth pains of the historically unprecedented rapid economic growth. The rigorous pursuit of harmony society by China will surely bring more meaningful and real democracy to Chinese people. It is not unimaginable that soon China through harmony achieves more real democracy for Chinese people than Taiwan. After all China will be the first major country to reach democracy through harmony renaissance in the modern world. It will be true socialism with Chinese harmony as I wrote about in my book. When that time comes political unification across the strait becomes a simple reality.

To really bring brothers separated by the strait together as true brothers, China only needs to pursuit rigorously a harmony interchange and harmony mutual development policy. WHO advocates harmony solutions to China and to the world. It is the only sustainable solution to world problems.

Francis C. W. Fung,Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization
word count 413


Harmony is human science developed from natural science. The order of nature is dynamic balance in pursuit of harmony as illustrated by the Daoist sign of life. Einstein said that God does not play dice with nature. Another way of putting it is "Nature seeks harmony and harmony is the order of nature." The seasons we observed, the occurrences of floods, typhoons and tsunamis are all testimonials of natural acts seeking harmony. They are large events in the victims' life, but small dynamic balances to achieve harmony compared to the size of the earth. These natural phenomena are caused by pressure and temperature imbalances. Human beings are endowed with intellects that are above natural phenomena. Our ideology differences can create wars that are more destructive than any earthly natural forces. We believe we can control nature. In reality human beings are part of the natural order. All ideology struggles are imbalances that must eventually return to harmony, the order of nature. Peace can only be temporary without harmony. Harmony is the ultimate human virtue of tolerance, respect, acceptance, and patience with other cultures, religions, political systems and ideologies.

The universe was created by dark energy (the Ying), by virtue of the dynamic creation process the universe will continue to expand at an enormous scale. In Dao De Jing, Dao besides meaning the way, can also be interpreted as the dark energy. De is virtue and harmony is the ultimate human virtue. The gems contained in Dao De Jing warrant a concerted effort to reinterpret Dao De Jing from the perspective of modern science. World harmony renaissance can free the collective mind of all people in the world to pursuit even broader scientific development.

Francis C. W. Fung,Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Wall Street Journal Op-Ed special feature submission

Dear Mr. Varadarajan;

I have been writing timely articles about World Harmony Renaissance that have been published by Xinhua net, other U.S. main stream media and also for publication by NABE Feb.2007 Conference. Some of the earlier published articles were compiled in a book titled China's Harmony Renaissance- What the world must know, published by World Harmony Organization.

Since the publication of my world harmony renaissance articles and book, I have received many comments and questions from meetings, emails and private discussions. As a result I am working on another book that will be titled World Harmony Renaissance, Hope for a More Understanding World. It will be my answers and comments to the worldwide response to my publications.

The Iraqi Study Group Report headed by Baker and Hamilton included the effort of many experts and prestigious think tanks such as Institute of Policy Studies and American Enterprise
Institute. The report suggested major change in US foreign policy direction by opening dialogues in Middle East and include Iran and Syria. It fell short of suggesting consultation in
harmony. All countries old and new have their different historical background and culture that in
part explain that East is East and West is West. It seems that the East is more ready to talk about harmony renaissance and the West favors the promotion of democracy as world solution. Ever since the enlightenment period of 1600 the West has managed the promotion of democracy. Democracy is well known today and it affected the world in a profound way.

Does world harmony renaissance have a chance on world stage facing the powerful Western democracy institutions, NGO’s and dominant media? This is an important and timely question that is of great worldwide interest. The enclosed paper titled “Does world harmony renaissance have a chance on world stage?” is my innovative answer to this pressing and stimulating question. I am submitting this paper for your publication as my first choice. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so I can redirect it for immediate publication.

Season’s greetings and harmony to all!

Francis C. W. Fung,Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization


Does world harmony renaissance has a chance on world stage(facing the powerful Western democracy institutions, NGO’s and dominant Western media)?

I agree there are many Western Universities and think tanks of high caliber specialize in world affairs. Despite the abundance of research and foreign affairs publication pouring out of the Western media there is still yet any significant reference to world harmony renaissance as solution to world conflicts. However, we hear Asian leaders including China's president Hu Jintao and the new UN Secretary General Ban Ki - Moon start to mention harmony as world solution. President Hu Jintao in a major 60th UN anniversary speech and on other important world forum announced World harmony as solution to world conflicts. Ban Ki-Moon on Christmas eve, 2006 amid pressure from George Stephanopolis to support US foreign policy responded by saying the one crucial point of that interview. What he said was; "I am interested in working for harmony." It is no coincidence he also meant harmony as solution of world problems.

The Iraqi Study Group Report headed by Baker and Hamilton included the effort of many experts and prestigious think tanks such as Institute of Policy Studies and American Enterprise Institute. The report suggested major change in US foreign policy direction by opening dialogues in Middle East and include Iran and Syria. It fell short of suggesting consultation in harmony. All countries old and new have their different historical background and culture that in part explain that East is East and West is West. It seems that the East is more ready to talk about harmony renaissance and the West favors the promotion of democracy as world solution. Ever since the enlightenment period of 1600 the West has managed the promotion of democracy. Democracy is well known today and it affected the world in a profound way.

A country can have democracy but not necessary harmony. But a country has harmony has its own democratic consensus. Peace is only temporary if harmony cannot prevail. Harmony practice is necessary and urgent to assure stability and sustainable development. The best system for any country is its own harmony system. On the present worldwide consumer rush the world will face great resources shortage sooner than we think. World harmony also embraces ecology and resource conservation.

Harmony renaissance will come because it is will develop from the order of nature and the order of nature is harmony. Earth quakes, typhoons and tsunamis are all natures imbalances that are caused by pressure and temperature differences. The end results of these catastrophes are the calm of nature. Human has superior intellect. Wars created by ideology struggles can be far more destructive than nature’s calamities. We think we can control nature but human activities obey the same order of nature.

Harmony and democracy will be equally accepted by the world. Just as harmony promotes ecology, harmony will surely promote democracy also. Harmony is the ultimate consensus of nature and mankind, it resolves all dynamic imbalances. When dynamic balance is achieved harmony is reached. As in fluid mechanics one must look for dynamic balance in harmony. This is beautifully represented by the Daoist life sign.

As a fluid mechanics major I liken harmony to water. It sustains life. Where there is water there is life. If not managed well it will soon be in shortage. It seeks harmony and tranquility when it is in balance. It flows freely and fills all reservoirs to full when available. When contained it builds up pressure until it is relieved. When imbalance is allowed to built, it can cause the greatest upset if not addressed. It can float and sink a boat. Given time it can bore through the hardest rock. It is unyielding and triumphs over force. The essence of harmony is tolerance, accepting, respect, equality and patience. It is the ultimate of human virtue and the very nature of the dark energy that is the universe.

Francis C. W. Fung,Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Word count 674

World Harmony Organization launched in San Francisco 2007-01-21 05:27:09
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- The World Harmony Organization(WHO) was launched in San Francisco on Saturday, with a call on all countries to promote world peace based on harmony.
WHO, a non-profit and non-governmental organization and the first of its kind in the world, is dedicated to the pursuit of World Harmony Renaissance study and research, the organization said in a press release.
"Harmony belongs to the world. The best social system for any country is its own harmony system for sustainable development," said the release.
It said the organization was formed on the basis of the harmony theory proclaimed by the Chinese leaders in 2006.
"A major social harmony renaissance movement is taking place in China today after the 2002 announcement of the scientific concept," said the release.
"We declare our theory 'World Harmony Renaissance' is the breakthrough mankind is waiting for the next level of accomplishment. When our common values rise above the current international conflicts through world harmony renaissance our accomplishments both scientific and cultural will soar."
"World religions and major human philosophies as we all know were developed about 2500 years ago," said Dr. Francis C. W. Fung,an American researcher who founded the organization.
"European Renaissance and Enlightenment period brought the second burst of human creative energy," Fung said. "We believe 'World Harmony Renaissance' will launch the third phase of human innovation and creativeness to herald a more harmonious and better world."
At its launch meeting, the organization will hold major global cultural events in San Francisco to advocate world harmony renaissance. It also plans future events which include World Harmony Renaissance Symposium, World Harmony Renaissance Calligraphy Contest, World Harmony Renaissance cultural performances, according to Fung, author of the China Harmony Renaissance - What the World Must Know.
He said for those who do not understand China's peaceful development, it is time to learn China's harmony renaissance. Special attention is given to Sino-American relations over the past 50 years.
"We believe 'World Harmony Renaissance' is hope for a more understanding world," he said.
Editor: Luan Shanglin
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Dear Friends,

One of our important publication task will be to collect opinions from you to formalize a World Harmony Renaissance Declaration. Harmony is an ideal and renaissance is action together they comprise an advocacy. For now the brief guide lines for contribution are:

(I) Statements must be short and concise.

(II) It must be scientifically grounded and defendable.

(III) It must show historical prospective as well as forward thinking

(IV) It should show a vision to pursuit world harmony through innovative and creative thinking.

Following is a draft example from opinions already collected to start the process.


In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from natural science observation by Laotze. Einstein was also quoted as saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of nature. Harmony belongs to the universe.


Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of the universe.

Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of universe creation.

The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called DAO.

Laotze said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three, three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang. Dynamic balance creates harmony."

Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural and social sciences. It is the break through that will take us to the next level of human creativity and accomplishment beyond European Renaissance.

Look forward to your contributions both East and West, North and South. Above are only examples to start your thinking but not chiseled in stone. WHO reserves the right to refuse acceptance of contributions that are deemed by open vote as inapproproate. A Chinese version will be rendered later. Chinese contributions are also welcome.

Francis C. W. Fung,Ph.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Friends,

Human civilization move together abide not by lock step. We must distinguish the positive from the negative experiences. When we are discriminating we can learn from our experiences and adopt the positive results. That is why we learn history. We do not all relive the same experience and we do not all need to reinvent the wheel.

From ancient Chinese culture we learned that harmony theories evolving from order of nature worked for a long period of Chinese history. Harmony addresses multifaceted dynamic imbalances including ecology and all human relations. Harmony also includes democracy but China for centuries choose to manage democracy by moral teaching. Law was only the bottom line but moral value was above it. European Renaissance was a great experience although there is still criticism of certain excesses of the period. From it the world learned the importance of democracy and the energy released led to today's modern science and technology. America since its independence choose to manage democracy by emphasizing law and order.

Both Chinese harmony and American Democracy as developed are our common human heritage and belong to the world now. We also learned form China's cultural revolution that greater democracy without law and order did not work. With today's extremism expressed through fundamentalism and the resulting confrontations we must brought back harmony theories. Terrorist movements are extremism so is Bush's Iraq policy and certain extreme Christian fundamentalism. The world does not need a modern equivalent of the ten year Crusade war. That is why World Harmony Organization is calling for Harmony Renaissance to resolve today's world conflicts and imbalances through discussions, consultations and reaching harmony consensus. Today's harmony renaissance has the advantage of modern science and communication advances. Concerted World effort can be easily directed to combine the East and West experience in harmony and democracy and bring about new release of energy. This new creative energy based on a higher harmony common values will advance the world beyond what European Renaissance has accomplished.

My attorney friend, Leon Jew, yesterday brought to my attention that a certain Mr. Liu is advocating Cultural Renaissance for China in "Southern Weekend" journal and creating a stir. His main premise was that China needed to relive the European Renaissance. His theories were misguided,muddled and was one more form of extreme fundamentalism that neither China nor the world needs. The world does not need to relive any cultural revolutions or extreme movements. We are well on the path of mutual development and harmony development. With the positive experience of Western democracy and China's ancient harmony the world has more than enough sound scientific principles to build a better world and a more harmonious world. Mr. Liu's theories were not worth the paper he used to wrote on. He will soon be discarded by history and forgotten. That is why I refer him in the past tense. The world has learned from past extreme cultural and religious movements that stability is necessary for mutual development and harmony development. Mr. Liu was just another trouble maker. We should accept him for what he was. What was his name?
May Harmony prevail in the world!!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Mr. Burek,

It is necessary for an important advocacy to have a voice. I hope I will get more support from you. We all know of the story of the Foolish old man who wanted to move the mountain that was blocking the progress of the village.. A friend reminded me that I am that old man. Well, I have no regrets, because harmony will work its way through generations.

I also thought of having World Harmony Watch column among many columns in your publication. The idea is to report on major countries activities to promote world harmony. Details of the Six nations denuclearizing pact coming out last two days are very encouraging. It clearly shows that the two strong contending sides are giving ground and reached some consensus through long painful discussions and consultations. This is how harmony works through discussions, consultations and consensus. Until the announcement yesterday the accord all seemed but impossible. Not so long ago our President Bush called North Korea part of the "Axis of Evil".

This major world event may not receive the attention it deserves. But from World Harmony Renaissance perspective this may spark a series of events that signal the beginning of harmony at East Asia. By implementing the Nuclear Disarmament Pact U.S., China, Russia, Japan, South and North will have to help North Korea recover. That means major countries across both sides of the pacific will work together for mutual development. North East Asia development have a lot of potential.

North Korea's economic stagnation dated from Korean War some 50 years ago may see a way out. The Accord calls for "Within 30 days: Five separate working groups meet on denuclearizing, normalizing U.S.-North Korea relations, normalizing of North Korea-Japan relations, economy and energy cooperation, and peace and security in Northeast Asia."

This would have been real juicy material for our World Harmony Watch Column to break the news, should we have our own World Harmony Renaissance mega zine. I would have reported with a lot more enthusiasm than the U.S. press for sure. Be what it may, this proved the importance of World Harmony Watch column to give the fair historical perspective and the whole aftermath of the cold war era. Some of you may still remember the cold war confrontation era. As momentous as those years were the left over effect may be solved by the necessity of mutual and harmonious development.

Need for mutual development will pave the way for a more harmonious world. Solution for uniting North and South Korea, Between China and Taiwan will be the promise of mutual development. Unification of West and East Germany and the return of Hong Kong to China both situations showed that the aftermath of cold war era can easily be forgotten and harmony of feuding brothers can be achieved.

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Friends,

HARMONY BELONGS TO THE WORLD.. World Harmony Organization, a non-political, non -religious and not for profit organization, is dedicated to the pursuit of World Harmony Renaissance. To pursue World Harmony Renaissance we are initiating worldwide call for World Harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers to advocate World Harmony. For this World Harmony goal based on higher common human value we look for all pure hearted to contribute talent, time and resources for the following: (I) Nominate for review high minded and influential world leaders from various countries who wish to act on World Harmony Renaissance. We wish to acknowledge to those deserving individuals who have consistently through their own efforts contributed towards improving world harmony. Nominations must accompany necessary contact information so we can obtain nominee's confirmation. (II) Candidates can apply to serve as World Harmony Volunteers subject to qualification review and completing World Harmony Institute training. In the first phase our emphasis will be on improving U.S.-China, U.S.- Iran, U.S.-Africa and U.S.-Latin America harmony consensus. Harmony Renaissance is needed where it can be most effective. (III) Resource and financial contributors and all correspondence to support above programs please contact us at our website . We also welcome World Harmony Renaissance related articles submissions to our World Harmony Renaissance Magazine through our website. We reserve the right to refuse any irrelevant submission. May harmony prevail in the world ! Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country.

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Friends,

Here is the concluding section " World Harmony Consensus and World Harmony Renaissance Declaration" of my next book "World Harmony Renaissance:Promise for a better World" for your preview and comment.

Democracy as an European movement began from the age of enlightenment. It advocated citizen's and human rights. It was a great movement that released human energy. Through European Renaissance our modern world of science began. American independence continued this tradition. U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights advocated democracy through law and order. That is the strength of Western democracy.

The essence of Eastern teaching is self discipline through harmony with nature. In Chinese the ancient saying is "Tien Ren He Yi" meaning the unity of man and universe. From the Middle East, the cradle of major World Religions, we all learned submission of our will to the creator. In this practice traditionally, the Eastern culture placed more emphasis on moral values and avoiding extremism. The Eastern practice of harmony is through contemplation of nature, self discipline and meditation. The West learned meditation and faith from Eastern philosophies and religions. The basic harmony value of avoiding extremism together with family unity and ancestry worship continued Chinese culture of 5000 years without causing ecology catastrophe, despite certain excesses of the past.

Harmony belongs to the world and all culture of the world contain harmony. It is in practice and emphasis that we are different. For Harmony Renaissance to take hold the West and East must work together. The Western practice of advocacy in pursuing democracy can now be applied to advocating Harmony Renaissance. The West and East both can learn from each other. In America Easterners need to learn how to apply advocacy to Harmony Renaissance by understanding the American system. Together, the advent of Harmony Renaissance will bring the world together with a higher common value.

In America, East and West could very well learn from each other and put together an unity Harmony Renaissance Declaration as a start. The next phase of human development through Harmony Renaissance will divert our wasted energy in human conflicts and religious strife to working together on scientifically sustainable ecology. Our common scientific development will begin another surge. Thus Harmony Renaissance will bring us to a higher level of human common endeavour. Without question, future human accomplishment from the release of energy through World Harmony Renaissance will surpass European Renaissance.

The advent of European and American democracy heralded the age of modern science and cultural renaissance. It is one of the greatest human contribution to our common world heritage. But it eventually encouraged individualism, insatiable consumerism and extremism in the absence of individual personal harmony practice. In today's conflicting world of 6 billion population and growing, each person on earth wanting to own a SUV or HUMVEE is a form of insatiable extreme consumerism. Simple arithmetic will show this type of extreme consumerism unchecked places unsustainable demand on our common world resources. .

Cultural excesses of insatiable consumerism and individualism in the West and its spread to the East now needs to be balanced by Eastern harmony, moderation and family values. This means bringing back basic family and group harmony through practice of self discipline. As well meaning as Western law and order democracy is, our world is not sustainable with the spread of today's insatiable consumerism and extreme individualism Traditionally in China as detailed in my book "China's Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know" law is only the bottom line, common moral values above it. By necessity we need to bring back self discipline through harmony practice, mutual development and harmony development. The premise and title of this book is "World Harmony Renaissance:Promise for a Better World"

As a start, It is paramount that the world through Harmony Renaissance must reach meaningful World Harmony Consensus. The current continuing rapid development of China, India and the rest of the developing world must be encouraged to adopt "Harmony Development" through personal individual self discipline. The West and parts of the developed Asia at the same time need to set an example to curb extreme individualism and consumerism. Within the frame work of this 'World Harmony Consensus" we will see the promise of a more sustainable and better world, Q.E.D.

Q.E.D. is a Latin term meaning it is demonstrated or proved which I vaguely remembered from my high school geometry class. During my childhood, enthusiasm that all things Western were good including Western mathematics and Science, Q.E.D. came to mean with modern science everything is quite easily done. Frankly reaching World Harmony consensus for Harmony Development can be quite easily done if we practice less individualism and more harmony through personal discipline. World cultural flow must not just from the West to the East. "Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country." Do I have your support to initiate the first World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival?

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Associate Director of Watson Institute(c/o Miranda Fasulo),

Thank you for your invitation to the War Tapes Private Screening o 3/10. I look forward to chatting with Honorable Lincoln Chafee and Ms. Deborah Scranton.

I believe Nature's order is harmony and harmony is the order of nature. World Harmony Organization is dedicated to the pursuit of Harmony Renaissance as solutions to resolve religious strife, world conflicts, disparities and ecology concerns. The following statement from our website calls for World Harmony Cultural Festival and World Harmony Ambassadors. We look for your support and welcome your participation as one of our distinguished Senior Advisers.

The pursuit of Harmony Renaissance as a unity in diversity movement is, by its nature, all inclusive. We are international and interfaith and accepting of diverse cultures, religions and nations. From the perspective of harmony, today's main drivers of world culture are religion, democracy, and harmony. Our advisers come from diverse backgrounds, and believe with conviction that harmony renaissance can release energy from strife and divert it to resolve world conflicts, disparities and ecology concerns. We are not pacifists. We believe in tolerance, mutual acceptance, mutual respect and equality through grass roots advocacy. World Harmony Renaissance will enable mankind to reach common value consensus and herald a new phase of accomplishments beyond European Renaissance.

World Harmony Ambassadors Review Committee welcomes worldwide participation and nominations. Our committee welcomes opinions that speak out against world injustice and inequity to reach a harmony consensus. Our advisers need not shy away from controversial topics when we have harmony as our goal. We must accept diverse opinions to have a bigger voice. Prof. Noam Chomsky, widely regarded by the world as America's
Conscience, and Mr. James Fallows exemplify true World Harmony Advisers who have the insight to speak for international democracy and World Harmony Renaissance.

As much as we need true world harmony advisers, we have greater need for World Harmony Ambassadors to advocate harmony worldwide. As far reaching as America is, we are still limited in our ability to reach out. Mr. Eric Chipps, our singularly world minded adviser, reminded me of the necessity for Committee action on World Harmony Ambassadors selection. This consensus reaching process will inevitably result in World Harmony Ambassadors with balanced views. We welcome worldwide nominations for World Harmony Ambassador candidates.

World Harmony Organization is planning a World Harmony Renaissance Day in August, 2007. It will be an all day International and Interfaith Festival with world class music, dancing, harmony chorus performances, cultural and religious exhibitions for harmony. It will be our premier occasion to announce World Harmony Renaissance as solution for today's world problems. Distinguished guests and world harmony advisers will be on hand to speak. The event will raise funding for World Harmony Renaissance Centers and World Harmony Institutes worldwide to support future World Harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers programs. This will be the historical Forum to announce the first group of World Harmony Ambassadors to the world.

May Harmony Prevail in the World !

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D., Class of 60

Director General
World Harmony Organization


Dear Honorable Mr. Pinter,

I am receiving a great deal of support for my humble writing and our World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival proposal. Here is the concluding section " World Harmony Consensus and World Harmony Renaissance Declaration" of my next book "World Harmony Renaissance:Promise for a better World" for your preview and publication.

Democracy as an European movement began from the age of enlightenment. It advocated citizen's and human rights. It was a great movement that released human energy. Through European Renaissance our modern world of science began. American independence continued this tradition. U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights advocated democracy through law and order. That is the strength of Western democracy.

The essence of Eastern teaching is self discipline through harmony with nature. In Chinese the ancient saying is "Tien Ren He Yi" meaning the unity of man and universe. From the Middle East, the cradle of major World Religions, we all learned submission of our will to the creator. In this practice traditionally, the Eastern culture placed more emphasis on moral values and avoiding extremism. The Eastern practice of harmony is through contemplation of nature, self discipline and meditation. The West learned meditation and faith from Eastern philosophies and religions. The basic harmony value of avoiding extremism together with family unity and ancestry worship continued Chinese culture of 5000 years without causing ecology catastrophe, despite certain excesses of the past.

Harmony belongs to the world and all culture of the world contain harmony. It is in practice and emphasis that we are different. For Harmony Renaissance to take hold the West and East must work together. The Western practice of advocacy in pursuing democracy can now be applied to advocating Harmony Renaissance. The West and East both can learn from each other. In America Easterners need to learn how to apply advocacy to Harmony Renaissance by understanding the American system. Together, the advent of Harmony Renaissance will bring the world together with a higher common value.

In America, East and West could very well learn from each other and put together an unity Harmony Renaissance Declaration as a start. The next phase of human development through Harmony Renaissance will divert our wasted energy in human conflicts and religious strife to working together on scientifically sustainable ecology. Our common scientific development will begin another surge. Thus Harmony Renaissance will bring us to a higher level of human common endeavour. Without question, future human accomplishment from the release of energy through World Harmony Renaissance will surpass European Renaissance.

The advent of European and American democracy heralded the age of modern science and cultural renaissance. It is one of the greatest human contribution to our common world heritage. But it eventually encouraged individualism, insatiable consumerism and extremism in the absence of individual personal harmony practice. In today's conflicting world of 6 billion population and growing, each person on earth wanting to own a SUV or HUMVEE is a form of insatiable extreme consumerism. Simple arithmetic will show this type of extreme consumerism unchecked places unsustainable demand on our common world resources. .

Cultural excesses of insatiable consumerism and individualism in the West and its spread to the East now needs to be balanced by Eastern harmony, moderation and family values. This means bringing back basic family and group harmony through practice of self discipline. As well meaning as Western law and order democracy is, our world is not sustainable with the spread of today's insatiable consumerism and extreme individualism Traditionally in China as detailed in my book "China's Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know" law is only the bottom line, common moral values above it. By necessity we need to bring back self discipline through harmony practice, mutual development and harmony development. The premise and title of this book is "World Harmony Renaissance:Promise for a Better World"

As a start, It is paramount that the world through Harmony Renaissance must reach meaningful World Harmony Consensus. The current continuing rapid development of China, India and the rest of the developing world must be encouraged to adopt "Harmony Development" through personal individual self discipline. The West and parts of the developed Asia at the same time need to set an example to curb extreme individualism and consumerism. Within the frame work of this 'World Harmony Consensus" we will see the promise of a more sustainable and better world, Q.E.D.

Q.E.D. is a Latin term meaning it is demonstrated or proved which I vaguely remembered from my high school geometry class. During my childhood, enthusiasm that all things Western were good including Western mathematics and Science, Q.E.D. came to mean with modern science everything is quite easily done. Frankly reaching World Harmony consensus for Harmony Development can be quite easily done if we practice less individualism and more harmony through personal discipline. World cultural flow must not just from the West to the East. "Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country." Do I have your support to initiate the first World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival?

Francis C. W. Fungi, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Senior Honorary Advisers,

On the first day of formally launching World Harmony Organization, Jan. 20, 2007 in San Francisco, we announced "World Harmony Consensus Begins with U.S.-China Harmony" in red, white, blue and yellow unity in diversity banner. Please open our website and click banner Contact US. to view the unity in diversity design.

I have always advocated U.S.-China Harmony for over 50 years. During the late 50's at Brown University, International Club, I organized U.S. China Friendship seminars by inviting famous speakers. One of the meetings was high lighted in a story about Professor Williams of Dept. of International Studies. Please refer to my second book on harmony "World Harmony Renaissance:Promise for a Better World" to read how world politics is changing for the better through international friendship advocacy.
Beginning the late 70's my wife Julia and I are the earliest supporters of U.S. China People Friendship Association and participated in U.S.-China Relation normalization.

U.S.-China harmony is reflected in our bi cultural family. Our children are of mixed East and West races. Please visit our website and see our family portrait banner advocating "World Harmony Renaissance Begins with U.S. China Harmony Consensus". Our Children's Chinese names Aimei, Anhua and Aimin meaning Love America, Stability in China and Love Humanity. Moving with the tides of history their names reflect the growth of our longing for Friendship, Stability and Harmony. Our three children, two are now practicing medicine in the U.S. and our youngest daughter specializes in East and West dance fusion. I hope she will agree to perform in World Harmony Day Cultural Festival for a long time to come.

During the 1980's in the after shock of Oil Embargo. I worked on energy conservation that was the first wave of ecology movement to harmonize with nature. Today's climate control ecology movement is the second wave. In my humble effort I co-founded Aerophysics Company with senior members Gabriel Bohler and Eugene Liberator. They were true believers in energy conservation. They advocated large scale cross ocean surface effects ships (SES) to compete with air freight transport. Liberator was the editor in chief in Jane's Ship of the World on Service Effect Ships. I headed the Energy Division and together we transferred French technology on district heating and large scale diffusion fans for ocean going SES to U.S. In my second harmony book one can also read the regretful story how a 50 million dollar Navy service effect ship energy conservation project was zeroed out by Regan in 1982 with the money diverted to Star War project instead.

Large SES will eventually take over aircrafts as energy efficient ocean transport by far and Dr.Bohler and Liberator's pioneer spirit will live on. Liberator also wrote Liberator Manifesto to advocate his theory of Omnibus Government for more harmony. I learned a great deal from him. After Aerophyics, my energy conservation career continued. Among other high lights, I co-founded Finance and Technology Associates a premier and early consulting firm that acted as bridge to build relation between China and U.S. multinational corporations.

Together with Dr. Beno Sternlicht, then MTI Chairman, we transferred significant Stirling Engine technology to China. It culminated in the 2ND International Conference on Stirling Engines in 1984 with me delivering the keynote speech "The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China". For the latest, one can read about the Victorville,CA 500 megawatts Stirling Engine Utility Plant build for Southern California Edison. When come on line in 2009, it will be the largest non polluting, solar utility plant in the world, supplying electricity for 300,000 families with 20,000 solar Stirling Engines.

WHO is greatly honored you can accept our invitation to be our Honorary Senior Advisers. "Be proud you are citizens of the world an not citizens of one country."

May harmony prevail in the world !

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph.D., Class of 60

Director General
World Harmony Organization.